Jameis Winston Just Doesn't Get It

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
There are not multiple victims of rape.

However, you forget some other evidence. You forget his two roommates testifying that this was consensual sex. You forget that there was DNA from more than one male on her clothes. You forget that he claimed the sex was consensual. You forget that she admits that she gave her number to Chris Casher. You forget that she was drinking quite a bit of alcohol that night. Finally, you forget that Winston was well known at FSU at the time(not playing the money card, though, it has little standing). The girl even admits such in the NYT article:

There are two sides of the story. I don't know both. I don't have all the evidence. I am not going to make a conclusion about something as damaging as rape.

Not necessarily.

At what time? At least until you know both sides of the story. Taking one side of the story as the facts is never going to lead you to an objective conclusion. If both sides don't come out, I guess you make a choice. You can choose to believe something about a person based on limited information or you can choose to not come to any conclusion. I prefer the latter.

I know a lie when I see it


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I know a lie when I see it

But you haven't seen it. You didn't get to talk to any of the people involved. All you are seeing is the media's reporting on the events.


Oct 22, 2013
jrry32 with his manifesto:
At what time? At least until you know both sides of the story. Taking one side of the story as the facts is never going to lead you to an objective conclusion. If both sides don't come out, I guess you make a choice. You can choose to believe something about a person based on limited information or you can choose to not come to any conclusion. I prefer the latter.
I would remind you that the government makes an incomplete judgement in almost every crime. People are arrested for probable cause all the time. Then, hopefully, they get all the facts they can, come to their final conclusion and put them on trial or let them go.

I'd already come to that conclusion. :) I understand and can sympathize with your position. I can also see your point about the fairness but I can't take it that far myself. Too abstract and not enough real life for me. It's kind of like communism for me. On paper it's the best system in the world but it just doesn't work in real life.

If I was being accused of a crime I'd want a guy who thinks like you as the prosecutor though. :LOL:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I would remind you that the government makes an incomplete judgement in almost every crime. People are arrested for probable cause all the time. Then, hopefully, they get all the facts they can, come to their final and put them on trial or let them go.

I'd already come to that conclusion. :) I understand and can sympathize with your position. I can also see your point about the fairness but I can't take it that far myself. Too abstract and not enough real life for me. It's kind of like communism for me. On paper it's the best system in the world but it just doesn't work in real life.

If I was being accused of a crime I'd want a guy who thinks like you as the prosecutor though. :LOL:

Being arrested and being prosecuted are two very different things, though.

And the defense attorney, I'd hope. A lawyer needs to keep his mind open to all the possibilities in order to have the necessary perspective to anticipate any challenges from the other side. ;)


Oct 22, 2013
jrry32 adding something new:
Being arrested and being prosecuted are two very different things, though.

And the defense attorney, I'd hope. A lawyer needs to keep his mind open to all the possibilities in order to have the necessary perspective to anticipate any challenges from the other side. ;)
I agree and nobody on this board is prosecuting him either. What we're essentially doing, using that analogy, is arresting him for probable cause.

Nah, don't need one. When I hear these words being said by the judge, "A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client", I hear them calling my name. :ROFLMAO:


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
It's not really a stretch. Feed a skinny blonde freshman 5-6 mixed drinks(if not more) in a couple hours and she'll be absolutely wasted.

Makes it okay? Depends on their level of intoxication. If they're drunk too, yea, as long as she isn't passed out...I don't have an issue with it. The law would disagree but I think the law promotes a sexist double standard. If the idea is that a party cannot give consent when they're extremely intoxicated, if both are conscious and having sex but extremely intoxicated...both the man and the woman are being raped by that standard...and yet the man is the one charged with it. That idea has never sat well with me.

And it's very different than giving her a date rape drug. The girl made her own choice to get drunk. If you gave her a date rape drug, that means you are making a premeditated attempt to put her in a position where you can take advantage. Giving her a date rape drug means you create a plan with the intent to rape her. Both parties getting wasted and freaking is not a premeditated intent to rape. In my book, you're extreme culpable for the former and not culpable at all for the latter.

See, this right here is the massive problem.

Consent. A girl simply can NOT give consent if she's drunk. Why can't guys get this through their heads? If she's drunk, it's rape. Period. End of story. It's not sexy, it's not a negotiation, it's not a come on. That's the law. It may not always have been enforced that way, but that's the way it IS. And just because some GUY want's to turn some drunk girl into a fleshlight doesn't make it any less illegal.

