But you honestly said that. You see millions of Americans.......
Like you saw pictures of passengers and Flight Attendants without their masks on and spun that into a systemic problem that was not true in the least.
One must be careful with their words.
Yeah, I wish I had used a word other than "see". I acknowledge my choice of the word "see" was a bit sloppy. But on the other hand, I find it surprising that some people took those words literally when it seems obvious that I was speaking figuratively.
Rather than saying, “I see millions of Americans...” it would have been better to say, “Basic math shows us that millions of Americans...”
(AHA! I see what you're doing there!
If I had said, "I see over 7 billion people on this planet going about their daily lives," would people have taken me to task for using the word "see"? Would people think that I literally "see" over 7 billion folks? Or is it more reasonable to think I was making a rough estimate of the earth's population based on math, science, common sense, and basic shared assumptions?
It is an incontrovertible reality that well over one million Americans are not wearing masks in public. People can disagree with that sentence, but it's objectively true.
Let me put it another way. There are about 330 M people in the USA. If there were less than a million people who did not wear masks, that would mean the USA would have a mask compliance rate of 99.7%.
[Disclaimer to show the arithmetic: 330 million times 0.997 equals 329.01 million. So, at 99.7% compliance rate, that would mean 329.01 million people are wearing masks, and the remaining 990,000 are not.]
So yeah, if people want to believe that this country has achieved a 99.7% mask-compliance rate, and there are fewer than 1 million people who refuse to wear masks in the USA, then by all means go right ahead. But all the polls, common sense, and arithmetic say otherwise.
Lots of topics on this thread have been fascinating, frustrating, enlightening. But this particular "debate"-- are there more or less than a million Americans who won't wear a mask?-- just doesn't feel like it is worth the time for any of us. IMHO.
So to anyone who says, "let's move on to another subject," I'd say, "You look like a million bucks."
(And the point of me saying that would be “thank goodness you’re willing to change the subject”, and NOT “you bear a physical resemblance to a stack of one million dollar bills”!)
Speaking of changing the subject....
As to you SWA, I find it really unfortunate that we had a breakdown in civility during our exchange. At some point I would be interested in exchanging some PM's in an attempt to bury the hatchet. Cheers.