He's just salty his QB went down and he's trying to play the bounty card to get people in more trouble over it. how about you man up and coach your players better, coach them not to run with the ball if they're not a HB, coach them to run better routes and getting open so Teddy doesn't even think about running the ball and he can focus on hitting them in stride or coach them to go through there progressions better but don't pick up the bullcrap blame card and start bringing up pasts and crap.
Teddy got a rushing TD and thought "hey that worked pretty damn well, we can win off this" then Teddy ran in a 2 point conversion and thought "wow, they really cant stop this" Then later they got the ball back and Teddy went for it again, but, this time Teddy thought "this is the best damn sleep I've had in awhile, zZzZzZzZz"
Once your QB passes that LOS with the ball don't cry when he gets creamed, If you don't want him to get creamed then don't allow him to convert himself into a HB in the final quarter of the game. simple as that. I love the aggressiveness GW brought to this defense and I loved the hit, let it be known that we will not be afraid to put your star QB out if he tries to get fancy out there.