Game of Thrones: Season 8

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Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Well loyal fans of GoT, have you ever wanted to inspire your mate with a GoT gift, or be inspired yourself to stick someone with the pointy end ? Your significant other will cum to understand your advanced knowledge of swordplay very quickly, even without a tutor like Syrio Forel or Doreah. Imagine being the master of your realm, where poking holes brings ecstatic pleasure for hours on end. Thrones are for sissy's when you can really win the Game of Moans, now is the time to learn Podrick's true secret :


"King of the tyrant lizards"
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 17, 2014
You guys...



Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
So who else was wondering "where the @#$% is Arya?" after the exchange between her and the Red Witch? I was waiting for her to pop up in the crypt and start doin her thing to the wights to protect Sansa.

Where was Davos during the battle? Only remember seeing him before and after. Potty break?

Kind of thought Sansa and Tyrion were going to off themselves or each other for a minute there.

And did Gendry survive? Didnt remember seeing him after Arya stuck the Night King with the pointy end


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
And did Gendry survive? Didnt remember seeing him after Arya stuck the Night King with the pointy end

If they don't show him dead or dying, my guess is that they are still among the living.

Perhaps the opening shot of the next episode should have him & Arya back in the sack, maybe that would be a nice stress reliever for all the couples on the show, as well as those watching. Post funeral sex is definitely a thing, in fact, at my wake, which has been requested, i'll be sure to have someone tell whoever bothers to show up that they should go home and get right at it, right after a drink and a spliff. I've been to a couple great wakes, best way to remember a lost one, and people go home happy, ... if not a bit wasted.
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I drink things, and know nothing
Aug 10, 2013
@LoyalRam Thanks for holding it down. Tough crowd, right?

I don't know where to start. Let's see...

Battle formations: Honestly, I don't think the plans were as bad as mentioned above. I thought the trench was good, and using the Unsullied as back up makes sense. The Unsullied strength is discipline and tight formations; the Dorthraki's are open fields and horses. I admit they could have did without Melisandre's fire and the charge was too early, but don't figure that it's PITCH BLACK. They could not see past the outskirts of Winterfell and had no idea of a location and how many were there.

White Walkers: Why weren't they fighting? They're in control of the dead. Each of them control thousands and if one of them die, they lose a big piece of the army. Also, I'm sure the Night King is aware they have dragonglass and Valyrian steel from previous battles. And let's be honest, they didn't need to! The dead was enough!

Dragons: why didn't they burn most of the dead at first? Let's not forget the goal is to kill the Night King. He could have came from anywhere. But most importantly, it was DARK AND THEY COULDN'T SEE. Maybe the episode wasn't dark enough lol. And when they decided to attack and saw some walkers, they ran into a blizzard.

Deaths: Honestly, I was surprised there wasn't more either. Someone between Jamie, Pod, Gendry, and Brienne should have died, especially fat ass Tarly. All the main characters can't before the end though, otherwise you'll have no story. I see the RW thrown around a lot, but let's be honest, only TWO main characters died in that episode, Catelyn and Robb, and Robb was a actually a minor character in the books and didn't have his own POV chapter. The RW was all about the shock, but more "major" characters have died in later episodes, like Cersei's 9/11.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I think a lot of people are underestimating the time they had to prepare for battle. Everyone knew the army of the dead were coming eventually, but Jon Snow looked surprised when Giantsbane told him they have until before dawn tomorrow

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I really enjoyed the episode.

At 1st... I didn't appreciate the darkness of the scenes... but as it went on I changed my thoughts on that and really enjoyed it believe it or not. After giving more thought to it afterwards... I even liked the darkness more. So much so... I rewatched the whole thing again last night.

Hopefully the rest of the few remaining episodes are as exciting as this one was. There aren't enough left to have to set the stages forever... let's keep this ass kicking going throughout all of the remaining shows!

I know that I'm in the minority with this... but I want the little midget to die. Sorry, I know that using that word is probably not politically correct anymore... but I won't say that guy's actual name because I dislike him that much. I'll be hoping for him to suffer some kind of terrible death till the end. LOL
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I really enjoyed the episode.

At 1st... I didn't appreciate the darkness of the scenes... but as it went on I changed my thoughts on that and really enjoyed it believe it or not. After giving more thought to it afterwards... I even liked the darkness more. So much so... I rewatched the whole thing again last night.

Hopefully the rest of the few remaining episodes are as exciting as this on was. There aren't enough left to have to set the stages forever... let's keep this ass kicking going throughout all of the remaining shows!

I know that I'm in the minority with this... but I want the little midget to die. Sorry, I know that using that word is probably not politically correct anymore... but I won't say that guy's actual name because I dislike him that much. I'll be hoping for him to suffer some kind of terrible death till the end. LOL
Cersei, is that you?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Exactly. I am glad that you are coming around to my view on things....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
@LoyalRam Thanks for holding it down. Tough crowd, right?

I don't know where to start. Let's see...

