Local Legends and Ghost stories.

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Loon Lake Cemetery

I've mentioned on here before about it being haunted , or , at least legend says

well , looks like someone has made a movie based on the legend

not sure who made the movie , probably some small independent film company out of Minneapolis

the legend goes , 3 teenage girls were buried alive there back in the late 1800's for being witches

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYSXf_wfcKA


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #83
Loon Lake Cemetery

I've mentioned on here before about it being haunted , or , at least legend says

well , looks like someone has made a movie based on the legend

not sure who made the movie , probably some small independent film company out of Minneapolis

the legend goes , 3 teenage girls were buried alive there back in the late 1800's for being witches

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYSXf_wfcKA

Now that's cool.


Jan 23, 2013
I just found out that Freddie Kruger really existed. He lived in Wayne, PA. He really lived in a boiler room of an old factory and he murdered 20 children using a garden hook, within a 3 mile radius. He was committed to an insane asylum. He died in his sleep at age 75. The old asylum is a popular haunted site.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Ok. So here's my story. I was never a believer or non-believer in ghosts. I thought, well I suppose it's possible. But it was something I would have to see to believe.

During my second marriage, we lived in a two story center stairway house in Arlington VA. I would walk in the front door and put my keys on the fireplace mantel that was about 4 ft from the front door. Every once in a while I would find them across the living room on the bookshelves. I just figured my wife was moving them. Middle of the winter. All the windows are shut. Bathroom door across from the master bedroom slams shut about 2 AM. This happened several times. After living in the house for two years my wife wakes me one night and tells me their is a man in our bedroom. Of course I don't see him and she said he disappeared. This happens several more times. One night she nudges me and puts her hand over my mouth so I can't say anything. There is a man standing in the middle of our bedroom. He was wearing blue slacks, white shirt and a red vest. "HOLY S**T" comes out of my mouth and poof, he's gone. I saw him two more times, once at the foot of our bed and once next to our bed leaning over looking at my wife.

So we start talking to the neighbors and the told us that the owner before the people who currently own the house, we rented from them, was a man who died in the house and worked at the library of congress. Want to guess what he wore to work every day? Blue slacks, white shirt and red vest.

So we talked to him, the ghost, and asked him to stop slamming the bathroom door. Which he did. Now, this was not to our benefit. He would slowly close the door at 2AM. And it would squeak. I could close the same door any which way and could not get it to squeak, but at 2AM, yup, it squeaked. Every damn time.

We moved out and I visited the neighborhood several years later. The owners we rented from had sold to a young couple with young kids. So I started to talk to the mother and asked her if she had seen him. She had not. I asked about things moving in the house. That had happened. And, she said that hey oldest daughter who was around three had told her about a man that she was talking to in her room. And he started slamming the bathroom door again.

Now, I don't pretend to try and convince people that ghosts are real. You have to make up your own mind. But from what I saw and experienced, I can come to no other conclusion. Like I said, I was on the fence. I no longer am.

BTW, my asked me one day why I kept moving her keys from the fireplace mantel to the bookshelves. It wasn't me.


Mar 17, 2014
I have twins 1 boy, 1 girl.
We have friends that had a grandson 1 month before my kids were born. So, naturally they became playmates.
The family are very close friends of mine.

It's about 1 month before my friends grandsons 2nd birthday.
I was lying on the couch when my son comes running in. He starts pulling on my arm."Go. GO!" He kept this up for a few minutes until I could calm him down. He was acting extremely out of character and I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. (Not quite 2 yrs old himself).

The next day, my friend called.
Their grandson had drowned at the in laws around 5 pm.
We were crushed.

Shortly after, things started happening in the backyard where my kids toys were. One toy in particular was my sons push car. It had lights and music buttons that would go off at night for no reason. At first I thought it might be caused by low batteries. That wasnt the case. Even after putting new batteries in it kept going off.
This went on for about 2 months, then suddenly stopped.

After this, I have no doubt that the young are closer to another side than adults.
This might also explain more unexplained activity, when children are around.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I have twins 1 boy, 1 girl.
We have friends that had a grandson 1 month before my kids were born. So, naturally they became playmates.
The family are very close friends of mine.

It's about 1 month before my friends grandsons 2nd birthday.
I was lying on the couch when my son comes running in. He starts pulling on my arm."Go. GO!" He kept this up for a few minutes until I could calm him down. He was acting extremely out of character and I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. (Not quite 2 yrs old himself).

The next day, my friend called.
Their grandson had drowned at the in laws around 5 pm.
We were crushed.

Shortly after, things started happening in the backyard where my kids toys were. One toy in particular was my sons push car. It had lights and music buttons that would go off at night for no reason. At first I thought it might be caused by low batteries. That wasnt the case. Even after putting new batteries in it kept going off.
This went on for about 2 months, then suddenly stopped.