So, whether there was Rohypnol or simply too much alcohol (which is another botch, do we know if the hospital did a tox screen of the girl at the hospital?) it just doesn't matter. And that's not a matter of opinion. And here's the test. If it's your daughter...do you think the same way? With lowered inhibitions and a guy pressuring her, perhaps with her passing in and out...it's STILL okay? Because she went out drinking?

Also, did they get the DNA of the two friends? Who's the OTHER DNA? And why are we presuming that the 2nd DNA was consensual?

I mean, we just got finished with the Ray Rice lawyer going out in public accusing Janay Rice of being partly to blame for the incident and instigating the incident with all of that "hypothetical" crap he spouted on the radio to avoid being disbarred when he KNEW it was a lie. Now we have Winston's attorney ONCE AGAIN running the slut shaming, gold digging game which has caused so many women who've been raped by college athletes to remain quiet. At least we haven't heard about FSU threatening to expel the girl... which has happened in other cases like this because SHE would be the distraction.

My point is that there are things that are just so much more important than football. I look at my two daughters including my oldest daughter who was at the ROD event who's found a nice young man and is about to move to NY and start her life with him this summer and I see the violence these athletes commit and brazenly get away with and it's maddening.

Tell you what... Jameis Winston wouldn't have played that season if she were my daughter... Just sayin'


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
As a former raging alcoholic I can speak with some authority on the subject of blackouts. That's the main reason I quit drinking. I could drink a six pack of beer one time with little effect and then the next day drink a single beer and wind up in another town with no knowledge of how I got there. It's like someone is walking around in your body and you're somewhere else. Don't know if I was sloppy during those blackouts because I wasn't mentally there.

And btw why does a star college athlete have to get a woman drunk or rape her in order to get laid? You would think that women at his college would have been crawling all over him anyway.

I wondered that about Darren Sharper... Good looking guy. GQ look. Money. Long football career didn't seem to gnarl him up. He had the banter to land a job on the NFL Network...In Studio, no less. And yet... he raped women in at least 5 cities at last count? How many women? 9? I honestly don't know... it's probably in the dozens, but they just don't remember...

Rape isn't about sex. People who don't rape don't get that. I watch SVU episodes and read medical journals and watch TEDtalks and it reinforces that one undeniable fact: rape isn't about sex. The fact that it's an act involving sex is ancillary to the underlying violence for the rapist. And that's why it's so confusing for society... Rapists don't think like we do, so everything from motivation to actuation becomes entirely skewed.

Heck, it's WHY we have SVUs in the first place... because these crimes don't fit the norms. The criminals are different, the crimes require different investigative and prosecution techniques and the victims have substantially different issues after the crime.

Point is that the signs are all there. Guys who rape don't wear clapboard signs around their neck announcing that they're rapists.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
There are not multiple victims of rape.

However, you forget some other evidence. You forget his two roommates testifying that this was consensual sex. You forget that there was DNA from more than one male on her clothes. You forget that he claimed the sex was consensual. You forget that she admits that she gave her number to Chris Casher. You forget that she was drinking quite a bit of alcohol that night. Finally, you forget that Winston was well known at FSU at the time(not playing the money card, though, it has little standing). The girl even admits such in the NYT article:

Woah, woah, woah, woah.

I'm coming at this from a "let's look at the evidence" perspective. If the kid was getting a bum rap, I'd be HAPPY to be in his corner IF THAT'S WHAT THE FACTS SHOWED.

But this is getting to the point of making excuses for the kid because he can play ball. Well Rae Carruth could play ball, too. So could Aaron Hernandez.

I didn't forget any evidence.

His two roomates testifyed it was consensual sex? Really? How? If they weren't in the room, they can't testify to that fact and even though guys want to be able to say that after a certain point a girl can't say no, a girl can say no ANY TIME she wants, even during. Why is this difficult?

She had more than one DNA on her clothes. Yes. Why do YOU not consider that she might have been raped by one of those other two guys??? They never did get their DNA. Which is just bullfeathers. It looks like pulled a train and now they want to brand HER the slut because they raped her twice?

At no point did she claim the sex was consensual. I've reread all the materials. At. No. Point. And...she called 911 after calling a friend. As is typical with rape victims, they worry about calling 911 for this exact reason...the legal system doesn't believe them and they are revictimized all over again because unless they are raped by a homeless person, the girl must have wanted something from the guy or she's just a drunken slut. And so many PDs act like Rohypnol nor any other date rape drug never existed.

Yes, she gave her number to Chris Casher. I'm pretty sure giving your number to a guy isn't "asking to be be raped" or even consenting to have sex. It's... giving a phone number. What it leads to...requires CONSENT.

