Dude, we’re talking about a famous athlete, someone that people look up to; in my mind there IS a certain amount of responsibility being in the limelight, to be an example of what type of person to strive to be. Sure you can say the Rams are in the wrong, that doesn’t mean he has to get petty and involve former teammates in a drama about him getting paid. And let’s not forget this man is a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE. He’s complaining about not getting MORE MILLIONS in a historic pandemic where regular average people, like us, are struggling and dying from this. It sends a shitty message in my mind, it’s childish. And again, what others have mentioned, I’m sure it has something to do with the cap, they’re finagling with it. Even if that’s not true, it’s their right as an organization to wait and pay, as it was an agreement made by Gurley and the Rams. So why even bring it up until after June 1st? If that’s what he felt was the right thing to do—blast his former team on social media. I mean... Gurley did sign the contract right? Why is this such a surprise?