FCC votes to keep the Internet open!

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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Yeah, that's the telcos talking.

Which telco or Internet company or software or hardware firm is going to stop innovating in the internet space and cede the many billions of dollars to rivals?

So, Cisco is going to stop innovation with respect to backbone routers now? The race for others to match Google's Gigabit ftth internet speeds stops now even with ridiculous pent up demand for ftth? (ask any gamer who doesn't have FiOS how bad he wants it...I've got it and it's bad ass)

No way. Innovation for land lines stopped because of the Internet and the ascent of mobile tech which better suited customer needs and frankly was and is a better platform for almost everything.

Telcos bitching about this are just trying to get paid twice. We've already paid for the data from Netflix or wherever by paying our ISPs. They build their infrastructure so that they can charge us to deliver us thst data. Doesn't matter if one company serves up all the content or ten million companies serve it up.

As a former network engineer, it aggravates me no end when I hear the telcos and cable companies make these complaints because I know chapter and verse what they are REALLY saying and what they really want to do.

By the way, Tom Wheeler was also an Internet pioneer and not nearly the "dingo" folks thought he was. Clearly...


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
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  • #23
So I know some Internet companies where already throttling some P2P services such as torrents. My question is, Some online gaming uses P2P listen servers (Call of Duty). Would these be affected by the same throttling?

Lobbing this one up for you @Mackeyser.

Also, it aggravates me that broadband providers advertise bandwidth as speed. But that's another post.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
P2P is different and would be covered under Title II but not wouldn't necessarily stop throttling or gating of those services.

This is all very new and we'll have to see how the challenges shake out in the courts.