Winston was NOT well known at FSU. He was a freshman who hadn't become "known" around campus. I live in Florida (although my county is more of a UofF area) and only the hardcore Florida college guys knew who he was then.

Lastly, your reference about the girl admitting anything is wrong. It's a reference to something her attorney said YEARS later, not the girl. Also, as TMZ subsequently reported (whoda thunk TMZ would be the journalists we turn to?) Winston's atty was a lying sack of crap and turns out HE was the one who initiated settlement talks. Which also corresponded with this public and widespread slut shaming campaign.

Let's be real clear here... On top of what is almost assuredly a rape that he's probably going to get away with, he's also currently STILL engaging in a series of behaviors which are only bizarre if you refuse to acknowledge that while he can play football, he's also not right upstairs. So what if he's proof positive that sociopaths can be QBs.

They can't be NFL QBs because the NFL has a Code of Conduct. And that's the bottom line. This guy is radioactive. The only reason he's able to survive is that he charms those around him. It doesn't change who he is. I don't just not want the Rams to get him...I really hope he self-destructs before he gets to the NFL because FOOTBALL doesn't need him.

And, really, after Ray Rice, Ray McDonald, Greg Hardy and all the other guys that college teams and the NFL have made excuses for over the years... Enough is Enough.

Btw, Tallahassee PD is that way because FSU is there and if Tallahassee PD played it straight up, they'd arrest a lot of students on serious charges and the football program would also really suffer. The city makes a LOT of money when the school wins and it sure doesn't hurt that those big money boosters are right there in the State Capital...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
See, this right here is the massive problem.

Consent. A girl simply can NOT give consent if she's drunk. Why can't guys get this through their heads? If she's drunk, it's rape. Period. End of story. It's not sexy, it's not a negotiation, it's not a come on. That's the law. It may not always have been enforced that way, but that's the way it IS. And just because some GUY want's to turn some drunk girl into a fleshlight doesn't make it any less illegal.

Out of curiosity, I decided to look this up. That's actually not true in Florida. Here's what the statute says:
(c) “Mentally incapacitated” means temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling a person’s own conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic, or intoxicating substance administered without his or her consent or due to any other act committed upon that person without his or her consent.
(e) “Physically helpless” means unconscious, asleep, or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act.
(j) “Physically incapacitated” means bodily impaired or handicapped and substantially limited in ability to resist or flee.

In order to qualify, she would have had to have been drugged or forced to drink alcohol without her consent OR so intoxicated that she was unconscious or unable to communicate consent. These are definitions.

Here's the specific subsection of the statute:
(4) A person who commits sexualbattery upon a person 12 years of age or older without that person’s consent, under any of the following circumstances, commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, s. 775.084, or s. 794.0115:
(a) When the victim is physically helpless to resist.
(b) When the offender coerces the victim to submit by threatening to use force or violence likely to cause serious personal injury on the victim, and the victim reasonably believes that the offender has the present ability to execute the threat.
(c) When the offender coerces the victim to submit by threatening to retaliate against the victim, or any other person, and the victim reasonably believes that the offender has the ability to execute the threat in the future.
(d) When the offender, without the prior knowledge or consent of the victim, administers or has knowledge of someone else administering to the victim any narcotic, anesthetic, or other intoxicating substance which mentally or physically incapacitates the victim.
(e) When the victim is mentally defective and the offender has reason to believe this or has actual knowledge of this fact.
(f) When the victim is physically incapacitated.
(g) When the offender is a law enforcement officer, correctional officer, or correctional probation officer as defined by s. 943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9), who is certified under the provisions of s. 943.1395 or is an elected official exempt from such certification by virtue of s. 943.253, or any other person in a position of control or authority in a probation, community control, controlled release, detention, custodial, or similar setting, and such officer, official, or person is acting in such a manner as to lead the victim to reasonably believe that the offender is in a position of control or authority as an agent or employee of government.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I didn't forget any evidence.

His two roomates testifyed it was consensual sex? Really? How? If they weren't in the room, they can't testify to that fact and even though guys want to be able to say that after a certain point a girl can't say no, a girl can say no ANY TIME she wants, even during. Why is this difficult?

The door was open and at least one of them was in the room for a brief period of time. He testified to that in an affidavit.

She had more than one DNA on her clothes. Yes. Why do YOU not consider that she might have been raped by one of those other two guys??? They never did get their DNA. Which is just bullfeathers. It looks like pulled a train and now they want to brand HER the slut because they raped her twice?

I do consider that to be a possibility. The better question is why don't you consider that she might have had consensual sex with multiple people on that night?

But wait, I thought the roommates weren't in the room. How would they have raped her?