After this, I have no doubt that the young are closer to another side than adults.
This might also explain more unexplained activity, when children are around.

That's creepy Man.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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I believe these things happen all the time. But so many of us are so busy living our lives we just don't notice. The keys are a perfect example. How many times have you set something down then returned to get it and its gone or moved? We have the ability to rationalize anything. But you know dam well where you left it. Sounds, opening doors, lights, happens all the time. Old house, bad wiring. On and on.. And then there is fear. Fear of being called crazy, fear of the unknown anything that doesn't fit in the nice neat little box that is our life. When was the last time you looked up? Seriously when was the last time you looked up for any length of time. Or paid attention to those things you see out of the corner of your eye. Things are going on all a round us but because of our straight ahead tunnel vision we don't see. Or just choose not too.
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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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The stories about children bother me the most. The thought of a child lingering in some in between world. Lost and alone. Well that tears me up.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I don't believe in ghosts.

But I'll add this story because it was weird.

As a child I was at the public pool one summer afternoon with my little sister who was just learning to swim. She sort of could and sort of couldn't. There was a "little kids" area that was roped off especially for kids like her that had shallow water. It was an L shaped pool with a large concrete pool deck, typical public pool I guess.

One day I was napping on my towel, literally asleep. I was taking a break from a game we played with the lifeguards where they would throw a rubber brick into the 10' deep end and we would all dive in in a race to get it.

Suddenly I woke up in a jolt and looked right in the direction of my sister in the deep end trying to dog-paddle. Her face was under the water and I could only see her red bathing cap as she went up and down submerging and trying to surface but not quite able to get her head above water. I ran full speed into the water and grabbed her and pulled her out. The lifeguard hadn't noticed for some reason, who knows. She was safe that's all that mattered

So anyway it was bizarre ad every now and then it still comes up. I went from sound asleep to keeping my sister from drowning in about 4 seconds.


@Dodgersrf story made this come to mind. So I looked on Google and the pool isn't there anymore but you can see where it was because it's been filled in with cement. It was located right near the Jr. High and HS in that neighborhood.
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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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  • #92
I don't believe in ghosts.

But I'll add this story because it was weird.

As a child I was at the public pool one summer afternoon with my little sister who was just learning to swim. She sort of could and sort of couldn't. There was a "little kids" area that was roped off especially for kids like her that had shallow water. It was an L shaped pool with a large concrete pool deck, typical public pool I guess.

One day I was napping on my towel, literally asleep. I was taking a break from a game we played with the lifeguards where they would throw a rubber brick into the 10' deep end and we would all dive in in a race to get it.

Suddenly I woke up in a jolt and looked right in the direction of my sister in the deep end trying to dog-paddle. Her face was under the water and I could only see her red bathing cap as she went up and down submerging and trying to surface but not quite able to get her head above water. I ran full speed into the water and grabbed her and pulled her out. The lifeguard hadn't noticed for some reason, who knows. She was safe that's all that mattered

So anyway it was bizarre ad every now and then it still comes up. I went from sound asleep to keeping my sister from drowning in about 4 seconds.
Not weird at all. Psychic an or blood bond.


Mar 17, 2014
The stories about children bother me the most. The thought of a child lingering in some in between world. Lost and alone. Well that tears me up.
I was relieved when the activity stopped. It only went on for a short time.

The accident didnt happen at my place though. That is what I found odd.

The fact that my son was trying to take me somewhere, the same exact time we lost Riley really freaked me out.
It still could have just been a coincidence.

After Riley past. His parents split up. I guess it's not uncommon with the loss of an only child.

They managed to work through it a couple years later and reunited.
They have been together ever since and have 2 more beautiful little boys.
The couple are in their late 20s now and I find their success through an extremely tough time very inspiring.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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I have had a few experiences. I tell people I have never seen an apparition but I have. The story is just so out there that I have never told anyone not even the people who were with me. I also saw something in the night sky but again it had me doubting myself because it wasn't typical of what people see. That's another story I have never told anyone. I guess what I am getting to is though I believe I still have questions. Why do certain people see things and others don't? Why are certain areas more active than others. The one person in modern times I believe could have returned with some answers apparently didn't. Houdini. He hated spiritualist and mediums and debunked them at every chance. Even I understand setting up a process where by if he was able to return he could make it known. Harry call me.


May 16, 2019
The story I'm going to post here is 100% true. It happened in the fall of 1975 when I was living in the San Fernando Valley with the only male roommate I've ever had. His name is Ron and he and I had worked together the year before. He was studying at UCLA pre-med and I was working as an junior analyst at Dunn & Bradstreet in downtown LA.

