But the cultural climate has changed. No longer is it considered disgraceful or uncouth to be seen with a San Francisco 49er. The era of
stout men, some of whom have
push-broom mustaches, has passed. The Niners have earned some respectability and acceptance in the public eye. They’re even considered a trendy topic of conversation this year.
Yes, you might cringe at just hearing the word “NFL.” Who would want their child participating in football, with the injury risks, manipulative management, and overzealous, toxic fanbase? Nonetheless, Garoppolo shouldn’t be shamed or shunned for what he does to make a living. It’s his body, and he can do what he wants with it.
Kiara Mia is a professional who can make her own choices and who deserves to find happiness, even if it comes in the form of a player for the third-best NFL team in California. Let’s just be happy for them.
from TMZ Sports