At no point did she claim the sex was consensual. I've reread all the materials. At. No. Point. And...she called 911 after calling a friend. As is typical with rape victims, they worry about calling 911 for this exact reason...the legal system doesn't believe them and they are revictimized all over again because unless they are raped by a homeless person, the girl must have wanted something from the guy or she's just a drunken slut. And so many PDs act like Rohypnol nor any other date rape drug never existed.

I never said she did. I said Winston claimed it was consensual.

Yes, she gave her number to Chris Casher. I'm pretty sure giving your number to a guy isn't "asking to be be raped" or even consenting to have sex. It's... giving a phone number. What it leads to...requires CONSENT.

But giving him the number also establishes that she was interested in him and was out talking to guys that night while drinking. Which speaks to the possibility of the sexual encounter being consensual. She wasn't rejecting guys like Casher. She was interested enough to give him her number. Does that mean consent? No. It's just circumstantial evidence that she might have willingly gone back to their apartment and had this encounter. Might being the key word. I don't have the facts and this isn't a particularly strong piece of evidence...but it's evidence nonetheless.

Winston was NOT well known at FSU. He was a freshman who hadn't become "known" around campus. I live in Florida (although my county is more of a UofF area) and only the hardcore Florida college guys knew who he was then.

Her statement that I quoted directly contradicts what you're saying here.

Lastly, your reference about the girl admitting anything is wrong. It's a reference to something her attorney said YEARS later, not the girl. Also, as TMZ subsequently reported (whoda thunk TMZ would be the journalists we turn to?) Winston's atty was a lying sack of crap and turns out HE was the one who initiated settlement talks. Which also corresponded with this public and widespread slut shaming campaign.

That comes from her attorneys. Your eagerness to believe what they say and dismiss the other side immediately is my problem. How can you come to an objective conclusion even with the limited facts we have if you ignore anything Winston's side says?

It's he said she said on the part of the attorneys as to who initiated settlement talks and asked for the money.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
He hasn't said anything.

Thing thing about the roomates. Either, they weren't in the room, in which they couldn't have known about consent (the video wasn't of the entire encounter and as Les noted, its quick deletion speaks to guilt not exoneration. If she were willing, he'd have at least KEPT it as evidence to help his friend out legally) or they WERE in the room which creates a question of whether the other DNA was one of theirs. This isn't hard stuff. I mean so many casual observers have asked this and the detective on this case either behaved incompetently or was part of a culture of covering up for FSU athletes. I'm inclined to believe the latter because she had two bits of DNA on her and her time was accounted for with friends before hand. So, unless something is missing from the timeline, the both DNA samples seem to have come from that encounter. And...I'd wager that if they ever DO pull DNA from the other guys, one of them will be positive for it and then the story will change to something about a wild threesome. Just wait.

Here's why it's so hard and, frankly, why I don't believe Winston or his attorney for a second.

There's a bit of a pattern here when it comes to this. When the athlete is stone guilty, his attorney goes on the offense, goes the whole slut-shaming route. His attorney tip-toes the line on what he says in public that could get him disbarred while being totally disingenuous and dishonest at the same time (see Ray Rice's atty) and the person accused tends to exhibit behaviors which lend credibility to the act (Ray Rice's behavior at the joint press conference was classic abuser). Like Jameis Winston standing on a table and yelling, "freak dat bitch in the pussy". It's not a huge indicator, but it's also not swinging the pendulum the other way. He's indicating misogynistic tendencies in a very public forum with zero regard for the consequences. This is consistent with guilty perpetrators who feel that they are above the law.

As opposed to those who are falsely accused and really ARE those good guys. An attorney who has a client like that should NEVER slut shame the client because their whole case is that HE'S the victim. They set out to prove his innocence. They hammer at the investigation and law enforcement to do what they can to clear the client's name. And usually, it's the accuser's story who falls apart if the allegations are false. In high profile cases, we've seen this happen time and again...

Now, someone who's in the National spotlight, who's already hired an attorney because of a rape allegation and has aspirations of being a top draft pick and leading an NFL franchise... this person has engaged in multiple encounters that raise concerns including one that has led to a rape allegation and another that the girl won't press charges on because she didn't say no. I don't know what all that means. Did she not say no because she couldn't (because of a date drug and they just didn't give her enough) and now she feels ashamed and knows that if she comes forward she'll have to answer all of that? I dunno. But the account was SO troubling that the counselor relayed the information onward. That's IMPORTANT. Whatever happened, it wasn't awesome sex. It was troubling. When a crisis counselor is troubled, that's the very definition of "not good".