That particular evening I was unusually late getting home from work. Traffic was horrendous as usual but I got held up by my boss to finish a pressing project earlier than originally called for. So I didn't get home until around 8pm. I found Ron sitting in the living room watching TV. He said he'd gotten home a couple of hours previous. Then he mentioned something that shocked me. He said why didn't I tell him about my current girlfriend. I blinked and asked him what the hell he was talking about. He said she was in my bedroom when he got home (fully clothed). He didn't know she was there until she came out of the bedroom. He said not only is she pretty but way out of my league because she's so damn smart and fun. Again I asked what do you mean? He said she sat in the living room talking until just about 5 minutes before I walked in the door.

So I walked down the hall to my bedroom and walked in. The room was empty and totally undisturbed. I called Ron to come in and he was completely shocked. I asked him to describe the girl and then I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a photo. The photo is the very same one I posted of her in another thread. Ron said that was her even dressed the same.

I met Ron about a year after Randi's death. He never met her and I never talked about her because it was just too painful. I asked him what they talked about. He said mainly about things she and I did. He said after a while it seemed a bit odd that here it was I had a beautiful girlfriend and doing all this stuff and never told him? When Ron asked her why she and I weren't living together, she got sad and said she doesn't live in LA anymore. He asked her where she lived and she smiled at him and said it's "out of state" very pretty and very peaceful compared to LA. But she wouldn't say more. He just figured she and I had a bad breakup and maybe were going to get back together again. She changed the subject and they simply had a very friendly, sometimes funny conversation. That was how she was.

He saw her one more time in the apartment but only for a few seconds. He said he came home and she was standing in the hall outside my bedroom door. It freaked him out but she just smiled at him and said "Hi Ron....oh it's not heaven just a different place" then before he could say anything she walked into my bedroom. You see, Ron was raised in a strict Catholic home and all spiritual matters had always conformed to that up bringing.

She never appeared to me in that way. I was always "dreaming" in a very realistic way. We would interact, i.e. talk and hold each other, I would wake up feeling very sad and frustrated, but most strikingly I always remembered each time in detail and to this day have not forgotten any of it. Something that simply doesn't happen with dreams.

It is not my intention to spark a religious debate. Only to say I know beyond all doubt that life doesn't end with death. Not only from this but other things I've experienced during my life. Ghost stories, yeah I got a whole lot of them and all of them real.

It's a reason I took so many solo multi-day hikes. I get out in the back country alone and in that isolation I could discover things about my self, my life and how thing fit together. In another thread I come off as a bit of a prepper but I'm not really. In fact if things get that bad I hope I go quickly and easily because I don't want to live in a world like that. I've seen first hand how ugly things can get and it's been enough for me. I will just be happy to move on to the next chapter.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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"Hi Ron....oh it's not heaven just a different place"
This is interesting. I have heard/read this type of thing before. A heaven would have to be all things to all peoples. Or different for everyone. This suggests a different reality. Hopefully without the pain of this one. Still opens the floor for even more questions.


May 16, 2019
Yes that comment has turned Ron's world upside down in some ways. What I told him was not to let it confuse him. To take it simply as confirmation that death is simply a transition to somewhere different. If he wants to think of it as heaven fine, no quarrel from me. I view it differently because of my life experiences which includes a lot of death. I finished my naval career working in SICU, recovery, and the in ambulance response and have been personally involved in many deaths, near deaths, and death with revivals, i.e. cardiac resuscitation. What those people told me about those experiences has changed my whole life and how I live it. How I die is more important than the actual dying if you can understand that.

My dad did it the right way. He went on a 4 day holiday with my mom and 3 sisters and two son-in-laws to Vegas. One of the son-in-laws is an executive with a company that does a whole lot of business with the casinos so the entire thing was comp'd. He had a great time, but he was different. Normally he would hit the casino floor with X amount of $$. When that was gone so was his gaming night. If he won he would hand the winnings to my mother and continue to play. That time he simply kept plowing it back in and playing. He simply broke even every night until the last night when he won big and gave my mother a net winnings of $8K for the trip.

Comes home on Monday, and goes in for a routine doc appointment on Wednesday. They decided to keep him in the hospital over night because of some test results. He went to sleep that night and passed peacefully in his sleep.

That's why I think of my life as simply a chapter in the totality of my existence. Do we have some control after death? Absolutely IMO.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
The story I'm going to post here is 100% true. It happened in the fall of 1975 when I was living in the San Fernando Valley with the only male roommate I've ever had. His name is Ron and he and I had worked together the year before. He was studying at UCLA pre-med and I was working as an junior analyst at Dunn & Bradstreet in downtown LA.

