Game of Thrones: Season 7

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Jan 23, 2013
I was disappointed with this episode for many reasons. The whole drama of going north of the wall to catch a wyte walker controlled zombie, seems to have been a vehicle to give the Night King a dragon. The zombies themselves moved slowly and methodically in single-file through the frozen wastes. Yet a season or two ago, these zombies moved incredibly fast when the Wildings village was destroyed by them. They wyte walkers and their zombie army and all of the living-dead animals have no physical needs, so why the slow pace? They should have been to the wall and over it a while ago. they should be gnawing on Cersei Lannisters bones right now.

Jon battling the zombies into the water, emerges from it with the zombies not attached to him anymore? Yet, they climbed from the water during the attack earlier in the fight, so how could a swordless Jon fight them off while submerged? Miraculously, Uncle Bingen arrived on his horse, riding through the zombies with his swinging ball of fire, and then he has time enough to urge Jon Snow to get on his horse and ride for the wall, but there was no time for him to jump on and ride double? Meanwhile, John Snow is drenched in below zero weather...He would have been dead in minutes on Earth....Their science in Westeros must be incredibly different!:sneaky:

The whole confrontation between Sansa and Arya was disappointing as well. We get to hear the whole message, written in Sansa's hand from years before, yet just recently delivered to Little Finger? How didn't every alarm go off in Arya's head that it made no sense....that deception was going one somehow? Last episode, Arya was clumsy enough to enter with great noise into Little Finger's quarters to find and steal the note, as he watched. Then in this episode, she is so silent in approaching Sansa in her own room like the supernatural ninja we thought she was supposed to be, why the difference?

I still love this series, but it seems they are stretching things out to create a longer timeline....Part of what made this series so great was/is that you get lost in that world without having disbelief because it's so well done. There are no more books to follow anymore, so maybe that's it.

Plus, now that Night King bastid has a dragon....which, it will probably take out one of the two remaining dragons to kill it...or, will it take a giant spear of dragon glass to do the job? hmmm..

PS: WHERE IN THE HAIL DID THE ZOMBIES get those chains to drag the dragon from the lake? They were massive chain link, where North of the wall could the zombies have gotten those? Which one of the kingdoms south of the wall could have made them? They must be made with wyte walker dust....

Ever since they first show the North beyond the wall, I have always wondered what shillings ate. And how many calories would a giant require each day? There isn't anything but rock and snow up there.

The chains got me, too.

I instantly said, "those are forged chains".

Had they made them ice chains or vines or something, I'd have been fine, but massive forged chains that far north? maybe they got them off of anchors. They did look like anchor chains and they'd by definition be quite long. so who knows?

Still loving this series.

And now the Night King as his Sindragosa (for all you World of Warcraft fans out there)...

But the wyghts can't swim. So how do the get all of those unusually large anchor chains. There aren't any ocean liners or aircraft carriers to anchor. It wouldn't take that big of a chain to anchor one of Euron's ships.

Haha, good point and you hit the nail on the head.
I guess if he save Yara, then she kills him, it would be fair... lol

If Euron is headed to pickup the Golden Horde or whatever they are called, then how does The on and his men ever catch up to him and what do they run into when they do?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I am not worried about inconsistencies that are going to happen with a fantasy world, although part of the allure of Game of Thrones has been the intelligence the writers have shown in creating a a believable fantasy world. I heard a Game of Thrones podcast talking about clothing. We know that Sansa is gathering all/most grain from the North to Winterfell in anticipation of a great gathering of forces there, so they would not starve. How about clothing?

Both the Dothraki and Unsullied forces come from warm weather climes, how will they survive winter fighting the undead? We know from history how bad things became for the George Washington's Continental Army at Valley Forge. So how about these large warm weather armies, especially since they will have to march/ride through snow in order to get to the fight in the North?

Plus, who makes these fantastic outfits for Dani? (This one is easier to answer, but still hard)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
Rewatch the latest episode when Jon is in the water gasping and it offers a close up of the sword's wolf pommel end. The eye of the wolf is white, but when Jon breaks the surface the wolf's eye turns dark! The directors had to do that on purpose, or else why center the close up on the sword so that you could see it?
it was water when he came out the hole i watched it three or four times ,,,, concentrate on the head not the eye darkens all over


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
ut the wyghts can't swim. So how do the get all of those unusually large anchor chains. There aren't any ocean liners or aircraft carriers to anchor. It wouldn't take that big of a chain to anchor one of Euron's ships.

the general consensus is that they gathered them from Hardholme after the first run in with the wildlings and jon snow

theres a theroy the NK laid a trap to get the dragons north of the wall as he needed one to bring down the wall so would have took the chains to secure it (until he could kill it and re raise it )


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
the general consensus is that they gathered them from Hardholme after the first run in with the wildlings and jon snow

theres a theroy the NK laid a trap to get the dragons north of the wall as he needed one to bring down the wall so would have took the chains to secure it (until he could kill it and re raise it )

The theory doesn't really hold.

