Beware!: Doomsday Coming October 21 2011

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

According to the Doomsday Prophecy that the world will end on October 21 2011, the majority of people will not be saved by Jesus in the Rapture. Harold Camping originally predicted that somewhere between 2 and 4 million humans would be saved in the 2011 Rapture by Jesus, but other sources say that number could be much higher. Regardless of which Biblical expert your consult, the number remains in the double digits of the millions, leaving the majority of mankind behind on Doomsday 2011.

Many Christians believed that they would be among the chosen faithful to be saved on May 21, 2011 – the first Harold Camping driven doomsday prediction for 2011. The May 21 Rapture was clearly a bust, but the Jesus faithful are preparing for Doomsday on October 21 regardless.
What Happened on May 21 2011?

There were earthquakes and volcano eruptions on May 21 2011, but nothing too far out of the ordinary, causing the faithful to believe that Jesus came for the Rapture only to leave them behind. Harold Camping, the man who calculated the biblical math to determine the dates of May 21 and October 21 2011, spoke to the media the day after to confirm his miscalculation of the God’s word. Despite the May 21 Doomsday miscalculation, many still believe Camping has determined the exact date of the Rapture.
Prepare for Judgement Day 2011

The date of October 21 Judgement Day may prove to be true, or Harold Camping may once again be incorrect with his End of the World Prediction. We encourage you to prepare for Judgement Day 2011 regardless of your belief, as there is real math behind Camping’s prediction. Whether saved in the Rapture or lost during the End of the World, October 21 2011 will be a monumental day in history.


I have no comment on this, but I would like to share one from that website.

If you are certain and I mean 100 percent about Judgment day, I will make you a deal, how about you pledge $100 000 (made payable by the end of 2011) to me IF the world does not end on may 21st… heck if you are truly serious how about a million, you can even use it as a campaign to show people how serious you are, because I would like to challenge you on this and the bible itself, either to pledge to God or to burn in hell for eternity, your choice.

Put your Money where your Faith is, prove to people you are serious, if you are right then what have you got to lose, and hey if you are right you will be losing nothing and gaining a larger audience at least out of it.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
IMNSHO, the "faithful" are totally faithless. By that I mean in the world they live, their lives and those of their neighbors, friends and families. This fantasy of Camping's is an insult to the physical world. There is so much beauty in the world, in nature and humanity, that to insist that God is done with it defies the precepts of Christianity. Despite some interpretations, the New Testament tells us how to live, not when to die. And while some believe the rapture isn't actual death, what about all those left behind?

The story of life on Earth is an open-ended tale, with no ending until the Earth itself can no longer support life. I think we'd have a little more warning than 2 months if that were imminent. Killer asteroids aside (Did the dinosaurs already have their rapture?).

Btw, how does one become a beneficiary of those putting their money where they belief is? :mrgreen:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Man there is no shortage of apocalyptic tales out there. From aliens, to the myan prophecy, to the few asteroids that get closer and closer to the earth on every cycle, to volcano activity (specifically Yellowstone), to biblical prophecy to nuclear holocaust. I can't sweat it. Sooner or later everyone's clock is gonna get punched, so there's no use (IMO) to plan for it. Just enjoy your time here while you can.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The thing that annoys me most about this sort of thing is the whole concept of "being saved." I'm a good guy, don't do crime, don't hurt others, and try to better my life. Yet since I'm not Christain I will burn in hell for eternity?

You live your life, let me live mine.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Angry Ram said:
The thing that annoys me most about this sort of thing is the whole concept of "being saved." I'm a good guy, don't do crime, don't hurt others, and try to better my life. Yet since I'm not Christain I will burn in hell for eternity?

You live your life, let me live mine.
It's a dry heat. And you'll have about 500 million Buddhists there to keep you company. They seem fun.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I don't give a damn about the Rapture or 2012 (even though they're totally false). I know that I'll burn in hell no matter what, so I don't care much for salvation. All I need to do is take care of my well-being, help others when they need it, and live to the fullest. If I'm satisfied with my life, nothing can take that away from me.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
The rapture is escapism in high concept. "This life sucks, but in the next one I'll be with God."

What if God says, "You didn't like that one? Get a life."

Don't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor. In my belief, God eats irony for breakfast, snacks on satire and guffaws over his evening repast of farce. And humanity offers a crap load of farce.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
StlouisramsX said:
Angry Ram said:
The thing that annoys me most about this sort of thing is the whole concept of "being saved." I'm a good guy, don't do crime, don't hurt others, and try to better my life. Yet since I'm not Christain I will burn in hell for eternity?

You live your life, let me live mine.
It's a dry heat. And you'll have about 500 million Buddhists there to keep you company. They seem fun.

Those dastardly, peace lovin Buddhishts! I knew it was them! Sittin there all peacefully...meditating. :what:


May 28, 2011
I've decided long ago if there's an afterlife and I go to hell, I'm just going to drop kick the devil right off the bat and try to take over. I mean if I'm doomed to be there anyway, might as well. Maybe I'll get some respect and help turn hell into a lual

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
For the record,,, Harold Camping's prediction of the End of the World on Oct 2011 was not his first wrong prediction for the date of the end of the world. He predicted a much earlier date many years ago. He blamed his first "mistake" on bad math... the same excuse he gave on the recent 2011 prediction. He can't lose :cool: