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- Ernie
You can believe what ever you want, I prefer the truth personally. Why are we on pace to have less deaths in America this year then last year if covid has killed so many people that would have not died if they hadnt tested positive for covid?Yeap and those 200 thousand plus dead believe you.
I've seen your prior post numbers and in no way do I buy your nonsense.
Nope. No matter what “he” would have told us to do, it would have been met with one of two responses.
1. Yeah, right. Fuck that guy.
2. Fuck yeah
Now think of the two possible ways he could have ‘guided’ people. One half will give response number one, and the other half would give response number two, no matter what the message was.
We have/had REAL experts all along the way telling us what to do. They weren’t hidden from view. The media was right in front of them the whole time too. They fucked this up in a HUGE way early on, and THAT is one of the biggest reasons why people aren’t completely down with any messaging about this right now. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks. HCQ doesn’t work. HCQ works. HCQ doesn’t work. Can’t get it from protests. Can absolutely get it from a rally. Casinos are alright. Churches aren’t. Can’t sing. Can yell. Social distancing is okay at Walmart. Social distancing on the beach should be a crime. Close schools. Open Daycare (wtf). Fast food is essential. Your job isn’t. Now your job is essential and the Government’s isn’t (clearly stated at the confirmation hearing).
it’s 110% political, and most people are fucking tired of it. ESPECIALLY those in the very low risk group who are out here everyday trying to scratch out a living. So does T have anything to do with my approach to any of this? Lol. No freaking way. And exactly everyone I know IRL is of the same exact opinion.
13% of the obese people in the world live in America even though we have only 4% of the world population. Since we know obesity and the health issues that come with it put people at the highest risk for complications if infected with covid the facts support what we have been stating.Sorry all that you posted doesn't mean anything.
Excuse after Excuse, doesn't explain why we have 20 percent of all Deaths and Infected., while only having 4.2 of the World's Population.
Btw I don't blame anyone person.
I agree it has been made political and it shouldnt be. American lives all matter regardless of which party or politician they support. It is funny if you watch MSNBC they make it appear that covid is going to kill us all. If you turn to FOXNEWS they talk about the treatments and how our numbers are improving as far as fatality rate. Total cases are always going to go up until we achieve herd immunity, however that happens whether its vaccine or through therapeutics. I did not ask any of the Drs or nurses, that I spoken with about covid, which party they support. But I do know they dont have any agenda or reason to lie about covid, and they all say covid is nothing to worry about if you are reasonably healthy. I'm not sure why that is so hard for some to understand, people keep bringing up the reported number of people that have died with covid as some kind of evidence that this is not true. So I will use the 10k or so that died of covid as proof that what my Drs told me is true. Covid itself is not that dangerous unless you are in poor health and in that case walking 2 flights of stairs can cause death, of course we blame it on the heart attack and not the over exertion that led to the heart attack.Here is the rub ....
Are we allowed to acknowledge that differences in how we look at Covid can be politically driven?
I know we don’t talk politics here - but we all read between the lines. We all know the political leanings of most of the people who think Covid is somewhere in the overblown / hoax department. And we all know the political leanings of most of the people who think that we aren’t taking it seriously enough. Generalizations? Sure - but we have a pretty good sample size.
If we are all ok to acknowledge that basic stereotype - and knowing that stereotypes aren’t all encompassing - then let’s ask why? Is it lack of personal responsibility or is it the messaging and examples of our leadership?
Im willing to acknowledge that the left may be overblowing the whole thing because we have been tricked into fear. It’s plausible that we have gone too far - that we have “let the cure become worse than the disease”. I’m willing to acknowledge the possibility that I have been misled by the messaging I typically receive.
can those of you on the other side acknowledge that perhaps you aren’t taking it seriously enough because of where your messaging comes from?
What's not true about what I said? Do you really believe a fabric that you can literally see holes in when you hold it up to a light is going to block particles as small as covid-19?That’s just not true.
Ah, bull-pucky.Nope. No matter what “he” would have told us to do, it would have been met with one of two responses.
1. Yeah, right. Fuck that guy.
2. Fuck yeah
Now think of the two possible ways he could have ‘guided’ people. One half will give response number one, and the other half would give response number two, no matter what the message was.
We have/had REAL experts all along the way telling us what to do. They weren’t hidden from view. The media was right in front of them the whole time too. They fucked this up in a HUGE way early on, and THAT is one of the biggest reasons why people aren’t completely down with any messaging about this right now. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks. HCQ doesn’t work. HCQ works. HCQ doesn’t work. Can’t get it from protests. Can absolutely get it from a rally. Casinos are alright. Churches aren’t. Can’t sing. Can yell. Social distancing is okay at Walmart. Social distancing on the beach should be a crime. Close schools. Open Daycare (wtf). Fast food is essential. Your job isn’t. Now your job is essential and the Government’s isn’t (clearly stated at the confirmation hearing).
it’s 110% political, and most people are fucking tired of it. ESPECIALLY those in the very low risk group who are out here everyday trying to scratch out a living. So does T have anything to do with my approach to any of this? Lol. No freaking way. And exactly everyone I know IRL is of the same exact opinion.
