Fmr Browns coach Rutigliano: "relaxing NFL rules on marijuana would be a 'catastrophe"

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Jan 23, 2013
The "sense of entitlement" is a side effect of smoking pot ,I'd not heard of,can you direct me to those studies?
As far as whether p
ot enhances performance I disagree ,it completely depends on the person and what performance you are talking a bout,it certainly helps people in repetitive jobs with boredom.
Both my sons smoke ,one is perennial Deans list member the other struggles to focus on school enough to do well,they were both exactly that way before they started smoking.
The biggest problem I see here is people who make generalities that are unfounded expecting to have profound influence on the professional live of others .
It doesn't matter if you see benefits,in the end it really isn't your business,and it isn't the employers business if you perform to the level they expect,nor is it the governments business. We ae all at our best when we mind our own business and do the best WE can and let the rest of the people be trusted to govern these choices for themselves.

Drugs are not a choice I enjoy seeing people make ,but forcing people to refrain doesn't build character,giving them the choice to abstain is where character is formed,there is no virtue in making the right choice when it isn't a choice and FWIW Gnome we are dictating so many choices to and for people our society is losing the ability to make right ones on their own, that's my societal fear people wh look to government for their choices, that's not a free society and again we are destroying freedom here in this country at an alarming pace trying to eradicate the use of something people want badly enough to risk NFL jobs over,I don't GET the hubris of people who think you can stop this.
It's a way better plan in my estimation to take the money we spend on investigation ,prosecution and incarceration on treatment , get the corruption out of our government over it dis empower the criminals who control it, take back our streets peacefully and get out of the morals business.
Problem is IMO the NFL is going to listen to alarmists like Rutigliano and not go far enough in relaxing their standards to make it better.
Hell I think a guy should have 4 days a year where he tests above the limit and is just is told he can't practice before they do anything that effects his livelihood.

I never said that a sense of entitlement was a side affect of smoking pot. Otherwise I agree with most of what you say, except as an employer you do set performance standards. I also agree that it would be best to go about things differently, but having seen some of the worst affects of pot smoking, I am very apprehensive about legalizing it.
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May 28, 2011
I'd wait till it was legal in 50 states (or at least the lower 48)... to remove all punishment, but I'd say anything more than a fine is too much.

I don't smoke, never have. I really don't care about it either.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
The "sense of entitlement" is a side effect of smoking pot ,I'd not heard of,can you direct me to those studies?
As far as whether pot enhances performance I disagree ,it completely depends on the person and what performance you are talking a bout,it certainly helps people in repetitive jobs with boredom.
Both my sons smoke ,one is perennial Deans list member the other struggles to focus on school enough to do well,they were both exactly that way before they started smoking.
A couple of things:
1. There is no higher sense of entitlement among Gen Y and Millennials. Someone wrote a book (with no well designed, empirical data mind you) that said that the youth of today are spoiled and entitled. So there became a controversy. Then they decided to actually do well designed studies on the matter. Guess what they found (I already gave you a hint) there was no difference of a sense of entitlement among the younger generation and older generations. This is a common fallacy that has been studied for a long time in social psychology. Everyone thinks there generation was better. They just do. We have documents going back to Ancient Greek among the Sophists and Socrates arguing about the entitlement and willful ignorance of the youth. Every generation goes through it and thinks they are better than anyone else. The only generation in the history of anyone doing this research that might have had less entitlement was the so-called "Greatest Generation" that went through the Great Depression and WWII. And that was probably because they went through the Great Depression and WWII. Otherwise there is no difference among generations.

2. There was a study that there was a higher sense of entitlement among pot smokers. But it was not smoking pot that did that. It was the other way around. People who have a higher sense of entitlement are more likely to smoke pot. So it was not causal but an association. According to this study people who are entitled also like to smoke pot. Probably because those entitle don't care if they break the law (they may actually enjoy it). I'm willing to bet that if pot became legal like alcohol there would be no difference.

