<sigh> Just to be fair to the emotionally injured...

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anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
Madam Goldberg called for the boycott in an attempt to save the board. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

I provided a link so good fans would know there was an alternative. If they like it here and stay, great! If not, at least now they know it's here.

No one can "poach" members, they have to want an alternative.
basically they're (angry PD members) saying i'm too stupid to make up my own mind where i prefer to get my information. i'm tired of threads with misleading titles, i'm tired of constant, day after day after day of the same I hate such and such ram player................(root for someone else for crying out loud).............sadly enough the PD board got so bad the ONLY entertainment was the fighting amongst the bradford "moms" and the bradford haters. unfotunately that seems to be the reason the top posters who put out good, pertinent information about the Rams have decided to post less there or not at all.

i could have come to this site and not like it for whatever reason, but thats not the case. there's no nonsense here (other than whats intended as good natured smart aleck comments between friends). i havent read one misleading thread, havent seen one completely negative post about the same ram player on a daily basis, can use blue font like a pro, and have found several new bands to listen to because of the easy to find and use off topic board with "your song of the day".

i didnt like where i lived 2 years ago. so i moved. i didnt like where i was getting my Rams information 2 weeks ago. so i moved. on my own accord. so please tell the unhappy nitwits over at the clown car show (stealin your thunder ramatik), all they need to do is look in the mirror if they want to know why a bunch of people changed sites. and like a poster said earlier, its calm over here. i dont have to worry about clicking a thread and seeing the same old nonsense everytime. it gets old. heck i couldnt even figure out how to get a cool avatar setup over there, whereas here its pretty easy without having the skills of one phxram. so there. tell those guys at PD thats why i like it here................i have a cool "the Comedian" smiley face with blood spatter button" avatar at this site !


Jan 14, 2013
I've been getting PMs and emails from enraged mods and members of other sites decrying the whole PD exodus to Rams ON DEMAND, and saying I'm the architect of it (which is obviously false), so I figured I'd give everyone here the opportunity to look at your alternatives.

In no particular order

The Rams Huddle
The Rams HERD
Real Rams Fans
Rams Buzz
Clan Ram
Sports Hoopla

There's always the option to post on more than one board, and that's what I've always told people from the PD. You want an alternative, try us out. But evidently we're "poaching" members, as if members from other boards are mindless drones who have no free will and are subject to orders from me. AOTN.

What was that thing about making a better mousetrap stuff????

I simple love the ideal of the American free fair open market....now if we can just keep out the US Government from getting involved ROD will continue!


Hall of Fame
Sep 7, 2011
I agree Force. One thing that really bothers me is endless negativity ... whether it be on a certain player, coach or the team in general. I'm not a dope. I know there are reasons and areas of concern still with this team but ..... I don't need to be bludgeoned with the negativity. Or being "bashed" for being optomistic that things are/wll get better. Especially this time of year before a game has even been played.

Those that want to waler in misery ... well I don't find fun in being a "fan" if all you got is misery. I hope. I get excited. I even get overly giddy at times. But THAT is what a fan should be, IMHO. At least during this time of year! So many want to kill your buzz so that they can feel "superior" ... well those guys (and gals) LIVE on those other sites and ruin them. Here .. you can debate, discuss ... but in the end .... be respectful. That is what makes this place great!


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I've been getting PMs and emails from enraged mods and members of other sites decrying the whole PD exodus to Rams ON DEMAND, and saying I'm the architect of it (which is obviously false), so I figured I'd give everyone here the opportunity to look at your alternatives.

In no particular order

The Rams Huddle
The Rams HERD
Real Rams Fans
Rams Buzz
Clan Ram
Sports Hoopla

There's always the option to post on more than one board, and that's what I've always told people from the PD. You want an alternative, try us out. But evidently we're "poaching" members, as if members from other boards are mindless drones who have no free will and are subject to orders from me. AOTN.

There is only,wait there are two people I know of who are clueless enough to do what you are reporting ,Bernie and ZN, separated at birth?


Hall of Fame
May 30, 2014
I came to this forum because the discussion and insight in to the Rams is first class. Not only is everyone here polite, they know their stuff too. There is actual debate and discussion without the need to be petty.


Hall of Fame
Sep 7, 2011
There is only,wait there are two people I know of who are clueless enough to do what you are reporting ,Bernie and some guy, separated at birth?
OMG! ZN .... I have been on boards and email lists in the past with him. He IS passionate ... but another of those guys who won't let ANYONE have the last say on anything. Severe case of "superiority complex" as I have ever seen.


Hall of Fame
Sep 17, 2013
Definitely not going to a site full of crybabies who're mad because people prefer another site to their own.

If they'll cry about this, who knows what other bullshit will cause my admins/mods to throw a temper tantrum and shit their pants. I like my admins to act like grown men.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
OMG! some guy .... I have been on boards and email lists in the past with him. He IS passionate ... but another of those guys who won't let ANYONE have the last say on anything. Severe case of "superiority complex" as I have ever seen.

