The Vent Thread

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I seriously don't think he does have the option.
I've never seen him call a time out. To have 2 Delay Of Game penalties within 4 Plays certainly is telling.

I dunno. I know he can audible because I see him do it. But I don't know about timeouts.


Daniel Leu
Jun 20, 2014
Maybe this is a wake-up call to some of us to take the fucking blinders off. BTW, I loved the "why all the bitching" thread we had this week. I stayed away from it because even though I was glad we were 3-1, I knew -and all of us knew- we are still an young, undisciplined team ran by a shitty, mediocre coaching staff. And as long as that stays the same, we should all expect nothing more than 7-9 bullshit.

And whoever wants to stop hearing about 7-9 bullshit, they can fuck themselves because it's not going to change as long as this coaching staff remains.

Rant over. Beat Detroit.


Jun 4, 2013
Meh...about what I expected with the injuries. It was already a tough matchup.

I disagree that Keenum is responsible for the INT. The defender was supposed to have been picked and wasn't then Cooper took a bad line, let the defender in front of him, and then fell. It was a designed play and the ball was in the air before the break. Shit happens.

It was the same old story with a couple of bad passes, but better, and dropped balls, not better.

The O-line was just...:palm:

The rest of the playing wasn't bad, just not great.

I expected a fake on the 5 yard line, the one called was moronic.

Tavon Austin was destroying it on the ground at 8.7 YPC. Whatever you do Boras and Fisher, don't hand him the ball.:mad:

The Rams need a spark and that spark needs to be Goff. Keenum will make an excellent backup.


Hall of Fame
Oct 3, 2011
Atlanta went for it on 4th down in the FIRST QUARTER. IN Denver against that DEF.
They scored a TD.
THAT is playing to win.
That set the tone for the rest of the game and guess what...They WON the game.

No excuse to not execute AT home against the Bills.
Stupid penalties and more shitty playcalling. Playing scared football... it's getting old.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

Was anybody else losing their shit watching the redzone channel today? They kept showing the broncos game and cowboys game even though both were blowouts from a long way out, while the Rams game was close the whole way. The ultimate insult was when they showed the falcons kneeling for the win.

Couldn't get a stream going on Kodi. So frustrating. Missed all the big plays live. Screw that channel.



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 19, 2013

Was anybody else losing their crap watching the redzone channel today? They kept showing the broncos game and cowboys game even though both were blowouts from a long way out, while the Rams game was close the whole way. The ultimate insult was when they showed the falcons kneeling for the win.

Couldn't get a stream going on Kodi. So frustrating. Missed all the big plays live. Screw that channel.

I think i saw 2 plays in the 3rd qtr on redzone ... i mean 2 plays .. we get no love on there for sure evene with blowouts all over the place


Reppin' the Rams since 2000
May 10, 2014
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Jan 15, 2016
I dont mind loosing a tough game but I absolutely despise dumb coaching. The decision to go for 3 rather than go for the touchdown or back the Bills deep with a chance to get the ball back, the fake punt from the 25, two mistakes on challenges last week, the inexcusable play calling all season on offense all frustrate the heck out of me.

This QB issue on top of the nonsense above may doom us for a VERY long period of time if they got it wrong. It frustrates me to no end that we have the 32nd worst offense and the top pick from last years draft, and he isnt playing. Meanwhile, Wentz and Prescott are playing and winning games.


Jan 15, 2016
Its been a historic year for football in LA. So much has happened with the move, that my expectations for this season were for the Rams to finish somewhere in the 7-10 win range. So fellow fans, we'll have to grunt through another season of Fisher ball and take our lumps week after week. Sitting at 3-2, the wins have been as painful to watch as the looses. In the 5 years Fisher has been coach, I recall maybe 6 games that the Rams made winning look easy. That in itself is telling, yet alone the loosing record and years missing the playoffs.

LA needs a winner and a the very least, some exciting football. Fisher refuses to innovate and in refusing to do so, will grind on the newly restored fan base. Who can recall when the Rams brought back Ground Chuck?? That was an all time low for the LA Rams. With the 32nd ranked offense, Fisher has brought us right back to that era. He refuses to start the golden arm QB. He refuses to continue with spread formations when they are used to get the Rams back in the game. He is loyal to coaches that make mistake after mistake (Boras). Year after year, his team are the top penalized. He refuses to sprinkle in proven players to help the young players along (4th year in a row with the youngest NFL roster). He makes terrible calls on challenges. He thinks fake punts are an extension of the offense.

Fishers system played well enough in small markets, somehow keeping him employed for 22 seasons on mostly loosing football. My hope is now that the Rams are in LA, the heat will get turned up so high, something will have to give. New coaches come in every year and have success. Why this ownership that has so much vision and innovation to create football utopia in the second largest market tolerates the Fisher "on the field" product is mind blowing. Its like creating Disneyland, only to put in it a tilt-o-whirl a giant slide and a hot dog stand.


