Finally happened: sick of Facebook

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I also like to accidentally leave my phone at home too. It is a necessity these days but I hate being so available. I used to lose myself in what I was doing for hours on end. Everytime the phone rings it is back to reality.

I get made fun of because I've never owned a cell phone. The other day I bought a digital landline phone with an answering machine so I can leave the damn thing off. Because of my long hair, beard, and distaste for most social media, my son told me I was one step away from being the Unabomber, lol.

The latest irritant on Facebook is a friend and his wife who've been married for one year. They're constantly posting how much they love each other and how perfect the other one is. Shut the hell up and talk to me in thirty years when you've really experienced what marriage is. :mad:

Then there are the types who keep inviting me to play Bubble Safari or Candy Crush Saga or some kind of stupid farm game. Leave me alone.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I want to know. Gotta good link explaining some of it?

I notice that sites that I have purchased items from now come up on every site I view. Not sure how that works. Sounds like site owners are being bypassed for advertising dollars. Either way it is a bit unsettling to me.
Essentially, it's a Skinner Box.


And here are a few links to articles that discuss some of the ways they're using their "social network":

Scientists Are Still Using Facebook to Study Human Behavior

What Facebook Knows

Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users' Emotions "For Science"[/B][/B]


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I mostly use Facebook to pass the time at work. I'm not always updating my status but when I am it's either something stupid like "Today has been ruined. My VCR ate my Dirty Work cassette tape, if only there was some superior and more reliable technology." or a funny picture like the one below.

I just wished someone would have warned me that having a Facebook means your newsfeed is littered with fat girls gym pictures. I don't have the heart to tell them they've not lost any weight and that it's not working. I will be sure to warn my Godson that he needs to steer away from social media. It's expected of me to be on it now. I use it to fire off a quick message to someone when I'm too lazy to text them.


May 19, 2014
The latest irritant on Facebook is a friend and his wife who've been married for one year. They're constantly posting how much they love each other and how perfect the other one is. Shut the hell up and talk to me in thirty years when you've really experienced what marriage is.

I see this on the daily from my married early to mid 20s friends.

I'm like duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, and duuuuuuuuuuuuuuudette, stop fucking lying. Or, if not lying, get back to me when your marriage gets tested.

And hell, I'm not even married and I know that shit.

It's like people have some crazy addiction in trying to convince themselves that every aspect of their lives are perfect, and feel the need to make sure everyone else knows it. It's super weird.

As are all the "in a relationship" updates treated as massive milestones.

When I get back into the dating game, I sure as hell ain't announcing it on FB.

Unless I get myself a sugar momma in the form of Kate Upton or some such in which case, I will literally fly to and climb the Empire State building and shout it with a megaphone as it gets spelled out in the sky with blue smoke.

I just wished someone would have warned me that having a Facebook means your newsfeed is littered with fat girls gym pictures. I don't have the heart to tell them they've not lost any weight and that it's not working

Those are real doozies. Or the ones trying to convince themselves that carrying more weight than they should is just fine and you're beautiful on the inside. Don't have the heart to tell them that being "big-boned" is a bit of an anatomical impossibility unless you have gigantism. Man, them Dove things are such hilarious things, considered the "brother" commercials of same company umbrella are the Axe commercials. :whistle:

The worst offenders are the FB addicts that post 15-20 updates a day. Though, more irritating, is that now I seem to have a "miracle work out/weight loss drug pill/supplement" friend who has become a marketing shill for fake shit. I keep getting updates from her about it, and I'm really close to telling her all that untested, unregulated BS doesn't do a thing for you that a REAL diet and REAL exercise won't.

But since it's FB, I'd be labeled, "rather douchey."
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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm 47 and my wife is 38. Neither one of us have ever had a FB account. We always say, if we haven't kept up with someone - there's a fucking good reason for it.

Some of our friends are active with it. I always tell them that they just like Sticky Beaking in other people's business.

I do have an Instagram account, but I don't have any pics posted. I only opened it so I could follow Ram players on there.

Otherwise, this place is my only form of social media.

I much prefer to speak to people with my mouth. I'm positive that speaking to others with your mouth is becoming a lost art. It really is sad.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #46
Smart Man! You don't want to know what they're doing with all of that behavior data anyway, it'll turn your stomach.

Oh they can take my goofy little status updates, shared links to Marvel movie trailers, and pictures of snow and use it to their heart's content.


Jan 23, 2013
I see this on the daily from my married early to mid 20s friends.

I'm like duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, and duuuuuuuuuuuuuuudette, stop freaking lying. Or, if not lying, get back to me when your marriage gets tested.

And hell, I'm not even married and I know that crap.

It's like people have some crazy addiction in trying to convince themselves that every aspect of their lives are perfect, and feel the need to make sure everyone else knows it. It's super weird.

