Local Legends and Ghost stories.

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May 16, 2019
The truly interesting aspect of that is what it reveals about death. That after death we retain a consciousness of ourselves. She was still herself and in her place could speak. Everyone one of my experiences showed that we retain who we are but simply move on as this life loses relevance. IMO humans, go through a long infancy for a reason. It purges the past from us and indoctrinates us into this existence.

My cousin as a baby would begin hysterical screaming if he smelled cooking meat. This carried over into his time as a toddler. He was a strict vegetarian from weaning. He refused to eat any meat. This faded over time and by the time he was around 6 or 7 he was eating as any normal kid would. I asked him about it when he was about that age. He said it was because it gave him nightmares of when he died in his last life. So I asked him about that. He said he was in a war flying an airplane and was shot down and he burned to death as it fell. This was coming from a 7 year old. He couldn't tell me about the plane or anything about his previous life.

He's in his forties now and only has vague recollections of things, but he makes an effort not to remember. Even now he really only prefers to eat fish and veggies. I guess he loves sushi because it's not cooked.

Being receptive to this type of things runs in my family. My siblings and I were raised to be accepting and open to things that are now called metaphysical. We lived in a small apartment above a shop that was haunted by the previous owner. My parents got it cheap because the landlord couldn't keep people there more than a few weeks because of the "ghost". That was in Boyle Heights where I was born.


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Nov 9, 2014
I’ve enjoyed reading this thread over the past week and love listening or reading others experiences to challenge my own beliefs to see if the logically make sense and can benefit you in some way.

I was raised Catholic and went to high school in a Non Denominational Christian School. I consider myself a Free Agent and don’t believe in religions.

I’m not trying to make this a religious debate ( I wish we had a section to post religious and politics because a lot of you guys have more experience and living than I do.)

I’m skeptical of ghosts, spirits, etc.. I’d greatly like to experience an encounter to question myself, watching the Ghost Encounter shows are a sham but people get excitement from them. IDK

The ones that do interest me the most are the reincarnation stories. Especially guys in war time and a kid remembers it all.


May 16, 2019
Things are going on daily all around us, but we are so engrossed in our own lives that we don't see it. Here is perhaps the creepiest story I have. It's also 100% true. It was the summer of 1979, in Manhattan Beach, CA. about 2:30 am Saturday morning. Some friends from work and I had been talking about just this kind of stuff all day at work. So I told them I knew of a place that many times things happened if they wanted to stay up late and join me they were welcome. There were 2 girls, 3 guys besides myself. I took them to a 24 hour coffee shop a couple of blocks from Manhattan pier. On the corner of the intersection was another very popular coffee shop called the Kettle, but this wasn't it. This was a block to the north of it. It generally was very quiet even on a weekend.

Let me set the stage. The shop had big windows on two sides, the front and one other side. There was the usual sidewalk, and 3 steps up to the front door. When you entered there was a counter with swivel stools immediately in front of the door extending to the left of the door. We sat in a large circular booth in the front to the right of the door in the corner of the room.

When we arrived at about 2am there was only one couple at a table and one large man wearing a long black overcoat and a dark ballcap, sitting at the counter in the middle of the row of seats drinking coffee.

We sat there talking quietly for half an hour with my friends getting impatient....expecting something strange to happen, like maybe a UFO landing in the parking lot across street. Finally one guy said "Well??"

I said "Well what?"

He responded, "I knew you were full of shit."

I was quiet for a moment, and said "No I just wanted to see if any of you see it."

"What?" he said.

We were talking very quietly all this time. "Him" I said as I nudged by chin at the guy at the counter. There is no way he could have heard us. There was background music to keep the employees awake and he was too far away. He had his head down and we were to his side, and slightly behind him.

Just as I said that the guy put some money on the counter, got up and walked to the door with his head down. Just as he got to the door he stopped for just a moment, raised his head and looked at us smiling. All my friends gasped and one girl began screaming hysterically. He had bright red eyes. The man immediately went through the door. But he didn't come out the other side. We couldn't see the actual door because of the angle but we could see immediately beyond it. The door never opened.

The manager came running over as the screaming girl was sobbing hysterically. He said he would call for help. There was no 911 in those days so he called the cops. One of the guys who was a devote Catholic was continually crossing himself and praying. He kept saying OMG it was Satan!! The cops thought everyone was high on drugs and hallucinating. I just sat there saying nothing at all.

Finally I looked at the manager and smiled and said "Don't look so angry. When this gets out you will be packed every night!" and I laughed.

The girl I was seeing at the time sitting next to me asked me "How did you know".

I shook my head and answered honestly, that I didn't know how. It was simply a feeling I got the moment we walked in. We were "lucky" because normally things like that didn't happen, even then. But they did happen enough so that I knew it was one of those places. I was there regularly....the food was good and I didn't have to fight crowds.