He defies description


Oh, really?
Jun 24, 2010
Fuck them. They never linked back to any of the interviews. We have a no tolerance policy for trolling. You never organized anything. Fuck them.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
I drifted over here from RRF not too long ago, at first just to have another place to post, but I've pretty much made this my Rams home online now and rarely even go there anymore. I originally went there in about 2007 because the PD board was just too out of control. It was a breath of fresh air, but over time it's become stale, inconsistently moderated, and has a few posters that just have to push their agenda and can weave it into just about any post. I was really getting tired of it.

On top of that, they haven't updated anything about the site and I got tired of seeing the same old pictures, many of them from the more recent dark era of Rams football.

There are posters from that board I miss and wish would come over, but there are others I most decidedly don't miss, especially the agenda pushers. But one of the great things about this board is that it has the ignore feature, so if some of those guys do come over I still don't have to worry about seeing their posts.

The (happy) irony of having the ignore feature is that I think it's presence actually makes the desirability of using it less likely, as the trolls and agenda pushers would soon be ignored by almost everybody.

And of course, on top of all that, I've found a great bunch of guys over here :cheers:


Jun 4, 2013
I drifted over here from RRF not too long ago, at first just to have another place to post, but I've pretty much made this my Rams home online now and rarely even go there anymore. I originally went there in about 2007 because the PD board was just too out of control. It was a breath of fresh air, but over time it's become stale, inconsistently moderated, and has a few posters that just have to push their agenda and can weave it into just about any post. I was really getting tired of it.

On top of that, they haven't updated anything about the site and I got tired of seeing the same old pictures, many of them from the more recent dark era of Rams football.

There are posters from that board I miss and wish would come over, but there are others I most decidedly don't miss, especially the agenda pushers. But one of the great things about this board is that it has the ignore feature, so if some of those guys do come over I still don't have to worry about seeing their posts.

The (happy) irony of having the ignore feature is that I think it's presence actually makes the desirability of using it less likely, as the trolls and agenda pushers would soon be ignored by almost everybody.

And of course, on top of all that, I've found a great bunch of guys over here :cheers:




Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Oh yeah. I forgot all about Clan Avenger. I mean, Clan Ram. I'll add that to the list.

If it wasnt for him not sure I ever would of found this place. Lots of good posters over there still.

And lol@clan avenger, very true


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I am an Admin at The Herd and have been a long term poster there, I signed up and have been mostly a lurker here but post from time to time.

I enjoy this board for the lack of in fighting and negative agendas constantly being beat to death and the lack of trolls something we do the same way over there. I read as much Rams news and fan interaction as I can....so every Rams board has it's place...it's up to me which ones I participate on...or spend any time at.

Posters can post and go wherever they like...hence an admin from the Herd posting/participating here...and it's just fine.
And y'know, I don't actually harbor any ill will toward people who want to take the time and energy to put out a forum for Rams fans. I just personally feel this is the best site out there and haven't found the need to wonder about the internet looking for an alternative. I just really appreciate a place where Rams fans can BS back and forth about our team without having to deal with the angst that is truly unnecessary.

I wish The Herd the best in getting past the in fighting and trolls. Because a above all else, we have a common bond and all the people who work so hard to give fans a place to opine don't deserve having trolls ruin it all.

Cheers RR.


Jun 3, 2014
I've never posted or have been a member of another site, but I have looked at many. Never wanted to get in the middle of all the mudslinging. This site and X (I know, it looks like ass kissing) convinced me to finally join in. These people talk to each other. As far as the other sites, I believe the reason I never joined is because of something I've learned in life. Never argue with an idiot for more than two minutes or they will turn you into one too. That's all I have to say about that!


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
I guess some of us got poached a long time ago, lol.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I agree that the lack of extended bickering and comfortably tight moderation keep our forum pretty clean. I appreciate and enjoy the fruits of labor of all who productively contribute. I will say that the poaching thing I find amusing.
As if we are a group of human commodities with some sort of productive value. All of us are Ram fans and should let that be the tie that binds. The infighting seems silly albeit unavoidable to an extent, at which point it should be dropped. The fact remains we are Ram fans and not opposing teams. If and when our views become opposing it is usually still in an attempt to express our view as Ram Fans in hopes of our teams progress so tolerance is helpful. Every community develops a hierarchy but that pecking order will never be unanimous. Imo people should be a part of as many forums as they want and no one is forced or cohearsed into being a part of any community.
I am thankful for this community and have no quips with any of the others. I am strange in that I leave a place that is uncomfortable and search for a place of stimulation, Usually comical, intellectual or Emotional.


Grillin and Chillin
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 10, 2011
If any of the complaints are coming from RRF mods or members, you might remind them that at the inception of that forum the vast majority of all members came from RamsTalk, the board that keeps on giving. The word hypocrisy comes to mind.

+++ this.. I went to RRF from the PD thanks to Team-Sport. I was about to be banned at the PD for having a sense of humor.. I posted a picture of Mike Smith's wife.. lol This was due to the fact he was not moderating and letting the trolls rule the board.

That said, if anyone at RRF is complaining, then they know now how it is to be screwed over. Which is a good thing...... It's called Karma.. :cool:

Also, @-X- if they are PMing you, doesn't that mean the mods and admins have signed up for this fine board, or am I missing something here?
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