Rams could be Pats level Dominant

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The Infamous
Aug 1, 2014
The Rams will never be Pats level dominant under Fisher and I'll give my reasons why.

Offensive philosophy: What is it? Do we even know? What we DO know is that it's overly complicated and doesn't play to the strengths of your players. Goff is the future of the franchise and we aren't tailoring the offense to his strengths. The kid can't even get on the field but it's OK! We have Case freakin' Keenum and apparently he's great at executing our abomination of an offensive system. Ass backwards right? Everyone knows who the Patriots are on O. An offensive juggernaut that you BETTER NOT give 2 minutes to drive and win the game. Coincidence? I think not. Their system is proven to work and win games, win championships and lombardy trophies. Ours? Proven to get you to sub .500 ball.

Defensive philosophy: Bend but don't break, out of Gregg and Jeff's mouths. Is "bending" giving up 3rd and 20 CONSISTENTLY? I don't think so. That's a flat out BROKEN system, especially when you do nothing to maintain, much less improve, your defensive talent. Teams have career days against the Rams, we lose more games than we win...how is that a WINNING system? It isn't. The proof is in the pudding. Williams' system is known to be complicated. Why so complicated with a consistent stream of young players? Because sub .500 ball is a-ok!

Coaching and discipline: Do any of us actually know what Fisher does? Under his tenure, the Rams have been one of the most heavily penalized teams in the league. That can be attributed to a lack of discipline, plain and simple. His coaching hires have been questionable and he doesn't seem to be getting any better at it. Plain and simple, the dude is stuck in the past. He's been the constant on this losing team and I don't really even know wtf he does besides tell the media that he'll "get that cleaned up" and that "this team is improving"...HOW?! At the end of the season, your record is the only thing that matters. Team's don't get into the play offs based on ANYTHING Fisher says during his press conferences yet everyone gives the dude a pass. Going back to the Pats analogy, I've seen Belichick pissed off after his team shits the bed and loses. It's apparent that losing, being undisciplined and accepting mediocrity is NOT acceptable there. In LA? Don't sweat it, we played hard...

I could go on and on about other factors like FA blunders, drafting players that don't fit your already questionable offensive system, failing to adapt and or change said offensive system to fit your player's needs, etc etc. Fisher is NOT a good coach, our offense and defense are complicated (and proven loser) systems, and our team lacks discipline in all phases. Pat's level dominant? We won't even Seahawks level relevant under Fisher and Co.


Pro Bowler
Sep 28, 2015
YES. Maybe beyond that. Maybe you don't realize how dump truck stupid Brady and Big Ben are, but sheesh. Their football IQs are high, sure, but still. That system allows them to maximize what they have.

Goff may be young and a bit goofy, but he's not stupid.

A consistent and consistently smart HC like David Shaw helming a team running the P/E?

That's us having someone like Brady...WITH receiving weapons....WITH a /slash weapon in Tavon...and WITH Gurley!!!

Honestly, what would Brady do if he had Quick, Britt, Tavon and Gurley??? Just those guys?

Good LORD!!! They'd be prohibitive favorites. Heck, they're prohibitive favorites when they have a nearly healthy Gronk and ONE decent slot receiver!

So, YEAH...HELL YEAH!!! Give me Goff in the P/E with our crew?

That mess would be stupid how good we could be. Just...stupid. Record setting, even.

I'm just saying... I got slammed for the negative stuff I saw that came to be because...patterns.

Well, this is a positive pattern I see. With this personnel grouping matched with that system... the combination sims in my brain as...almost off the chart.

I'm not really big into hypotheticals.

That being said, I do appreciate the passion and positive viewpoint!(y)


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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  • #23
We literally saw this happen with the 9ers. Singletary is almost a carbon copy of Fisher.

Then Harbaugh comes in. He's basically a super hyper David Shaw...

And THAT team without much roster change goes to 3 straight NFC Championship games...

Difference is that rather than go WCO because of Alex Smith, I'd go P/E because it plays to the strengths of not only Goff, but Gurley and our entire O roster.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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  • #24
@TXRams86 Did you even read what I wrote?

Step 1) Fire Fisher...

