Am I wrong for finding this funny?

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Jan 21, 2013
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and pornography. That’s what you’ll get if you watch the St. Louis Cardinals on TV. Every fan I know has remarked on the filthy Hardee’s commercial featuring a nearly nude woman writhing in soap suds. It’s pornography, pure and simple.

A few Sundays ago I sat down with my family after church to watch the Cardinals. When this commercial came on, my 86-year-old mother, almost in tears said, “Why do they have to do this?” My 13-year-old granddaughter hid her face and my 11-year-old grandson was so embarrassed, he didn’t know where to look. My 89-year-old father — who played baseball in the St. Louis Browns organization — apologized “I’m sorry this is on my TV,” as if it were his fault.

Then it came on again, and my mom grabbed for the remote to try to turn the channel. We were all embarrassed. And then it came on again, and I got mad.
I couldn’t help but think of Stan Musial, the standard bearer of the Cardinals and a man of impeccable character. He had to be looking down from heaven with tears in his eyes.

Since then, I’ve called the offices of team owner Bill DeWitt Jr. and president Bill DeWitt III and left five messages. I have not had the courtesy of a return phone call. Unfortunately, Hardee’s money trumps fans’ concerns. Maybe thousands need to call the DeWitts. Will they listen?

You'd think they showed a beheading or hanging on tv or something lol. I can just imagine grandma sitting their crying her eyes out, grandpa turning red and shaking with anger, while the kids hide their faces in horror and fear. How repressed is this family lol, they need to loosen up a little.


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
It sells product, I'm sure. Hardee's likes those types of ads. Sex sells!


Jan 15, 2013
The only "disgusting" thing about that commercial is the overdubbed biting sound....thats not sexy.
I guess grandma and grandpa have never been to the beach?
If they are the ones raising these kids they are raising kids that hit high school or go off to college and going Fing crazy.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
That particular commercial is too funny because Paris Hilton is in it. It's funny that her career has dwindled down to Hardees/Carl Jr commercials.


May 18, 2014
The only "disgusting" thing about that commercial is the overdubbed biting sound....thats not sexy.
I guess grandma and grandpa have never been to the beach?
If they are the ones raising these kids they are raising kids that hit high school or go off to college and going Fing crazy.
I know right? The Kate Upton one was gross because of that bite noise. Instant wood killer.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I love it. I love how Hardees and Carls, Jr just basically gives the finger to the PC/PR standard.

They aren't gonna give in to the healthy fast food fad. Taco Bell tried that with that Hispanic chef and that whole cantina menu BS. Yeah, didn't work as well as the DORITOS TACOS.

"We're gonna create a burger with THREE patties, FOUR layers of cheese, throw some onion rings on...and ahh fuck it put some Oreos on top of it too."

"Hmmm how do we get this wonderful contraption out? Some semi-giggity red head with corny lines? Ahh fuck it lets go get 2 blonde bitches and have them wash a car!"

Next one they should get Jessica Biel or some other brunette....yo know, the blondes can be the buns and she can be the patty. Hey-ooO!!!!

Obviously, this thread just made my day.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I'll be honest because ya'll my rams bros... There was something about that lady Taco Bell chef that drove me wild about her. Not helping my cause but I'm the guy that thinks Serena Williams us hot.