Just went 34 hours without power during a snow storm

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Jan 14, 2013
This whole system has been crazy. We've been lucky and not lost power in the area but due to the natural gas wells being frozen in Texas and Oklahoma we've been told we might have a $4000 gas bill next month because the price for rural communities went from $3/therm to $900/therm this past weekend. So were told to reduce thermostats to 60-65 but can't reduce much more cause pipes got to stay thawed. Also had multiple water main breaks so had no water friday or sunday and been on boil order since then. Amazing how widespread this arctic vortex has completely fucked things.


Use Your Illusion
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
We've been dealing with rolling blackouts but luckily our power hasn't stayed off for long.

Back in 2007 there was a bad ice storm in SW Missouri and we went without power for 13 days. That sucked... but after a few days we got used to it. With enough layers of clothes, lots of whiskey and an acoustic guitar... it's not so bad...


Dec 28, 2014
Ok power came back up about 40 mins ago. Grand total: 60 hours. Gonna conserve energy for a while so others can get theirs back.

Hope this is it. Now imma go wash the stank off me lol
So is this part of those planned outtages I've been hearing about to keep the system from overloading?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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So is this part of those planned outtages I've been hearing about to keep the system from overloading?

If it was it is poorly planned. I lost power for 30 more minutes last night, but its still back on. I'm fine with rolling outages if necessary (honestly why do we even have to come to this point). I don't want to be 26+ hours or more at a time.


Jan 14, 2013
(honestly why do we even have to come to this point).

It shouldn't, not at this level at least. This has been a significant failure and a serious warning sign for Texas, and the country as a whole, to quit the finger pointing and finally do something to update and upgrade it's entire infrastructure from energy to transportation or it's only going to get worse.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
It does, but its recommended to not do that because of CO.
That's simple. Just open up all your doors and windows.

Sorry man. I realize this is an extremely difficult time. I'm not trying to make light of that fact. Hope you're getting through it ok.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Hazelwood, Missouri was cold as fuck. Lost Internet, had a bipolar manic episode, got Baker-acted, just got back today. It was fucking cold, even at the hospital, and the snow is at least a foot tall in some places.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
had a bipolar manic episode, got Baker-acted

Dude sounds bad, but also sounds like good drugs.

Yeah, Missouri has been in that cold patch. We are sort of on the outside and cold but not insane.

Cheers mems


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Holy crap. Temps dipped as low as 12° , that I know of. Snow, ice.

I lost power about midnight Sunday/Monday morning and just got it back Tuesday about an hour ago. Needless to say I'm never taking power for granted again.

Also, I smell really bad after not bathing for 2 days.
no lie ~ @CGI_Ram


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
We had CGI weather here in Kansas! Abt 20 below zero and 37 below wind chill.....ya know. normal Kansas Pleistocene ice-age weather....

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
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  • #52
Get yourself a generator dude!

When I was stationed in Maine for a few years we bought a house with a wet basement/sump. Didn't realize what that meant lol. So when we lost power that first spring (we were getting a real nice rainfall at the time) I had to bail while the wife went and bought a generator. Good thing was that next winter it saved my ass bigtime. Don't think I would have had one if not for that wet basement.

Ahh, but here's the problem with generators: fuel. There are fuel shortages in these sorts of things. Also my car was in the garage, with a dead battery. So even if I had one I was SOL.

People who usually never get this kind of cold weather really do suffer with these events. And as we have heard people die.

I've been through a number of cold snaps growing up, so I know how to deal with it. Preventing freezing pipes, not warming up cars within closed spaces, filling up buckets of water, etc. But you're right, it's not something people in the deep south are accustomed to.

The most annoying part was the advice for frozen pipes. They told us to not drip. WTF. The whole country drips. I'd rather water pressure be low and/or the provider cutting water for a few days than having to deal with the busted pipe.

I dripped the whole few days and my water bill might be higher but that's nothing compared to the $10,000+ and insurance claim BS. And boom, my pipes did not burst.

I have to say, losing power in FL after a hurricane is nothing like losing power in the winter. That cold can go right through you. If I ever moved back north I would make sure my house had either a fireplace or woodburning stove. I had a friend who when they lost power in the winter they turned on the gas oven and opened the door. Provided enough heat by you have to make sure it doesn't go out.

I thought about that during all this, if it would be worse during the summer or winter. Honestly I'd rather have it in the winter. At least the food you have won't go bad. And you can always bundle up and put on more clothes to keep warm.

Power here in central Texas went out at my house Monday at 4:30 am. I went and started at my dad's house (thank God he lives close so he can see the grandkids). Dad's house lost power yesterday at 1 am. Power restored yesterday at 9 pm at both houses.

The bad part is that now my alarm system says my back door is open at my house... I'm not sure what that's about, but there's not much to steal unless they want huge piles of children's toys or an Xbox 360.

Yeah my alarm got fucked up too. I just reset it. Good to hear y'all got out of it too.

Hearing calves' ears are falling off in the plains. I didn't know this was a thing. Damn!

That's horrible.

That's simple. Just open up all your doors and windows.

Sorry man. I realize this is an extremely difficult time. I'm not trying to make light of that fact. Hope you're getting through it ok.

Well it was 32 or below and pretty windy to boot. All things considered I did OK, even though after talking with some people the people in my area had some of the longest sustained outages. At least we still had running water. Still, some people had it much worse.

