Local Legends and Ghost stories.

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Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Very interesting reading; I have always felt that I've had a guide or a helper in my life to show me the way and to bail my dumb arse out from time to time. One night while sleeping on my couch in a completely dark living room I awoke. I tossed and turned for an hour or so then I looked up to see a super bright gold colored dot or light on the wall above me. I thought it was a reflection but quickly realized that it could not be. There was no light in the room to cause a reflection like that.
The next thought that went through my mind was that I was dreaming so I actually pinched my leg to make sure I was awake. At this time I was a bit shaken so I went to sit up and the dot of light danced out of view.
I was a little freaked out at what I had seen but I also felt calm and I had a warm feeling of being safe.
The next morning at breakfast my wife asked me if I was going to go to visit my mother's grave. She reminded me that it was the anniversary of her passing.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #62
OK its funny how things shake out some times. Been posting in this thread really enjoying it. Here is the catch. My youngest daughter (she is 9) came to me this morning and said. "I saw grandpa last night." Her grandpa is 5 years passed. I said really are you sure you weren't dreaming. "No don't think so." I said what did he do. "He just walked thru my room and into the wall. He had the same glasses on and everything." I said he must have been checking to see that everyone was doing well. She acted like it was no big deal. This is not the first time one of my daughters had said something similar. I just found the timing odd.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Some of these stories about relatives passing away and then showing up again brings to mind a personal experience that I've never shared with anyone but a few family members(because anyone else would think I was lying or high on something when it happened.) :)

In February of 1973 I had just turned 22 and was scheduled to report to the army in the beginning of March. I was living in a house I had rented. One night while working at my job at an electronics plant, I was told by my supervisor that there was a cop who needed to talk to me. He told me that I was needed at my parent's house immediately but wouldn't say why. It wasn't hard to figure out that something tragic had happened, considering that cops don't usually show up at your work place unless they plan to arrest you.

My father had died unexpectedly at age 43. My mother, who had just gotten out of the hospital the day before after surgery, was laying in a bed in the living room and my little brother had been sent to a neighbor's house for the night. She was heavily medicated and out cold.

I settled into my dad's recliner next to my mom, with their dog in my arms and waited in the dark doing the usual thinking and reminiscing that people do at times like that.

Just before the sun came up there was a sound from the back bedroom where my dad had died. It was a roar like an angry lion would make and seemed to last for a few minutes. I fully expected my dad or some demonic creature to come charging out and kill me. The dog growled and my mother awoke and shouted my dad's name and then went back to sleep. After all these years, I still don't know what to make of that experience.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
When my 1st wife got made, which was often, lightbulbs would blow in the house. Sometimes they actually exploded. I can recall one time her walking down the hallway and as she walked past each light they went out, and there were like 3 lights in that hallway :)


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #67
When my 1st wife got made, which was often, lightbulbs would blow in the house. Sometimes they actually exploded. I can recall one time her walking down the hallway and as she walked past each light they went out, and there were like 3 lights in that hallway :)

My first my wife was half Cherokee and all bitch. I would rather try an skin a live Grizzly in a telephone booth with a butter knife than go down that road again. But yours sounds interesting tell us more. ;)


Jan 23, 2013
When my 1st wife got made, which was often, lightbulbs would blow in the house. Sometimes they actually exploded. I can recall one time her walking down the hallway and as she walked past each light they went out, and there were like 3 lights in that hallway :)

What?! That is nuts.


Jan 23, 2013
Some of these stories about relatives passing away and then showing up again brings to mind a personal experience that I've never shared with anyone but a few family members(because anyone else would think I was lying or high on something when it happened.) :)

In February of 1973 I had just turned 22 and was scheduled to report to the army in the beginning of March. I was living in a house I had rented. One night while working at my job at an electronics plant, I was told by my supervisor that there was a cop who needed to talk to me. He told me that I was needed at my parent's house immediately but wouldn't say why. It wasn't hard to figure out that something tragic had happened, considering that cops don't usually show up at your work place unless they plan to arrest you.

My father had died unexpectedly at age 43. My mother, who had just gotten out of the hospital the day before after surgery, was laying in a bed in the living room and my little brother had been sent to a neighbor's house for the night. She was heavily medicated and out cold.

I settled into my dad's recliner next to my mom, with their dog in my arms and waited in the dark doing the usual thinking and reminiscing that people do at times like that.

Just before the sun came up there was a sound from the back bedroom where my dad had died. It was a roar like an angry lion would make and seemed to last for a few minutes. I fully expected my dad or some demonic creature to come charging out and kill me. The dog growled and my mother awoke and shouted my dad's name and then went back to sleep. After all these years, I still don't know what to make of that experience.

Wow that must have been devastating. Heart attack? How did your Dad die? That roar would have made me shit my pants.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Wow that must have been devastating. Heart attack? How did your Dad die? That roar would have made me crap my pants.

He died from a heart attack. He was obese, drank coffee like a fiend, and smoked four packs of cigarettes a day. Don't remember the brand but there was a picture of a blue sky and clouds on the packs and they had a coupon on the back. He had a whole drawer full of them.