As are all the "in a relationship" updates treated as massive milestones.

When I get back into the dating game, I sure as hell ain't announcing it on FB.

Unless I get myself a sugar momma in the form of Kate Upton or some such in which case, I will literally fly to and climb the Empire State building and shout it with a megaphone as it gets spelled out in the sky with blue smoke.

Those are real doozies. Or the ones trying to convince themselves that carrying more weight than they should is just fine and you're beautiful on the inside. Don't have the heart to tell them that being "big-boned" is a bit of an anatomical impossibility unless you have gigantism. Man, them Dove things are such hilarious things, considered the "brother" commercials of same company umbrella are the Axe commercials. :whistle:

The worst offenders are the FB addicts that post 15-20 updates a day. Though, more irritating, is that now I seem to have a "miracle work out/weight loss drug pill/supplement" friend who has become a marketing shill for fake crap. I keep getting updates from her about it, and I'm really close to telling her all that untested, unregulated BS doesn't do a thing for you that a REAL diet and REAL exercise won't.

But since it's FB, I'd be labeled, "rather douchey."

I cannot stand the Facebook running crowd. The disappear over the winter but will be out in droves soon enough. "Just ran 12 K before work, will hit 30 on the weekend."

I have friends that will post, "I love you Alexa, you are the best daughter ever." or after being married 12 years, "My husband is the most amazing man ever, I love him so much."

This woman and her daughter live in the same house! When I want to tell my kids that I love them I do it in person. And the woman with the Amazing husband the guy is a drunk and they fight all of the time. She is the craziest, dumbest bitch I have ever met. I'd be drunk too if I had been dumb enough to marry her.

Then you get the ones that constantly change their profile picture. They are usually nearing 40 and they are clearly struggling with the aging process because you can see them sucking in their chin by raising their head.
My wife is a pediatric nurse and some of her coworkers will post about how they save lives everyday, and going to work is so meaningful when you see the kids smile when they feel better. In actuality the work in a clinic and take height, weight, temp, and room the patience. They get an emergency about once every 6 months and my wife is the one who takes care of those. Amy also works in the inpatient hospital with more serious cases. One nurse got fired for posting a good bye to a patient within minutes of his death. HIPPA violation!

I am convinced that most, not all, Facebookers are attention whores that feed off of things like support, sympathy and adulation, even if it is based on no factual information. A large contingent is just depressed and searching for some little bit of cheer. They are so disinterested in life that they just sit and browse other people's better lives for hours on end.


Jan 15, 2013
I'm 47 and my wife is 38. Neither one of us have ever had a FB account. We always say, if we haven't kept up with someone - there's a freaking good reason for it.

Some of our friends are active with it. I always tell them that they just like Sticky Beaking in other people's business.

I do have an Instagram account, but I don't have any pics posted. I only opened it so I could follow Ram players on there.

Otherwise, this place is my only form of social media.

I much prefer to speak to people with my mouth. I'm positive that speaking to others with your mouth is becoming a lost art. It really is sad.
I follow a couple people on twitter....a economist and pitching coach and one entertainer (nerd alert)....but dont tweet myself. First no one would follow me and second if they did my sense of humor would get me in trouble.
My favorite people are the ones (worked with a woman who did this) who bash their work/boss on social media then are shocked when it comes back on them. This particular woman was out on a disability claim then proceeded to post pictures of herself water skiing with a caption about it being so much better than working....a problem she quickly stopped having.


Jan 23, 2013
Essentially, it's a Skinner Box.


And here are a few links to articles that discuss some of the ways they're using their "social network":

Scientists Are Still Using Facebook to Study Human Behavior

What Facebook Knows

Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users' Emotions "For Science"[/B][/B]

I don't see anything wrong with any of it. Maybe I am missing something here. If you sign up for free social media then you are subject to such things. Now if they use the information gleaned to control the minds of the masses one day then okay but studying emotional patterns and influencing emotional patterns is not that big of a deal for me. Most of what is posted on there is meaningless dribble anyway and you can choose to step away at any time.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
I cannot stand the Facebook running crowd. The disappear over the winter but will be out in droves soon enough. "Just ran 12 K before work, will hit 30 on the weekend."

I have friends that will post, "I love you Alexa, you are the best daughter ever." or after being married 12 years, "My husband is the most amazing man ever, I love him so much."

This woman and her daughter live in the same house! When I want to tell my kids that I love them I do it in person. And the woman with the Amazing husband the guy is a drunk and they fight all of the time. She is the craziest, dumbest bitch I have ever met. I'd be drunk too if I had been dumb enough to marry her.

