We can't have that. #QuesttoStop100You know...you could've just posted it in the AD thread.
Coulda contributed to the #questfor100.
I promise nothingI hereby propose a resolution, that this thread die the MINUTE it's announced that AD contract is signed. a new thread discussing contract details would be spawned and this thread would die, before 100. #questtostop100.
And..... merged.You know...you could've just posted it in the AD thread.
Coulda contributed to the #questfor100.
And..... merged.
Speaking of merged. We could merge this thread with the Rams at RavensPreSeason Week 1GDTVent thread and get to the magic #100 easy.
NoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSpeaking of merged. We could merge this thread with the Rams at RavensPreSeason Week 1GDTVent thread and get to the magic #100 easy.
So, just pure conspiracy theory and maybe this has been touched on here already but I'll be damned if I'm going through all 80 pages, maybe the Rams are playing the week 1 angle as best they can. Supposedly the Raiders and Mack aren't waiting for Donald to sign... that's what they want us to believe. But maybe the Rams are taking their time to dot the I's and cross the T's with the belief that that is exactly what the Raiders and Mack are waiting on. Drag the AD negotiations out till just the end of preseason and then sign him and release details with less than a week to go? They know AD doesn't need the practice and is a condition freak on his own anyway.
I doubt it, but would be funny.
Maybe we have been thinking about this all wrong. Instead of getting our AD thread to 99 pages, maybe we need 99 AD threads .... it could work.