Is it possible that Malaysia plane was stolen?

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May 28, 2011
As time goes on the thesis that it is somewhere on land becomes more and more accepted,and FWIW the US could know where and be in the midst of planning a rescue mission that would not be served by disclosing that we know where it is.
As far as it's usefulness,Pakistan has numerous nukes and materials to construct them ,that plane could be re purposed to carry a nuke quite easily and IF the passengers are alive it COULD be that they would be on the plane when it was commissioned on it's intended mission, leaving it a tough damned call whether to let it into vulnerable air space or shoot it down.

I don't see why the US would bother with a rescue mission, there's what, 3 Americans on board? If there was a stolen nuke (which it's doubtful Pakistan would be giving one up to terrorists, if they were in that business you'd imagine they would have already given one to the Taliban or Al Qaeda) put on board, with hostages as a deterrent, I would guess 10 out of 10 countries would still blow that thing out of the air. The radiation may be more widely dispersed, but it wouldn't be as concentrated, and the damage compared to if it were to hit the ground would be far less. Better to kill off the 230 something people, than thousands. That seems more like the plot of an action movie than what we have here.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I don't see why the US would bother with a rescue mission, there's what, 3 Americans on board? If there was a stolen nuke (which it's doubtful Pakistan would be giving one up to terrorists, if they were in that business you'd imagine they would have already given one to the Taliban or Al Qaeda) put on board, with hostages as a deterrent, I would guess 10 out of 10 countries would still blow that thing out of the air. The radiation may be more widely dispersed, but it wouldn't be as concentrated, and the damage compared to if it were to hit the ground would be far less. Better to kill off the 230 something people, than thousands. That seems more like the plot of an action movie than what we have here.

There used to be a day when we would do exactly that. I guess things have changed.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Scanning the news , no reports that debris is found and confirmed to be the plane

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Scanning the news , no reports that debris is found and confirmed to be the plane

Yeah... The satellite photos that captured photos of 2 objects, one being about 75 feet long and another around 20 feet, have yet to be found by the planes or boats. The objects were floating in the southern Indian Ocean on March 16. Guess the weather conditions are making the search for the objects very difficult.


It's far fetched. But a bomb or dirty materials on a plane would be disastrous.

Very true....and it could go untold for years. But why would someone want to do this to a Malaysian jet with Chinese on board. It just does not make sense.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Very true....and it could go untold for years. But why would someone want to do this to a Malaysian jet with Chinese on board. It just does not make sense.
The most logical answer to that would be security less than other places and proximity to where they wanted to take the plane.
Look I'm not ALL IN that this plane was stolen but there are a few people that seem "ALL IN" on it having crashed.
Most of the possibilities I raise are to expand the possibilities, not the probabilities.
Odds would likely be that it had crashed ,but if it was stolen, that's what the people who stole it would want people to believe, so I keep bringing up the possibilities.


May 28, 2011
It could very well be both. It was stolen and then crashed. Similar to what happened with Flight 93. Or it could have been where they thought they could do something, but ended up messing up. The planes aren't easy to fly, landing is even harder. I don't see a hijacking as being far fetched at all, in fact it would explain a lot. I just don't believe they were successful in what they were planning on doing.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I have to wonder if the passenger list has any clues as to the possible motives,Chinese gov't officials ,scientists etc.

Watch Thunderball,read a Clancy novel and let the imagination take the rest.
BTW in Debt of Honor by Clancy a commercial airliner was used to destroy the U.S Capital , boo was written and published in 1984 and the current Ulkranian situation eerily paralells Clancy's last novel,so not so far fetched.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I have to wonder if the passenger list has any clues as to the possible motives,Chinese gov't officials ,scientists etc.

Watch Thunderball,read a Clancy novel and let the imagination take the rest.
BTW in Debt of Honor by Clancy a commercial airliner was used to destroy the U.S Capital , boo was written and published in 1984 and the current Ulkranian situation eerily paralells Clancy's last novel,so not so far fetched.

12 Chinese weapons experts on board I heard from somewhere but don't know if that means anything.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
When was that?
Jimmy Carter tried in Iran for six or seven Americans comes to mind. Grenada is another example, forget the number of Americans held hostage there although Operation Urgent Fury had other goals as well.. We used to care I think but we seem to like to "stand down" these days.


May 28, 2011
Jimmy Carter tried in Iran for six or seven Americans comes to mind. Grenada is another example, forget the number of Americans held hostage there although Operation Urgent Fury had other goals as well.. We used to care I think but we seem to like to "stand down" these days.

Those are totally different from this situation though. Not even remotely comparable.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Those are totally different from this situation though. Not even remotely comparable.
How so? I thought we were assuming the scenario that the passengers on this missing plane were being held hostage somewhere. Every hostage situation is very different. But I think I know what you mean. I'm was thinking of us finding out where the plane is before it is airborne with a nuke on it. Of course, once it is airborne, the game changes. It's not like Benghazi where we stood down instead of going to the aid of Americans in the shit.


May 28, 2011
How so? I thought we were assuming the scenario that the passengers on this missing plane were being held hostage somewhere. Every hostage situation is very different. But I think I know what you mean. I'm was thinking of us finding out where the plane is before it is airborne with a nuke on it. Of course, once it is airborne, the game changes. It's not like Benghazi where we stood down instead of going to the aid of Americans in the crap.

What I meant was those were primarily American hostages. These are mostly Chinese with a few Americans in there. Granted if we were to find out they were in a hostage situation then the chances of us deploying a Delta Team would rise, but if the scenario came with an NBC threat then it's unlikely. However with the low number of Americans vs other nations, it would be a tricky situation. It would be hard to justify if we lost some people. Better to just bomb it on the ground. Needs of the many. Also you do know two of the guys who died that day were part of the QRF team right?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
What I meant was those were primarily American hostages. These are mostly Chinese with a few Americans in there. Granted if we were to find out they were in a hostage situation then the chances of us deploying a Delta Team would rise, but if the scenario came with an NBC threat then it's unlikely. However with the low number of Americans vs other nations, it would be a tricky situation. It would be hard to justify if we lost some people. Better to just bomb it on the ground. Needs of the many. Also you do know two of the guys who died that day were part of the QRF team right?
Yes I do. They were stranded by a "stand down" order. They put up a hell of a fight though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
They were attacked literally minutes after arriving, they didn't even have a chance to plan a route.
Just had to fight on their own. They made a decision to do the right thing but got hung out to dry. Real heroes those two.