3. To @Elmgrovegnome the reason they seem so entitle, methinks, is because of the type of business you run. The type of business that you have is more likely to take manual laborers who are not well educated/have a sense of delayed gratification. Those people are more likely to be entitled, which is why you have such a negative image of that generation.
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Jan 23, 2013
A couple of things:
1. There is no higher sense of entitlement among Gen Y and Millennials. Someone wrote a book (with no well designed, empirical data mind you) that said that the youth of today are spoiled and entitled. So there became a controversy. Then they decided to actually do well designed studies on the matter. Guess what they found (I already gave you a hint) there was no difference of a sense of entitlement among the younger generation and older generations. This is a common fallacy that has been studied for a long time in social psychology. Everyone thinks there generation was better. They just do. We have documents going back to Ancient Greek among the Sophists and Socrates arguing about the entitlement and willful ignorance of the youth. Every generation goes through it and thinks they are better than anyone else. The only generation in the history of anyone doing this research that might have had less entitlement was the so-called "Greatest Generation" that went through the Great Depression and WWII. And that was probably because they went through the Great Depression and WWII. Otherwise there is no difference among generations.

2. There was a study that there was a higher sense of entitlement among pot smokers. But it was not smoking pot that did that. It was the other way around. People who have a higher sense of entitlement are more likely to smoke pot. So it was not causal but an association. According to this study people who are entitled also like to smoke pot. Probably because those entitle don't care if they break the law (they may actually enjoy it). I'm willing to bet that if pot became legal like alcohol there would be no difference.

3. To @Elmgrovegnome the reason they seem so entitle, methinks, is because of the type of business you run. The type of business that you have is more likely to take manual laborers who are not well educated/have a sense of delayed gratification. Those people are more likely to be entitled, which is why you have such a negative image of that generation.

That could be part of it. The haves and the have nots. But I disagree that there is not more of a sense of entitlement with the low income/welfare group. They get more given to them by the government now, than they ever did. They come to expect it and manipulate in all kinds of ways. They don't seem to appreciate it, instead they feel they are entitled to it. The Government has created a monster that is so well taken care of that it no longer wants to hunt.....or Work.

However I have heard this complaint about entitlement in our latest 20 something generation from people at all levels. My theory is the era that they came from. Until the recessions hit the USA was fat and happy. Most everyone grew up with their parents having decent jobs and getting nice things. The parents felt pressure to not disappoint the kids and whether they could really afford it or not, they would buy them what they wanted so they didn't feel inferior to the kids around them. In my town there is a notable class distinction. The Doctors and hospital administrators kids....and then everyone else. It is tough for parents around here to compete with that but they do it and it not only hits them in the pocket book, it hits them in the final product of a child they raised to be shielded from disappointment. A child who got what they wanted whether it was practical or not. Just like the Government. So, once that child goes out on their own they expect to be able to afford things. If they cannot then they resent those above them that are making enough to afford such things and they often think that they should just be given similar jobs instead of earning them....because their parents never made them really earn the elaborate gifts that they were given. This model is common across the US. Kids with phones and brand new cars, all the latest fashions. It is not good and has a negative affect overall. The thing that probably makes the results of the studies not show it all is that it is eventually overcome by necessity. You either do your work or get fired. Nobody is just handing you a high paid job unless you know someone. So there is a period of realization that has to sink in, but it inevitably does.


May 28, 2011
This thread is about to go down a bad path. Probably best to steer back towards it's intent.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, a few posts are getting to get into insulting territory, and that's not what we need here.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013


Jan 23, 2013
This thread is about to go down a bad path. Probably best to steer back towards it's intent.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, a few posts are getting to get into insulting territory, and that's not what we need here.

Strange that you read it that way because to me nobody has crossed the line, and gone past discussion. I have not been angered by any comments on this thread yet. I enjoy the different view points. They make me think....especially Thordaddys next to last post.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Strange that you read it that way because to me nobody has crossed the line, and gone past discussion. I have not been angered by any comments on this thread yet. I enjoy the different view points. They make me think....especially Thordaddys next to last post.
Which part ? Lemme guess? The part about's true virtue is derived not from being forced to live a virtuous life but in choosing to do so, a child forced to apologize isn't really sorry ,they just do it to get out of trouble ,and we've become so blind to that you can do or say about anything in this country ,apologize, and the people who believe in forcing choices on others will actually think you were genuinely sorry and deserve a second chance or forgiveness.