That particular evening I was unusually late getting home from work. Traffic was horrendous as usual but I got held up by my boss to finish a pressing project earlier than originally called for. So I didn't get home until around 8pm. I found Ron sitting in the living room watching TV. He said he'd gotten home a couple of hours previous. Then he mentioned something that shocked me. He said why didn't I tell him about my current girlfriend. I blinked and asked him what the hell he was talking about. He said she was in my bedroom when he got home (fully clothed). He didn't know she was there until she came out of the bedroom. He said not only is she pretty but way out of my league because she's so damn smart and fun. Again I asked what do you mean? He said she sat in the living room talking until just about 5 minutes before I walked in the door.

So I walked down the hall to my bedroom and walked in. The room was empty and totally undisturbed. I called Ron to come in and he was completely shocked. I asked him to describe the girl and then I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a photo. The photo is the very same one I posted of her in another thread. Ron said that was her even dressed the same.

I met Ron about a year after Randi's death. He never met her and I never talked about her because it was just too painful. I asked him what they talked about. He said mainly about things she and I did. He said after a while it seemed a bit odd that here it was I had a beautiful girlfriend and doing all this stuff and never told him? When Ron asked her why she and I weren't living together, she got sad and said she doesn't live in LA anymore. He asked her where she lived and she smiled at him and said it's "out of state" very pretty and very peaceful compared to LA. But she wouldn't say more. He just figured she and I had a bad breakup and maybe were going to get back together again. She changed the subject and they simply had a very friendly, sometimes funny conversation. That was how she was.

He saw her one more time in the apartment but only for a few seconds. He said he came home and she was standing in the hall outside my bedroom door. It freaked him out but she just smiled at him and said "Hi Ron....oh it's not heaven just a different place" then before he could say anything she walked into my bedroom. You see, Ron was raised in a strict Catholic home and all spiritual matters had always conformed to that up bringing.

She never appeared to me in that way. I was always "dreaming" in a very realistic way. We would interact, i.e. talk and hold each other, I would wake up feeling very sad and frustrated, but most strikingly I always remembered each time in detail and to this day have not forgotten any of it. Something that simply doesn't happen with dreams.

It is not my intention to spark a religious debate. Only to say I know beyond all doubt that life doesn't end with death. Not only from this but other things I've experienced during my life. Ghost stories, yeah I got a whole lot of them and all of them real.

It's a reason I took so many solo multi-day hikes. I get out in the back country alone and in that isolation I could discover things about my self, my life and how thing fit together. In another thread I come off as a bit of a prepper but I'm not really. In fact if things get that bad I hope I go quickly and easily because I don't want to live in a world like that. I've seen first hand how ugly things can get and it's been enough for me. I will just be happy to move on to the next chapter.
Dude if this was made into a movie I would watch it!(y)


May 16, 2019
Coconut that isn't the story that would make the best movie. The ghost story from the war is the one to make a movie about. It's totally true but it's one that no one would believe, so that's why it's movie material. It's also why I told the one that I did.

My ghost encounters started when I was about 4 or 5 years old. We were poor with my parents and 4 kids living in a tiny 2 bedroom apartments in the Basilone Homes project. We kids were in the second bedroom sleeping in bunk beds. My grandparents lived with my aunt and uncle several miles away.

It was about 2 am while the family was asleep, I was awaken by my grandmother. She spoke almost no English and she sounded angry. She wanted me to wake up because she wanted to tell me something. I was groggy and said, "I'm awake grandma what do you want?" She said no one would wake up except me and she was shouting at them and she was frustrated. I really didn't even have my eyes fully open and said "I'm listening grandma you can tell me."

Grandma said "tell everyone I love them and goodbye" I didn't comprehend what she was saying because I didn't think she had come over last night but I said "I love you too grandma goodbye".
I barely said that when the phone began to ring. My brother said "shut up and turn the light off" he was angry.

I said "I'm talking to grandma". He said "she's not here stupid!!" That is when I noticed that the room was slightly lit but it faded very quickly. I could hear my mother starting to cry and my father was still on the phone.

My brother (who is 2 years older) got really mad and said "Now what?" in regards to mom crying.
I said "grandma died and said to tell you goodbye and she loves us." I don't know how I knew only that I did know that she had died.

"What are you talking about stupid!" was my brother's response.

Grandma had a long running fight with cancer. According to my aunt she died in her sleep.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
She spoke almost no English and she sounded angry. She wanted me to wake up because she wanted to tell me something. I was groggy and said, "I'm awake grandma what do you want?" She said no one would wake up except me and she was shouting at them and she was frustrated. I really didn't even have my eyes fully open and said "I'm listening grandma you can tell me."
This to seems a very common theme and only natural. Seems you were the only one who was receptive. Actually quite comforting if you can accept it. And not feel you are going crazy.