This and the fact that the vast majority dont wear them properly or are constantly touching them to adjust them. Most people have their nose uncovered while wearing a mask in the grocery store, its not doing them any good and its not protecting me any. Yet they are applauded for their efforts while people that dont wear a mask at all are ridiculed. Both have the same effect as far as protection themselves or others. From day 1 I figured if I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it, and I did. It was a little worse than I thought it would be, but not as bad as the flu is for most. We know much more today than we knew in March, lets use what we know and get back to life. Those that are in a known high risk group can and should do everything they can to prevent catching it.Masks don't work because most people are using masks that wouldn't work for anything anyway. Sweet ladies sewing together masks from pretty printed fabrics is a very nice thing to do but they don't protect you from virus droplets that are 70nm in size.
It boggles my mind that anyone could argue that if "he" hadn't been forcefully in favor of masks, for months on end, consistently, that wouldn't have made a huge difference in ppl taking this more seriously.
Americans love our freedom and I dont care who says I have to do something I dont want to do, I am not going to do it if I dont want to. Look at the states where Governors have made ridiculous demands, people are going to do what they want to.
Wear a mask in crowded places, and try to keep your distance. That’s it.ridiculous demands
Nope. No matter what “he” would have told us to do, it would have been met with one of two responses.
1. Yeah, right. Fuck that guy.
2. Fuck yeah
Now think of the two possible ways he could have ‘guided’ people. One half will give response number one, and the other half would give response number two, no matter what the message was.
We have/had REAL experts all along the way telling us what to do. They weren’t hidden from view. The media was right in front of them the whole time too. They fucked this up in a HUGE way early on, and THAT is one of the biggest reasons why people aren’t completely down with any messaging about this right now. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks. HCQ doesn’t work. HCQ works. HCQ doesn’t work. Can’t get it from protests. Can absolutely get it from a rally. Casinos are alright. Churches aren’t. Can’t sing. Can yell. Social distancing is okay at Walmart. Social distancing on the beach should be a crime. Close schools. Open Daycare (wtf). Fast food is essential. Your job isn’t. Now your job is essential and the Government’s isn’t (clearly stated at the confirmation hearing).
it’s 110% political, and most people are fucking tired of it. ESPECIALLY those in the very low risk group who are out here everyday trying to scratch out a living. So does T have anything to do with my approach to any of this? Lol. No freaking way. And exactly everyone I know IRL is of the same exact opinion.
Imagine having a choice and exercising it.One leader is holding rallies that look like this:
View attachment 40044
...and the other isn’t.
Yes, leadership makes a difference.
No, it's absolutely not a spectrum. The Country is positioned at polar opposite ends of the political spectrum right now, and that's not even debatable.Bullcrap. The responses aren't just "fuck yeah" or "fuck no." It's a spectrum. And for tens of millions of ardent followers, "his" example carries a HUGE amount of weight.
That actually made me laugh. I mean, literally. Fauci is more recognizable than any doctor in the history of doctors. The dude is on TV constantly, does countless interviews, has been on 60 minutes, is on EVERY media news outlet making statements, is in every single US media publication on the regular, was on the cover of TIME Magazine, was one of "the top 100 most influential people", and did an expose for In Style. He couldn't be silenced if you tore his lips off.This is patently untrue. There have been dozens of times that Dr. Fauci was forbidden from appearing on news programs. For the last seven months, experts have been muzzled, discredited, sidelined, ignored.
Yeah, right.Bullcrap. Experts have had WAY more unanimity than has been presented. A concerted months-long effort has been made to amplify the amount of so-called "confusion."
Don't know what to tell you. Be boggled then.It boggles my mind that anyone could argue that if "he" had been forcefully in favor of masks, for months on end, consistently, that wouldn't have made a huge difference in ppl taking this more seriously.
Nope. No matter what “he” would have told us to do, it would have been met with one of two responses.
1. Yeah, right. Fuck that guy.
2. Fuck yeah
Now think of the two possible ways he could have ‘guided’ people. One half will give response number one, and the other half would give response number two, no matter what the message was.
We have/had REAL experts all along the way telling us what to do. They weren’t hidden from view. The media was right in front of them the whole time too. They fucked this up in a HUGE way early on, and THAT is one of the biggest reasons why people aren’t completely down with any messaging about this right now. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks. HCQ doesn’t work. HCQ works. HCQ doesn’t work. Can’t get it from protests. Can absolutely get it from a rally. Casinos are alright. Churches aren’t. Can’t sing. Can yell. Social distancing is okay at Walmart. Social distancing on the beach should be a crime. Close schools. Open Daycare (wtf). Fast food is essential. Your job isn’t. Now your job is essential and the Government’s isn’t (clearly stated at the confirmation hearing).
it’s 110% political, and most people are fucking tired of it. ESPECIALLY those in the very low risk group who are out here everyday trying to scratch out a living. So does T have anything to do with my approach to any of this? Lol. No freaking way. And exactly everyone I know IRL is of the same exact opinion.