I could just requote it, but better to just scroll up. It was a good read, I promise. (y)


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
With pats level coaching they could be much much better than the Pats of you ask me. They have more talent.


The Infamous
Aug 1, 2014
@TXRams86 Did you even read what I wrote?

Step 1) Fire Fisher...

I could just requote it, but better to just scroll up. It was a good read, I promise. (y)
I did read it lol..
I guess I was just kinda elaborating on what you were saying.
There has to be a ton of change, which begins with the head coach, for us to even get to relevance.
Will we ever get to be Pats level dominant? I don't know.
Hard to imagine that when we've been locked in the basement of mediocrity..


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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  • #29
How so? Because I see zero similarities in their coaching styles.

Well, Singletary held players more accountable...

1) Both emphasized D and ball control offenses.
2) Both emphasized toughness as a culture.
3) Both saw that toughness manifest in a "lack of discipline".
4) Both felt comfortable with horizontal WCOs (Fisher's hybrid is only a result of the dead remains of Schotty's Coryell/WCO hybrid, but he still prefers to stretch defenses horizontally.
5) Neither ever developed a QB.
6) Both had a #1 overall QB.
7) Neither used that pick remotely effectively. Well, we don't know about Fisher's development of Goff, yet. But the idea that he's going to put Goff into this offensive scheme? That's coaching malpractice already.
8) Both drafted and developed Ds that SHOULD have been dominant, but...weren't.

Now... in the 9ers case, we saw what Harbaugh did with that same talent. 3 straight NFC Championship games and 1 Super Bowl appearance with an almost identical roster.

THIS Rams team has WAY more talent than that 9ers team had. With someone like David Shaw and an O system like the P/E...

I'm banging the table. This is another pattern thing. This time the arrow points up for the Rams...WAAAAY up... Unfortunately, the chance it happens is almost as remote as me winning the Powerball...



Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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  • #30
I did read it lol..
I guess I was just kinda elaborating on what you were saying.
There has to be a ton of change, which begins with the head coach, for us to even get to relevance.
Will we ever get to be Pats level dominant? I don't know.
Hard to imagine that when we've been locked in the basement of mediocrity..

Oh, ok. Cool.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Well, Singletary held players more accountable...

1) Both emphasized D and ball control offenses.
2) Both emphasized toughness as a culture.
3) Both saw that toughness manifest in a "lack of discipline".
4) Both felt comfortable with horizontal WCOs (Fisher's hybrid is only a result of the dead remains of Schotty's Coryell/WCO hybrid, but he still prefers to stretch defenses horizontally.
5) Neither ever developed a QB.
6) Both had a #1 overall QB.
7) Neither used that pick remotely effectively. Well, we don't know about Fisher's development of Goff, yet. But the idea that he's going to put Goff into this offensive scheme? That's coaching malpractice already.
8) Both drafted and developed Ds that SHOULD have been dominant, but...weren't.

Now... in the 9ers case, we saw what Harbaugh did with that same talent. 3 straight NFC Championship games and 1 Super Bowl appearance with an almost identical roster.

THIS Rams team has WAY more talent than that 9ers team had. With someone like David Shaw and an O system like the P/E...

I'm banging the table. This is another pattern thing. This time the arrow points up for the Rams...WAAAAY up... Unfortunately, the chance it happens is almost as remote as me winning the Powerball...

There's a lot of that I disagree with, but I'm not gonna rain on your parade.
I'll let people chime in who agree with this approach and can add to it. I'll only subtract.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I think it would tell us more than it would have a few weeks ago.
Like Fisher said, we're progressing on offense and getting better. But like you said, it was against a pretty subpar defense. In order for me to really know if what we're seeing is steady progression, I'd like to see it tested.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
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  • #35
There's a lot of that I disagree with, but I'm not gonna rain on your parade.
I'll let people chime in who agree with this approach and can add to it. I'll only subtract.

I'm fine with that...






Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
I don't believe David Shaw ever leaves Stanford or college football

Nice fantasy though


May 4, 2013
Taco Jones
Meh....If Quinn and Brockers weren't hurt the Rams win this game. I see some offensive improvement, and Goff will be a QB upgrade.