They have legalized drugs in CO but the gov't is still fucking it up. The cost of an OZ there is as high as it was before it was legalized $400 OZ ,looks to me like there's a lot of room for black market profit there.


Jan 23, 2013
Yes that part. But referencing your example how do you make a child truly be sorry. If you punish them for the actions then they are not sorry for what they did, just angry or sorry that it led to punishment.

From a governmental standpoint making people truly sorry isn't possible. So doesn't it have to Govern? In a democracy the people decide what they need protection fom. If the majority fear Marijuana smoking leads to lewd and lascivious actions then they vote for politicians against legalizing it. To most average people it is all lumped into a pile. They are all just drugs, even though downers don't usually lead to criminal acts and heroine addiction often does. on a larger scale 'guilty by association' is a reality.

In November I had a burglar break into our home at 2 AM. My family was sleeping. It is scary to think a person would enter your house, especially while you are home. Fortunately he didn't intend to harm anyone. He went straight for the drugs. If we were not home, I imagine he would have stolen much more, but he had little time because our dog heard him. When people hear this stuff they think marijuana=drugs=robbery. So I understand how it happens that the laws become what they do. I am not saying it is right.


Ram It, Do You Know How To Ram It, Ram It
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Sam was a good one.

As far as softening the stance on a mostly illegal drug I cannot see where anything good comes from it at all. I don't see how anyone benefits really.

Some people I know who smoke pot, they have a lot of somewhat "shady" friends or acquaintances that are into all kinds of stuff beside pot. I think that is the danger IMHO. It's not the pot itself that is the danger, it's the tentacles of the type of crowd that uses drugs that can open the door to a place where most people would not normally venture. Sure there are exceptions where the friends are all beautiful surfer types who live in million dollar homes in Orange County. Cool. But, some of the people I know who smoke, I've been exposed to some real interesting "friends" of theirs that made me bugged eyed when seeing the state of their health. For someone with no brakes when it comes to addiction, even booze is a road best left untraveled, especially a pro athlete making good money.


May 28, 2011
Strange that you read it that way because to me nobody has crossed the line, and gone past discussion. I have not been angered by any comments on this thread yet. I enjoy the different view points. They make me think....especially Thordaddys next to last post.

Talking about sterotypes of different generations/groups of people, starts to open doors that can lead to a bad path. There's a lot of different groups here, I don't see much good coming out when we start to label people.


Jan 23, 2013
Stereotypes? You mean my comment on low income/welfare? I go into the local project nearly everyday. I get most of m employees there for my part time Landscaping. Some of them hav been with me for ten plus years. I never said that none of them ever work. Most of what I hav said comes from the things that they have taught me and told me themselves. Several have drug addictions. I am not prejudice against a class or race. I am not all that far removed from them in many ways. Sorry you got that out of my posts it wasn't intended.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Strange that you read it that way because to me nobody has crossed the line, and gone past discussion. I have not been angered by any comments on this thread yet. I enjoy the different view points. They make me think....especially Thordaddys next to last post.
I actually kind of agree. The whole pot legalization debate is politics, and I thought we were supposed to stay away from that here.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
those people lazy and not going to do something with themselves were going to do that anyways. You can say alcohol or video games or anything else could do this to. Let's make them illegal

I think weed leaves behind a "fog" that the other two don't. This fog impairs mental ability and motivation.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
going crazy? only if the joint was laced with PCP, lol. and how can you say we are seeing people not live up to their full potential? im sure there are many people in very high positions that smoke a little weed, if you are not living up to your potential its probably because you are lazy, not because you get high in your free time.

Weed stays in your blood stream longer than alcohol because it is stored in fat cells. Point being; weed effects your mental functioning. If you've got a repetitive job it probably doesn't matter. If you are trying to learn something or create something, it will.

But from what I've seen, weed contributes to people developing anti-societal pathologies (i.e., "going crazy") because they aren't able to function in a manner that is productive. When I say productive, I'm not talking about hours worked. I'm talking about the development of their character. I'm talking about their ability to OWN their reality. When someone slips into a false reality brought on by drugs or self-illusion caused by thought they are essentially conditioning themselves to reject reality. As a result they will be in a constant state of victimhood and may find themselves at the mercy of others.

To all of you who think its harmless to smoke weed. Good luck with that.