Battle formations: Honestly, I don't think the plans were as bad as mentioned above. I thought the trench was good, and using the Unsullied as back up makes sense. The Unsullied strength is discipline and tight formations; the Dorthraki's are open fields and horses. I admit they could have did without Melisandre's fire and the charge was too early, but don't figure that it's PITCH BLACK. They could not see past the outskirts of Winterfell and had no idea of a location and how many were there.

White Walkers: Why weren't they fighting? They're in control of the dead. Each of them control thousands and if one of them die, they lose a big piece of the army. Also, I'm sure the Night King is aware they have dragonglass and Valyrian steel from previous battles. And let's be honest, they didn't need to! The dead was enough!

Dragons: why didn't they burn most of the dead at first? Let's not forget the goal is to kill the Night King. He could have came from anywhere. But most importantly, it was DARK AND THEY COULDN'T SEE. Maybe the episode wasn't dark enough lol. And when they decided to attack and saw some walkers, they ran into a blizzard.

Deaths: Honestly, I was surprised there wasn't more either. Someone between Jamie, Pod, Gendry, and Brienne should have died, especially fat ass Tarly. All the main characters can't before the end though, otherwise you'll have no story. I see the RW thrown around a lot, but let's be honest, only TWO main characters died in that episode, Catelyn and Robb, and Robb was a actually a minor character in the books and didn't have his own POV chapter. The RW was all about the shock, but more "major" characters have died in later episodes, like Cersei's 9/11.

There are two characters who for sure should have died. Sam Tarley and Jamie Lannister. Sam had no business being out there fighting the swarming undead. His skills as a fighter are non-existent and he survived several zombie dog piles.
Jamie Lannister is a one armed warrior fighting with the wrong hand. It wasn't that long ago in the story when Braun was teaching him how to sword fight again and he still wasn't that good. Those swords are not light and they are chopping wooden zombies, non-stop. The missing hand could have been used to swing the sword two-handed, hold back zombies until the sword hand could be brought to bear. A one handed fighter should have gotten easily swarmed and killed.

I don't blame the book readers because they are Martin purists. I know I get pissed when films don't faithfully follow a previously read story, exactly. But, we are beyond where George R.R. Martin's series has gone and people have their ideas of how things should end, but I am blissfully unaware. I don't have time to read Martin's books as of now, and so I enjoy what I can see on the screen. I loved it!


Jan 14, 2013
I’m a book reader and I’m fine with whatever the show does. At this point I doubt GRRM finishes it before he dies so it’ll be nice to at least get a watered down version of the ending instead of nothing or another author finishing it up.

I liked the episode but could have been better. I loved the music at end and Arya being Arya. I’ve assumed she was going to do the deathblow for years now.

My armchair general opinion is they should have kept the Dothraki behind the keep and let the dead start charging the front. Light up battlefield with trebuchet fire balls while dragons burn the shit out of what they can. When sure they aren’t going to get flanked call the Dothraki in having split 50/50 from around behind to hit the dead on both sides while unsullied held the dead in one spot. Dragons burning up backside. Definitely anything that didn’t call for them to ride into the pitch black against a foe that can’t be hurt. Did the dothraki weapons even have dragonglass at all? Don’t remember. If not then they literally had zero chance of killing one undead. So yeah that was poor writing.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I’m a book reader and I’m fine with whatever the show does. At this point I doubt GRRM finishes it before he dies so it’ll be nice to at least get a watered down version of the ending instead of nothing or another author finishing it up.

I liked the episode but could have been better. I loved the music at end and Arya being Arya. I’ve assumed she was going to do the deathblow for years now.

My armchair general opinion is they should have kept the Dothraki behind the keep and let the dead start charging the front. Light up battlefield with trebuchet fire balls while dragons burn the crap out of what they can. When sure they aren’t going to get flanked call the Dothraki in having split 50/50 from around behind to hit the dead on both sides while unsullied held the dead in one spot. Dragons burning up backside. Definitely anything that didn’t call for them to ride into the pitch black against a foe that can’t be hurt. Did the dothraki weapons even have dragonglass at all? Don’t remember. If not then they literally had zero chance of killing one undead. So yeah that was poor writing.
Nice post.
The Dothraki were a problem vs the undead. I assumed that their swords became like the fire swords like the guy with the eye patch had, and he seemed to be pretty effective with his weapon. The Dothraki...If they hadn't been used early, could they have been used at all? Where would their horses have been stabled within the walls of Winterfell? They needed room to charge and the numbers of the dead seemed overwhelmingly large, surrounding Winterfell. It reminded me of the Battle of the Batsards where Jon Snow's army was getting pressed on all sides by Ramsey Bolton's spear men, steadily pressing forward until they started to step on/smother each other in avoiding spear strikes. We learned in the previous season that there were at least 100,000 in the Army of the dead, and they had grown since then. Saving the Dothraki to fight on the wall might have helped prolong the inevitable, but it was all just window dressing for the moment next to Bran, the Night King, and and a leaping Arya Stark the Night King Slayer.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I actually think it would have been smarter just to leave the Dothraki at Dani's castle and saved for the fight with Cersei.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
I actually think it would have been smarter just to leave the Dothraki at Dani's castle and saved for the fight with Cersei.

