TV Land pulls 'Dukes of Hazzard' re-runs over Confederate flag debate

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Right... THIS ONE:

Can't like this enough. Bravo Mac


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I could really give a shit about the confederate flag itself. It is just more self gratification from those who think freedom means freedom FROM whatever offends their delicate sensibilities. Get a life muthuhfuckuhs. You have it exactly backwards.


Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
wasnt sure where to post this, so I put it in the "Boobies" thread also:



Pro Bowler
Mar 14, 2015
What I don't understand is displaying/selling the flag is seen as an exercise in free speech. Whereas the decision that the flag is offensive to a large portion of society and is a symbol of America's racist past (and present) and not wanting to continue to display/sell it for those reasons is somehow a repression of free speech. Almost as if it's not a freedom of speech, but a requirement to offend.


Jun 17, 2014
I'm guessing randy Owen and the group Alabama Are somewhere in hiding now. Waiting it out in a spider hole maybe.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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I guess if this sudden outrage over the Confederate flag is due to its links to slavery, and looking at it somehow offends people, then we're going to have to start taking down a ton of monuments, statues, and maybe ban the dollar and the quarter. George Washington owned somewhere near a hundred slaves with his wife, and he's the Big Papa of this Country.

I don't really care about the flag in and of itself. Whenever I saw it, I would just think 'Redneck'. Just being honest. But I kind of care about it now. Not in such a way that I'm now somehow full of Southern Pride, but moreso that I'm sick to death of bleeding heart spotlight grabbers that promote rallies and an intervention of Government on their behalves. I'm sure they'll get their way too, and they can thump their little bird chests and claim victory over ... something. That chick from NC who went to SC to pull down that flag on TV gave absolutely zero shits about that same flag that was flying there her entire life. She had many opportunities to do that outside of the media spotlight, but I guess it wasn't as offensive the previous 20+ years of her life.

One mentally deranged and unstable Pete Rose hairstyle-havin' jagoff perverts a symbol of a Confederate State, goes and shoots up a church, and history has to be corrected. That's where I live now? What about the Nation's flag? It's a symbol of Freedom, yeah? It flew for about 88 years before slavery was abolished. What about the internment camps we set up for innocent Japanese people during WWII? How about how the mass murder of Native Americans? Oh yeah, I forgot. Daniel Snyder's going to pay for that one. The assault on Christianity is another cause that's been happening at a steady gait. Won't be long before that's illegal here. I mean, after all, didn't the Crusades happen once before somewhere? I'm kind of offended by that. Now that same sex marriages are legalized, might as well get that nasty looking cross off of buildings. I don't like the way it looks, and I don't like what it stands for.


Man I really dislike people anymore.

But y'all are okay. I can live with you guys.


May 19, 2014
So, I don't get it. With so many alternatives, why belligerently fight the "heritage" fight over the stars and bars when it's so aligned with slavery when there are other symbols of southern pride that aren't?

Good luck. Never gotten an answer from people...

Lived in South Carolina for 2 years and I have no problem saying that state is, imo, still the most racist state in the union. And the most ass backwards state. And the disturbing fascination for the Confederate Flag.

Southern pride? Southern pride of fucking what? It was stitched together as a means to symbolize their wish to succeed from the union b/c they wanted their slaves and their slaves as 3/5ths of a person. I never saw any other connection to the flag than that.

You're right to ask why so much hard-penis love for that flag exists and not the Stars and Bars.

And I'd tell you why, but the answer is self-evident.

You want my opinion? Reconstruction of the south didn't last nearly long enough. But then, I had super terrible memories of childhood associated with the south and some of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of knowing.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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If that terrible tragedy hadn't happened in Charleston, would the Dukes of Hazzard be cancelled?

If not, why not? Discuss....
lol. Of course not, and you know that too. But once that snowball starts its downhill ascent, everything in its path gets wiped out. If something/anything has even the remotest (is that a word?) chance of affecting a financial bottom line, it has to be eradicated. TV Land cannot have people refusing to watch their channel because they air a show that has something that's (now) offensive. Two months ago, nobody cared about the Confederate symbol on that car. Now it might as well be an internal-combustion baby killer.


Aug 24, 2013
If activists continue to remove anything offensive from public view the rest of us are going to have a difficult time determining who NOT to associate with.
BTW how long before we find activists offensive?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I'd say we're fucked, but that would be overreacting.
Actually, no it wouldn't. WE ARE FUCKED!

It's only the beginning boys - take it from us old guys. Seen it coming for 25 years.
BTW - 67 tomorrow.:rockon:
Happy Birthday!!


May 28, 2011
If activists continue to remove anything offensive from public view the rest of us are going to have a difficult time determining who NOT to associate with.
BTW how long before we find activists offensive?

I think most rational people just say to not fly it on government buildings. I would agree, it has no business being on a government building. If someone wants to wear a shirt or put it on their truck, or fly it at home, then so be it. I think it's stupid, similar to flying a Nazi flag, but that's their own deal.

On a government building? Take that shit down, if everyone is so damn patriotic as they claim to be, then the only flag that should matter is the American flag. Yeah, a lot of people died for that confederate flag, but a lot more died for the American one, and that's the flag that won, and that's the flag that matters.

Again, on your own property, go for it, I don't care at all. People who want to totally ban it, even for private use are dumb.