I re-watched segments of Hardhome and there are no boats in the dock when Jon Snow arrives with his crew. In addition, if the Wildings were a seafaring people, why didn't they bypass the wall centuries before, by boat? They hardly seem to be the sort of people that welcomes trade with others, so I don't know what need they would have to even possess such precise chains, let alone have the capacity to create them? In watching "Beyond the Wall" and the dragon resurrection scene, I used the perspective of the zombie's head to roughly derive the size of each chain link.

Each casted link is about 9 inches long by 4 inches depth with a 1 inch thick link. The way each link is made and so precisely connected, makes me think they were poured into a cast( every three links is about 21 inches). I counted 6 links between each zombie (42 inches). I roughly counted heads which was hard to do, but each of the four lines/chains of zombies had at LEAST 80 zombies.
80 zombies with a 42 inch spacing, equals 3360 inches.

In addition, there was at least 546 inches of chain from the last zombie, to the neck of the dragon (x 4). Plus, there were chains wrapped around (x 4 ) the neck of the dragon that were at least 189 inches of link (counted chain around the neck on one side and guesstimated, so it's most likely more than this.
So for each chain:
Around neck of chain= at least 16 ft of chain
From dragon neck to first zombie= abt. 45.5 feet (546 inches)
Line of zombies=approx. 280 feet of chain (3360 inches)
Which is about 342 feet of chain per line, or 1,368 feet of chain for all four lines, and cast made more precisely than black smiths could ever do in an old style black smith's forge. (had to be poured iron) that was more than a quarter of a mile long....

More likely Night King fairy dust made

PS: The head of the dragon is about 7 feet long and the diameter of its' neck is about 7 feet as well! Looking back as the dragon is pulled out, the flattened torso of the dragon is about 25 feet wide!
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
The theory doesn't really hold.

I re-watched segments of Hardhome and there are no boats in the dock when Jon Snow arrives with his crew. In addition, if the Wildings were a seafaring people, why didn't they bypass the wall centuries before, by boat? They hardly seem to be the sort of people that welcomes trade with others, so I don't know what need they would have to even possess such precise chains, let alone have the capacity to create them? In watching "Beyond the Wall" and the dragon resurrection scene, I used the perspective of the zombie's head to roughly derive the size of each chain link.

Each casted link is about 9 inches long by 4 inches depth with a 1 inch thick link. The way each link is made and so precisely connected, makes me think they were poured into a cast( every three links is about 21 inches). I counted 6 links between each zombie (42 inches). I roughly counted heads which was hard to do, but each of the four lines/chains of zombies had at LEAST 80 zombies.
80 zombies with a 42 inch spacing, equals 3360 inches.

In addition, there was at least 546 inches of chain from the last zombie, to the neck of the dragon (x 4). Plus, there were chains wrapped around (x 4 ) the neck of the dragon that were at least 189 inches of link (counted chain around the neck on one side and guesstimated, so it's most likely more than this.
So for each chain:
Around neck of chain= at least 16 ft of chain
From dragon neck to first zombie= abt. 45.5 feet (546 inches)
Line of zombies=approx. 280 feet of chain (3360 inches)
Which is about 342 feet of chain per line, or 1,368 feet of chain for all four lines, and cast made more precisely than black smiths could ever do in an old style black smith's forge. (had to be poured iron) that was more than a quarter of a mile long....

More likely Night King fairy dust made

PS: The head of the dragon is about 7 feet long and the diameter of its' neck is about 7 feet as well! Looking back as the dragon is pulled out, the flattened torso of the dragon is about 25 feet wide!
Dude ... it's a tv show ... I'm not quite sure you're supposed to worry that much that it makes you do math


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Dude ... it's a tv show ... I'm not quite sure you're supposed to worry that much that it makes you do math
haha! I enjoyed doing it, which makes me sick, I know! I spent some time figuring out everything, so I am glad to know the head of the ice dragon is 7ft


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
haha! I enjoyed doing it, which makes me sick, I know! I spent some time figuring out everything, so I am glad to know the head of the ice dragon is 7ft
Dude it's math .... no one enjoys math ... you're a sick puppy


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013
Or how to be a nerd .... I'm more of a words and English kinda guy


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
These are so freakin funny. Thanks for posting.

My favorite:
"We're gonna rebuild that wall and the Night King is gonna pay for it"

was going to post that one, but you know somehow politics will get brought up LOL


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
So the Night King and his zombie dragon, blue fired the 8000 ft ice wall....and the zombies are probably 1000 ft(?) away? the night King/dragon combo know how to 'fire' a very tall structure so that it doesn't bury the zombies under tons of magic ice. Plus, since it fell straight down and wiped out around 8000 feet of magic ice...probably 8000 x 8000 x 50 ft is 3.2 x 10^9 cubic feet of ice in a pile...Yet, the army of the dead calmly strode through the gap at a leisurely stride with no
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