I guess my point isn't that it makes sense to move. To me it makes more sense to stay. But I still look at all the possible pieces. If as you say Coach, that the MO citizens should just spend Stan's $$$ and not give him another penny, I don't think that is in line with reality. I just don't think he will build a stadium without something from the region either in lots of tax deferrals, infrastructure improvements, etc... How much? I don't know. My only guess is that Stan works out the best deal he can for Stan. I firmly believe he would rather stay in MO but regardless, there will eventually be a team in LA and no matter what team that is, they will have the same costs involved less a $200 million LOAN.
My concern is that St Louisians (is that right?) take the stance that Stan is a BILLIONAIRE so let him pay the whole thing. 14 of the NFL owners are billionaires. Paul Allen is reportedly worth three times Stan's wealth. And yet the state aided big time in the construction of a stadium built on 30 acres downtown. In the grand scheme of things, regional and fan support means a lot.
I hope MO doesn't take the position that Stan is on his own in keeping the Rams there. I'm not too sure that will work out well for them.
I apologize if I made it sound like I THINK Missourians will take that stance. What I see happening, is something similar to how DeWitt and the Cardinals got Busch III built. Even though the voters didn't pony up by passing the bond issues, etc. the city, state found creative ways to make it work.
As you said, tax breaks, TIF monies, increasing the tobacco and hotel tax, etc.
At the end of the day, Kroenke is looking for whatever ANYONE in his position would be looking for. The most financially attractive package he can assemble to get the stadium he wants. There will be city, county, state funds along with the G4 NFL money, and Kroenke himself. It has been said more often than I can count, that Kroenke is more than willing to putting up HIS share to get this done. But too many seem to have the impression he is looking for a "handout".
The thing that rankles the media types like Bernie and Charles Jaco, is that all of this is going to be done behind closed doors. So as I said earlier, in the absence of FACTS, just write articles based on nothing but conjecture and speculation. I guess Bernie assumes he is important enough in this town, that if he causes a big enough stir, then somehow it will force the powers that be to finally step up and address the issues to put a stop to his "noise". Nothing more than the "squeaky wheel" syndrome.
The sad part is, it does create quite the stir, and unfortunately, there are way too many people who think that if its in the newspaper or "on the internet" it must be true. Kinda like that tv commercial...