On hindsight, yes. But the fight against the dead wasn't the kind you leave people on the bench for - they all thought they were going to die going into the thing.


Jun 11, 2017
1) I would have had the Dothraki hiding out of sight in the forests away from the main charge of the undead.

2) I would have had the fire pit ring farther away from the castle to allow room for the unsullied and the trebuckets right behind the unsullied.

3) I would have fired non stop with the trebuckets along with the dragons while they were freed up until the night king came into view and the undead reached the fire pit.

4) Then once the undead started crossing the fire pit I would have unsullied killing as best they can until they had to go back into the castle.

5) As the undead are crossing the fire pit I would then send the Dothraki into the battle to take out as many undead from behind as possible. They would hopefully keep too many undead from crossing the fire pit at a time to allow the unsullied to take out the undead that did cross the fire pit.

Anyway, that's my thought.


Jan 23, 2013
Agreed. The Dothraki charge was beyond stupid. They were completely wasted. That was very poor strategy. I like the ideas from @Tano and @Psycho_X much better. They make more sense.

There was no time to burn the bodies. The Night King ended up being a total pussy. I wanted an epic battle with John.. instead he runs to get Bran and let's the risen handle John. I know the reasoning behind the Night King wanted to kill Bran, but it was kind of lame. They do have history books.. Sam reads them all the time. So, it would make more sense for him to want to destroy his biggest threats first; John and Daenyrus. I was hoping Bran was going to pull a Hodor, and take over the Night King's blue fire dragon or even a portion of the dead walkers. They've built Bran up to be a powerful person yet all he controls is some ravens. Seeing the Night King shit himself when his own Dragon attacks him would have been awesome. Or having him struggle to control his dead army against Bran would have been cool. Bran using the dead against the dead would have made for a more realistic battle, numbers wise. Bran has turned out to be a huge disappointment.

I don't see how they'll have enough of an army to fight Cersei. At this point I think the show ends with her winning. I do hope Clegane fights his brother. I'm sad to see Theon go. I guess he redeemed himself but I always felt bad for him. I won't miss Sir Jorah. He got boring. It was fitting that he defended Daenyrus to his end. Very heroic.

For having some sort of purpose and apparently being sent by the Lord of Light, Mellisandra is very weak. I'd expect that she'd be able to accomplish more. The LoL kept resurrecting Beric Dondarrion for a reason, and he brought back John. How doesn't he have more influence during the battle. An epic moment like a huge fireball from the sky, or something as simple as Mellisandra summoning the light so they could see the battlefield, or have her erase the Night King's snowstorm. Lighting the trench was anti climatic. Lighting Dothraki swords was useless.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Agreed. The Dothraki charge was beyond stupid. They were completely wasted. That was very poor strategy. I like the ideas from @Tano and @Psycho_X much better. They make more sense.

There was no time to burn the bodies. The Night King ended up being a total wuss. I wanted an epic battle with John.. instead he runs to get Bran and let's the risen handle John. I know the reasoning behind the Night King wanted to kill Bran, but it was kind of lame. They do have history books.. Sam reads them all the time. So, it would make more sense for him to want to destroy his biggest threats first; John and Daenyrus. I was hoping Bran was going to pull a Hodor, and take over the Night King's blue fire dragon or even a portion of the dead walkers. They've built Bran up to be a powerful person yet all he controls is some ravens. Seeing the Night King crap himself when his own Dragon attacks him would have been awesome. Or having him struggle to control his dead army against Bran would have been cool. Bran using the dead against the dead would have made for a more realistic battle, numbers wise. Bran has turned out to be a huge disappointment.

I don't see how they'll have enough of an army to fight Cersei. At this point I think the show ends with her winning. I do hope Clegane fights his brother. I'm sad to see Theon go. I guess he redeemed himself but I always felt bad for him. I won't miss Sir Jorah. He got boring. It was fitting that he defended Daenyrus to his end. Very heroic.

For having some sort of purpose and apparently being sent by the Lord of Light, Mellisandra is very weak. I'd expect that she'd be able to accomplish more. The LoL kept resurrecting Beric Dondarrion for a reason, and he brought back John. How doesn't he have more influence during the battle. An epic moment like a huge fireball from the sky, or something as simple as Mellisandra summoning the light so they could see the battlefield, or have her erase the Night King's snowstorm. Lighting the trench was anti climatic. Lighting Dothraki swords was useless.

The living dragons could have done a lot more damage to the dead as well, including the turning to ash of the newly dead so they couldn't be resurrected. I'm still trying to figure out why Jon landed and parked his dragon in the middle of the battle for a time, then later we see him back on it joining Dani again. They never really tell us who the top general of the army is, i'm assuming Jon, Dani or perhaps even Tyrion, but planning for the defense of Winterfell was so poor, it's a good thing they weren't working for Cercei, or their head would be sitting on a long pike for all to see.