Hazelwood, Missouri was cold as fuck. Lost Internet, had a bipolar manic episode, got Baker-acted, just got back today. It was fucking cold, even at the hospital, and the snow is at least a foot tall in some places.

I'd take that over what we went though. Oklahoma was #2 in this polar vortex and no one there lost power, save from some really rural areas.

TX needs to really look at their infrastructure and consider joining the national grid or other contingencies. I'm not sure how many people knew who ERCOT was or if they did, didn't give them a second thought. Now there's no where to hide. I only hope this stays at the forefront and not buried in a few weeks.

Thanks everyone for checking in. Everything is back to normal ops now. Hell week is over.


Jan 13, 2013
Sorry to hear Angry Ram. I'm over here in Prosper, TX and our subdivision didn't lose power at all. Not sure if I am on an essential grid or what. There is a Police Dept. near me so maybe that was it. The downside is all my coworkers were without power so I had to work for them. Counting my blessings though.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Prayers go out to all that are having issues.

I use to be a sub contractor for generators with a major company, so maybe I'm biased.

Everyone should have some from of a generator. Everyone should have some type of Grill.

Before a Strom hits fill your tub up with water and make sure you have at least 1 large cooler.

I live in Florida now, but I never played around in Georgia, Texas or Michigan especially.

In Texas,there was a chance here and there of tornados, F that,. Got my 7000 watt generator and hooked into my box.

Only thing I couldn't run was AC, o even in Florida I buy a house with a fireplace.


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
I can't even imagine! I had no clue (don't watch the news) and don't need weather reports in AZ, until Wednesday a claims call rolled over to me. Very humble insured from Dallas TX, the extent of home damage described was unpleasant. Prayers to all.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Sorry to hear Angry Ram. I'm over here in Prosper, TX and our subdivision didn't lose power at all. Not sure if I am on an essential grid or what. There is a Police Dept. near me so maybe that was it. The downside is all my coworkers were without power so I had to work for them. Counting my blessings though.
Idk man, I live. 5 miles from a police department. I can practically see it from my house. My whole neighborhood, including the houses behind it, lost power and water.

Luckily my department at work is capable of going 100% remote so we normally wouldn't be too affected. Unluckily 15/16 perks that work for me live in and around Austin. About 2/3 of those lost power or internet or both. The whole company pitched in to have people answer phones and can sites all week. It was a great camaraderie moment.

It seems like I have sustained water pressure now, but we're still under a boil notice.


Sep 12, 2013
Wil Fay
My wife insisted on a whole house generator when we built. To date, it still has only been used when it tests. I guess I hope it’s like life insurance - money you hope you never needed to spend.

still - for those of y’all out of power - if you need anything- drop me a PM.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
That’s crazy. Were you able to get some heat?
It is crazy. It's also unacceptable.

It makes you wonder if its 2021 or 1921 to be honest. I find it ironic that the human race put another lander on Mars after a 290 million mile journey...complete with a mini-helicopter/drone attachment the same week that Texas' power grid was crippled by a winter storm.

Who are these rich fucksticks in charge of infrastructure these days and how do they spend their time? Apparently NOT working on any and all contingencies.

These people suffering should be livid.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Meanwhile, in FL I'm picking vine ripe tomatoes and pressure washing my pool deck.

View attachment 43765

Even as the family still thinks fondly of Minnesota, my youngest still wants to move there and there's still a chance we relocate there at a later time...

Couldn't help but look at the temps in the midwest, from MN to TX and be thankful... and then our condenser on our AC went out... $1200 bucks in labor to fix it... thank goodness the parts were covered.

Def if I were anywhere, but FL my next house presuming I do ever move... will have like 2x the capacity required to run the entire house... like maybe double generators configurable in series or parallel. Not remotely wanting to mess around.

Without AC...outside of parts of CA, parts of AZ and most of NV... it's mostly uncomfortable. The cold, tho... the cold can kills ya ded, mon.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
It is crazy. It's also unacceptable.

It makes you wonder if its 2021 or 1921 to be honest. I find it ironic that the human race put another lander on Mars after a 290 million mile journey...complete with a mini-helicopter/drone attachment the same week that Texas' power grid was crippled by a winter storm.

Who are these rich fucksticks in charge of infrastructure these days and how do they spend their time? Apparently NOT working on any and all contingencies.

These people suffering should be livid.

If people REALLY understood the magnitude of how badly our infrastructure was crumbling, they'd be in the fetal position.

60 THOUSAND bridges and dams... red tagged. Barely safe for the moment and likely to collapse.

thousands of water systems way past their design date.

Millions of miles of highways past their design date and the overpasses are worse.

Our electrical grid? So, a recent study showed that by simply taking out 9 substations... you know, those things that sit on lots maybe the size of a few houses? Yeah, 9 in specific places across the country...those go out and it would trigger a cascade that would wipe out our entire electrical grid for 18 MONTHS. We've got millions of miles of cable that was never meant to run 24/7/365 or at 100% for long periods of time running at 100% full capacity 24/7/365.

In Texas ERCOT has again and again chosen as an agency around private energy creators to NOT justify upgrading or protecting their grid.

NASA does a lot with a very little including private space contractors because they choose to.

It's ultimately a choice.

It's also beyond coincidence that none of the wealthy neighborhoods lost power. Maybe they didn't think poor people could afford to sue? I dunno, but damn, that's just savage.