Ram It, Do You Know How To Ram It, Ram It
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Three of four D lineman out.
Hard to win when the best unit is down to practice squad guys.
Johnson injury looked bad on a cheap clip too.
Keenum played well. One bad pass. Grob has regressed and is routinely beaten by a drum.
4 trips inside Buffalos 20, 3 was there to be won.
Oh well.
Gonna lose some we could have won too. Next two weeks probably determine the season.
Need our D lineman back.
Nice post! We really got a great break from the Football Gods on that pass that was just a hair overthrown when our DB got totally burned on a bomb. Brian Quick burned them and was wide open with the same result (overthrown). I guess what I'm saying is the game was a nail biter and the Rams played tough and that's all I ask. I was not embarrassed, only disappointed.
Rams were still in the game when they had to try the fake punt, I totally get it and support it. We had to try something to rock the boat. Fisher has brass balls and desperate times calls for desperate measures. He only does the fake punt about once a year, maybe twice. I would have had Johnny pass it is the only difference instead of a run.
I'm not disagreeing with my frustrated Rams bros on if it was a poor choice. It's too bad we were up against the clock and had to go to that rarely used option that rarely works.
We will be back! Tough loss and my dream of 4-1 winning record is shattered (splattered all over Manhattan, sha-doobie shattered shattered).


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I like victory Mondays better than I like loser Mondays

that's all I got


Pro Bowler
Sep 28, 2015
I'm still ruminating over the 4th & goal at the 4 field goal call. It's still pissing me off. My perspective has shifted to if I were playing on the Rams defense. The decision to kick the FG, from the 4 yard line, says I don't believe you guys (on D) can get the ball back right away. This team is supposed to be built around the defense, right? Then why the freak don't you have the sack to possibly put the strength of your team out there in that situation? It also shows zero confidence in the offensive unit, obviously.

If (Yeah I know, big if) the Rams score the TD there, I believe the emotional boost would've been enough to come back and win the game.

Ok, so the Rams kick the field goal. It's points on the board which is a good thing. If you have the sack to run a fake punt deep in your own territory, why not try an onside kick play after the field goal? Worst case, the field position is better than after the failed fake punt.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
terrible opening drive for the D...gave Ty Taylor let them convert a 3rd & 19? All Ogletree and the missed tackle...Terrible start...and he had a pretty bad game..all in the first half...

Josh Forrest plays for what reason? Serious question...

Fake punt was a bad call, placing the success of said play in the hands of Bradley Marquez???? And yeah, he coulda made 3 fuckin yards...

Case Keenum...missed throws...weak throws..slow feet....poor pocket awareness...just not an NFL QB...or a winning one..

Todd Gurley is still seeing ghosts...misses holes...

And yall blame the O-Line??? Case has time...gurley has holes...don't know what you want...time to time they're gonna break through and hit someone...but the majority of the time....what? Holes & time...

Got a look at the backups at D-Line....I would start Easley, Westbrooks, and Longacre with Donald...

I'm drafting a EJ, love Tru...drafting a cb with the 2nd round pick....and a DL with the 3rd...and a center....with the 4th...


Pro Bowler
Jun 10, 2014


Sep 27, 2016
Forgot about missing Quick, that was not that close.
There were some well designed pass plays today. Keenum was efficient for the most part. The pick six looked like he determined the throw before the snap, wasn't late but the WR was covered and the guy jumped it. Not a good throw.
The Rams moved the ball and Keenum made some throws and certainly played well enough for them to win.
The biggest issue I see is the line. LT was not good again. Saffold was beaten badly several times. Just a blah O line performance, which is the norm.
Brown has a real ability to avoid blocking guys for plays at a time.
Gurley laying on the ground twice is strange too.
I think that Keenum played pretty well overall, no joking.
We aren't looking for efficient football, we are looking for winning football. Being a efficient means your Quarterback isn't good enough to win, so you are searching for excuses and cherry picking to make him look good. He is at the bottom of the league in every statistical category. Not only that, but all the wins with him at the helm are all in spite of him. Basically, Keenum is a hero of circumstance. Its clearly evident, if our defense doesn't play lights out, we lose. How is that considered "playing well"?

Every quarterbacks goal in the NFL is to win, for Keenum its simply not to lose. That's cowardice, and it reflects in his play. Gunslinger's win rings, and chicks dig scars. If you aren't going to take the risk, nobody is threatened by you. And at this point not only can Keenum not take those risks, he doesn't want to.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Case has tossed two pick six int's and it's only week 5. How much worse could Goff do? I like Case but lets face it that pick six killed the Rams yesterday. You must protect the ball.
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