Ferguson is Gonna Explode!

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
i am hearing that the verdict is going to come down tomorrow or Saturday. They are doing so as to avoid children being caught in the bull shit after school. I think it is painfully obvious that this isn't going to go the protestors way. I love about 50 miles away, so I'm gonna get my popcorn and watch Ferguson burn. For those that don't live around it, I have family and friends that live there that say it's fucking insane. Even that the protestors are attacking white people that aren't part of the protest. It's wild


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Pray for rain and cold weather that will do more to slow the violence than anything ,if this went down in late June the whole summer would become impossible and could spread to other cities.
Here's an idea ,get mounted police and other methods to direct the mob to the new stadium sight and have them tear the buildings down,turn a negative into a constructive effort

I lived through most of the civil rights movement ,used to have coffee most mornings with a guy who was a protest marcher in Selma , seen a lot, and have posted repeatedly about this subject ,there is truth on both sides of the argument as to whether there is reason to believe the protesters are justified in the MOTIVE for their planned actions. I don't think I've ever seen a paradigm where the power of a persons expectations is in more control ,that said the outright extortion aspect of demanding a judicial outcome borders upon insurrection IMO and I think the Al Sharpton types need to be arrested if they foment violence .
Quick Trip didn't kill that kid and anyone deciding to take it out on them is deserving of the fate any thug should recieve

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I'm all for peaceful protesting. But when you start to interfere with the lives of others, it become criminal in my eyes. Blocking highways and roadways and fighting with strangers is not what is allowed in the constitution. I say people start getting arrested and heavily fined. And hearing a couple weeks ago that a leader of the protest said that if he is found not guilty, that "St.Louis will burn." Is clearly a premeditated attack on US soil and they should be held as terrorist if anything happens. Maybe a little extreme but they need to quit handling this shit with kitten mittens and drop the fucking hammer and let them know that it will not be tolerated. For the ones who are truly just protesting peacefully, more power to ya, that's great that you feel so strongly, but to the rest, fuck them and their "liberties"

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
It has gone way beyond protest and well into the realm of mob mentality


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I've never owned a gun before...but I have borrowed a shotgun from my uncle.

I don't live in or around Ferguson, but I live in South St.Louis...not far from the Shaw neighborhood where the sandwich bandit was shot. I will not hesitate to protect my house or my wife. I also won't hesitate to have my neighbors back.

I can see a couple different scenarios unfolding though...what is expected, violent outrage...or cooler heads prevail and the acting out is minimal and the hype is over blown. I suspect it will be the first scenario but am hoping for the latter.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #6
Good thing is, St.Louis isn't as big as a lot of people think. They can't leave the city by too many miles before they start hitting more country style folks that won't stand for the bull shit. It shouldn't last too awful long. But it's gonna happen.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
It has gone way beyond protest and well into the realm of mob mentality
You bet it has. The vast majority of people arrested aren't even from here. There's a greater agenda toward which social unrest is beneficial at work here. People who rabidly rushed to demand execution without due process of law are going to explode if/when the legal judgement don't go their way.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #8
You bet it has. The vast majority of people arrested aren't even from here. There's a greater agenda toward which social unrest is beneficial at work here. People who rabidly rushed to demand execution without due process of law are going to explode if/when the legal judgement don't go their way.

You forgot the blue font lol. I don't think there is an "If"


May 28, 2011
Stupid people do stupid things. Hopefully it fades quickly after the verdict comes down.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
You can't fix stupid. But don't fool yourself, there's every bit as much cool calculation as stupidity.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Those idiots will have it looking like Detroit in short order. Then they will be standing around with their hands out with looks of dismay because they have no stores to go get things in their neighborhood. Darwinian awards to follow.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
The worst thing about this as I alluded to, is that the people who are protesting are not JUST paranoid about the police's attitudes towards them,there is an element of paranoia ,but there is an old saying "just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean no one is after you" and I can absolutely attest to the fact that the police ( make that some of the police) in my home town have an adverse attitude towards black people,
Whether they were in possession of that attitude when they came to the job ,I don't know because JUST like their attitudes the black people in my home town (generality here ) have an attitude towards the police and really defeat the purpose of community policing by not aiding the police when bad actors need to be arrested.
There are several shooting deaths here that eyewitnesses could testify about but won't so the perps go free .

Like I said the power of expectation rules, seems to me both sides expect the other to prove a negative ( which you can't do) IOW you as a white cop have to prove you aren't a racist ,which means you are assumed to be and at the first sign you might be you are judged to be and anything you've ever done to indicate otherwise is dismissed , same for the people on the street , a cop sees you walking down the middle of the street where there is a perfectly good sidewalk ( pretty sure Fergoson has a jaywalking ordinance) and they quickly judge that you are doing it to bait or defy the law.

Fact is I'm pretty confident both the cop involved and the young man who was killed have been treated as if they were subhuman in the course of their life / duty somewhere along the line.

Unless I miss my guess the reaction if the grand jury fails to indict isn't going to be as massive as some are predicting ,I doubt it spills over into the whole city and certainly not West County and beyond ,and like I said before threats from podiums especially by people from out of state , should be prosecuted as Federal Offences ,


Jan 15, 2013
i am hearing that the verdict is going to come down tomorrow or Saturday. They are doing so as to avoid children being caught in the bull crap after school. I think it is painfully obvious that this isn't going to go the protestors way. I love about 50 miles away, so I'm gonna get my popcorn and watch Ferguson burn. For those that don't live around it, I have family and friends that live there that say it's freaking insane. Even that the protestors are attacking white people that aren't part of the protest. It's wild
Are they being arrested for assault?
Or is this another example of how one directional racism is ok in the US now?


Jan 15, 2013
Those idiots will have it looking like Detroit in short order. Then they will be standing around with their hands out with looks of dismay because they have no stores to go get things in their neighborhood. Darwinian awards to follow.
A couple of things at play here I think. Some are just idiots. Some do not realize they are being manipulated.
The really sad thing is the death of a young person (justified or not, it is sad) is being exploited by people with ugly motives. Nearly as sad is the inability of the national press or society at large to have any honest dialog about these kinds of things. If you are critical at all of these people (keep in mind I am speaking of the people committing crimes) you are a racist. It is pathetic.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #15
Some are being arrested but it seems to be a very disappointing margin. I was watching the news yesterday morning and some board that organizes the protest was requesting that the cops look the other way to mild crimes after the verdict. Fuck that

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #17
Haha that actually made me smile @Thordaddy. I'm tired of these fools getting away with this shit.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Haha that actually made me smile @Thordaddy. I'm tired of these fools getting away with this crap.
It saddens me Juggs, if a check was all the kid ever meant to her, wouldn't that explain something about how he'd turned out, now he's dead and she wants the profit from the T shirt sales .
Exploited from birth exploited in death ,is that ALL his life amounts to ?

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #19
For many folks like this yes. There are some fucked up people who look at their kids as a check and do not feel the love that most do. He'll his mom looked like she had her hair done and shit the day he died. I don't even know that I would have the mindset to put on pants.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
For many folks like this yes. There are some fucked up people who look at their kids as a check and do not feel the love that most do. He'll his mom looked like she had her hair done and crap the day he died. I don't even know that I would have the mindset to put on pants.

Yeah and then again SHE might have only done things the way she was raised , the cycle may have been all she knew and been as exploited as he was,maybe worse.
The whole town of Ferguson needs to rise up and demand more policing cuz I'd say the protesters are a small percentage of the towns actual population and if they could get rid of the element that preys on the honest people there it would auger more benefit than stringing up one cop and neutering the rest.