Then you get the ones that constantly change their profile picture. They are usually nearing 40 and they are clearly struggling with the aging process because you can see them sucking in their chin by raising their head.
My wife is a pediatric nurse and some of her coworkers will post about how they save lives everyday, and going to work is so meaningful when you see the kids smile when they feel better. In actuality the work in a clinic and take height, weight, temp, and room the patience. They get an emergency about once every 6 months and my wife is the one who takes care of those. Amy also works in the inpatient hospital with more serious cases. One nurse got fired for posting a good bye to a patient within minutes of his death. HIPPA violation!

I am convinced that most, not all, Facebookers are attention whores that feed off of things like support, sympathy and adulation, even if it is based on no factual information. A large contingent is just depressed and searching for some little bit of cheer. They are so disinterested in life that they just sit and browse other people's better lives for hours on end.

just spit my beer everywhere - dude "my husband is the most amazing man ever"
"kids smiles and feeling better" hahahahahahhahaha so good


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I don't see anything wrong with any of it. Maybe I am missing something here. If you sign up for free social media then you are subject to such things. Now if they use the information gleaned to control the minds of the masses one day then okay but studying emotional patterns and influencing emotional patterns is not that big of a deal for me. Most of what is posted on there is meaningless dribble anyway and you can choose to step away at any time.
They are not honest or transparent about their real intentions, so people can not make a choice based upon all the facts.


Jan 23, 2013
just spit my beer everywhere - dude "my husband is the most amazing man ever"
"kids smiles and feeling better" hahahahahahhahaha so good

My wife is always pointing out the absurdities she reads on there and we get a good laugh. I am so happy she sees through it all too. That is part of why I married her.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Okay, there's honestly one thing that has really made me consider just stopping anything with FB and that's hyperlinked race-bait.

But my friends, or rather, one friend, who is a POC.

I don't really know what Salon is (my hatred of anything journalism related these days stops me from bothering learning all the new "reporting" websites) but each and every article I see shared has an agenda, usually including "white mediocrity."

It's all a bit funny since we have a Kanye West thread going on here, as that was what the article was about. Basically defending but not defending West being a super douche at yet another awards ceremony. Not that I even take the Grammy's seriously anyway but....

Seriously though.

Tired of poorly written, poorly researched, basically indirect "white shaming" like that popping up on my feed all the time. When, really, in the entertainment industry, it's mediocrity vs. mediocrity and what style of mediocrity sells the best. Beyonce. Kanye. Swift. All mediocre.

The crux of destroying that type of article is flipping it all around. Beyonce wins, but some white artist rushes on stage to denounce that win and say, someone, a white artist, deserves it more. Be career freaking suicide.

Racism exists. Minorities are under represented, etc. But "white shaming" or slamming everything as quality POC vs. "white mediocrity" really gets no one anywhere.

freaking FB. Made me spend 2 hours I didn't want to spend on stupid BS.

Maybe I should be thinking about ditching FB as well.

Yup. You should.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm 47 and my wife is 38. Neither one of us have ever had a FB account. We always say, if we haven't kept up with someone - there's a freaking good reason for it.

Some of our friends are active with it. I always tell them that they just like Sticky Beaking in other people's business.

I do have an Instagram account, but I don't have any pics posted. I only opened it so I could follow porn stars on there.

Otherwise, this place is my only form of social media.

I much prefer to speak to people with my mouth. I'm positive that speaking to others with your mouth is becoming a lost art. It really is sad.

I fixed that for you my man. :ROFLMAO:


Mild-mannered Rams fan
Jul 8, 2014
Meh, Facebook appeals to the sensationalist crowds. If there are people who post problematic things but you still want them to be on your contact list, then just disable their posts from appearing on your news feed.

At this point my only reason for keeping mine is to stay in touch with certain people who I'm not willing to give their phone number to. I mainly go on Tumblr and forums nowadays to speak my mind.

As for privacy issues, never understood why people were offended by them when it's as easy as not posting those personal comments, or putting tape over your built-in webcam if you're wearing your tinfoil hat.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #59
Meh, Facebook appeals to the sensationalist crowds. If there are people who post problematic things but you still want them to be on your contact list, then just disable their posts from appearing on your news feed.

At this point my only reason for keeping mine is to stay in touch with certain people who I'm not willing to give their phone number to. I mainly go on Tumblr and forums nowadays to speak my mind.

As for privacy issues, never understood why people were offended by them when it's as easy as not posting those personal comments, or putting tape over your built-in webcam if you're wearing your tinfoil hat.

Oh I've disabled many a people on my feed. Constant "I'm so freaking pissed!!!! Who are YOU to tell me what I can't do?!" and my favorite the simple "Ugh." It's mostly girls that do this.

I looked at my recent posting history. It's mostly me sharing links to movie trailers and w/e show tv shows I'm watching, and "Go Rams" during football season. No food pics (used to do this), sure as hell no selfies, etc.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Tumblr is my only social media site, and I rarely ever use it.