He had quit drinking a year earlier and I suspect that the combination of that and the stress of my being headed to Vietnam, along with his poor physical condition pushed him over the edge.

There's a long genetic history of males in my family not making it out of their 40's. My mom told me that he had gone to see a psychic who had told him that he would die in his 40's. That's when the heavy drinking started.

He never told me about the visit to the psychic but when he got drunk enough he would say things like "I'm not going to be around much longer," and "Enjoy your life son, because it'll be over before you know it." It took me years to shake that fear because I thought I was doomed as well.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #73
Have had my palm read a couple of times on a lark. Always the same drivel. You will live a long and happy life, Your love life will be wonderful, yada,yada yada. Always been afraid to meet a real fortune teller. Some doors are locked for a reason.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I told this story some time ago here, but it's my only experience with this kind of thing.

When I was in 10th grade my family was forced to go live in Ft Leavenworth KS for a year. My Dad was a military officer and had to attend the Command and General Staff College there. Thank God you only have to live there a year... the class is finished in that time. There is absolutely nothing to do living there. If you looked out our back windows of the house, there was a beautiful view of the Federal Penitentiary... our backyard ended at the fence surrounding the place. They actually had a buffalo in the big treeless acreage surrounding it.

My friend's Dad was the base Commode and because of that his family lived in the biggest house on base. It was super old and HUGE. Me and several other friends always liked to hang out over there because we had like a whole level of the house to ourselves without adults. I remember being over there one day and seeing his Dad run out in the front yard and screaming at some people who had stopped their car and got out to take pics of their house. I thought his Dad was going overboard with that and asked my friend why his pops was being such a dick to folks just wanting to take pics of the General's house. So my friend tells me that his Dad was pissed because they weren't taking pics of the "General's house"... they were taking pics of the "Haunted House".

His Dad didn't believe in the story that came with the house. Apparently the house was in some haunted house books and even the base itself is considered the most haunted military base in existence. He hated the whole idea. The story about his house was that a Grandmother was babysitting her Granddaughter one night and the Granddaughter died of natural causes. The Grandmother died of shock or heart attack as a result. The Grandmother's spirit is said to be the ghost... a helpful ghost. Supposedly her ghost is drawn out by young children the most. After hearing about all of this I did start to notice some very strange things.

His Dad was always accusing us of hiding his things. This guy was ultra particular and organized... not the type to misplace anything. There were many times when he couldn't find something in it's spot and he'd come asking everyone what we did with it. Then he'd go back and find the item right where it was supposed to be. He was convinced that we were trying to make him believe in the ghost story... we were all convinced that he was getting old and not looking close enough for his shit.

They had a large poodle. Cool as shit dog and super smart. There were many times that that dog would go over to the doorway of what used to be the Grandmother's room and just start barking like there was something in there. It was really freaky. This dog wouldn't normally bark at much. Several times when I saw the dog start barking at what appeared to be nothing... the hair on the back of my neck would stand up. It was freaky as shit.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me happened one night when I was sleeping over. We had an away basketball trip the next day that lasted over the weekend. Our coach had given each of us a list of things not to forget. I was already packed, but I was helping my friend put all his stuff together. He had everything laid out on the bed for his list. He had everything on the list but his jersey... he couldn't find it anywhere. He figured his Mom probably had it in the washroom downstairs... so down the spiral staircase we went. The only way to get to his huge room (which was actually the maids quarters back in the old days) was to go up this long spiral staircase that went down into the kitchen... there was no other entry to his room. His Mom was in the kitchen when we went down to ask her for it... that's when his mom started to lay into my friend for not taking care of his shit etc etc... she didn't have his jersey and hadn't seen it.

So we go back up the staircase to his room. I shit you not,,, that damned jersey was laying on the bed right above his shorts. We both almost lost it. There was no way anyone could have gone into that room without us seeing them go up that staircase. I'll never forget that as long as I live.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #76
Was a Sgt-Majors kid. Never made it to Leavenworth. But was at a place called Schilling Manor outside Salina KS. It had been an Air Force landing field for the B-52s. It was converted to a waiting wives base during the Vietnam War. Nothing to do there either. Except race bikes up and down the landing strip.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Was a Sgt-Majors kid. Never made it to Leavenworth. But was at a place called Schilling Manor outside Salina KS. It had been an Air Force landing field for the B-52s. It was converted to a waiting wives base during the Vietnam War. Nothing to do there either. Except race bikes up and down the landing strip.

It was so bad in Leavenworth... I actually "broke into the prison". Not really into the prison, but I would jump 2 sets of fences leading up to the prison walls so that I could get into the pasture that had the large pond in it. I did it so I could fish. Nothing but small pan fish in the pond, but it was better than no fishing at all. I had to keep an eye out for that buffalo though.

Also the reason I became a Royals fan... went to a boat load of games there during that year. Kansas City was just right across the river.

The base cemetery there is also supposed to be haunted. It's extremely old and there are many stories about ghosts in it. I stayed the hell out of it though.