When it comes to these subjects like rape, sexual assault, abuse and domestic violence, I'm VERY CLEAR where I stand. I'm More Dad than Dude. I understand that guys are concerned with false allegations. That said, the sheer number of allegations that turn out to be real means that we just can't equivocate when talking about them. The US Department of Justice estimates that less than 2% of the allegations of rape are false. Unfortunately, they aren't investigated or prosecuted that way. Which means that if less than 2% are false allegations, then a LOT of rapists are going free because we aren't catching and prosecuting 98% of the rapists. Worse, many women don't report rapes expressly because of things expressed in this thread.

This guy is running around shouting obscenities and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people STILL want to see this rapist make millions of dollars because of his "skills" and are willing to say despicable things about the accuser (to the point of death threats in some cases) or are willing to simply say that those "off field" things don't matter.

So, here's my deal. He's done nothing since the accusation to show that he's innocent. And let's be clear. I don't care if some moral cesspool of an attorney can get him off. I want to know if he's INNOCENT or if he RAPED HER. All he's done thus far is display further behavior that reinforces that he's EXACTLY the type of person who would commit this act. Moreover, his brazen disregard for his situation demonstrates that he finds no danger in his situation so he will do it again.

I don't just think he's a misguided youth, I think he's a serial rapist. Not sure how much more clear I can be. And the ONLY reason we don't have hard evidence on that is because of TPD. Why? Because....National Championship. Don't forget the NCAA is BIGGER than the NFL with $16Billion in revenues compared to $10Billion for the NFL. Also, not many have played in the NFL, but a whole lot of folks have either gone to college or lived in or near a college town...

I don't care what he can do with a football. If he raped that girl, I want him UNDER the jail. I'm sick to death of rapists going free and of people giving rapists a pass because we don't have perfect knowledge of the situation when we don't have perfect knowledge of just about anything. We can figure it out pretty close...beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is that all too often those that SHOULD be figuring it out, aren't or don't want to. #Steubenville

His DNA was on her clothes and evidence is missing. If he wasn't a very high profile person right now, the police would be issuing summons and the DA would be going ballistic right now at the lack of cooperation. The ONLY reason this case isn't all the way done and he's not in jail is because he's a football player in a football town.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
He hasn't said anything.

Are we really going to argue semantics? Through his lawyer, Winston claimed the sex was consensual.

Thing thing about the roomates. Either, they weren't in the room, in which they couldn't have known about consent (the video wasn't of the entire encounter and as Les noted, its quick deletion speaks to guilt not exoneration. If she were willing, he'd have at least KEPT it as evidence to help his friend out legally) or they WERE in the room which creates a question of whether the other DNA was one of theirs.

Bullshit. The video was deleted before the girl identified Winston. It's just as plausible that Winston found out about the video and made him delete it considering it was filmed through the open door from outside the room. Doesn't sound like Winston invited him in there to film. So no, the bold is not the only plausible explanation.

The question is there. I've already agreed with you on this. But it also raises the issue of whether or not what Casher said was true. If he was in the room then he can testify as to whether it was consensual sex or not. And he says it was.

Here's why it's so hard and, frankly, why I don't believe Winston or his attorney for a second.

There's a bit of a pattern here when it comes to this. When the athlete is stone guilty, his attorney goes on the offense, goes the whole slut-shaming route. His attorney tip-toes the line on what he says in public that could get him disbarred while being totally disingenuous and dishonest at the same time (see Ray Rice's atty) and the person accused tends to exhibit behaviors which lend credibility to the act (Ray Rice's behavior at the joint press conference was classic abuser). Like Jameis Winston standing on a table and yelling, "freak dat bitch in the pussy". It's not a huge indicator, but it's also not swinging the pendulum the other way. He's indicating misogynistic tendencies in a very public forum with zero regard for the consequences. This is consistent with guilty perpetrators who feel that they are above the law.

Why did his attorney wait so long to go on the offensive?

As opposed to those who are falsely accused and really ARE those good guys. An attorney who has a client like that should NEVER slut shame the client because their whole case is that HE'S the victim. They set out to prove his innocence. They hammer at the investigation and law enforcement to do what they can to clear the client's name. And usually, it's the accuser's story who falls apart if the allegations are false. In high profile cases, we've seen this happen time and again...

And yet it doesn't always happen that way. Additionally, they often set out to discredit the witness using the same tactics that you called slut shaming with the Winston attorney. By pointing to her demands for monetary compensation in a settlement.

Now, someone who's in the National spotlight, who's already hired an attorney because of a rape allegation and has aspirations of being a top draft pick and leading an NFL franchise... this person has engaged in multiple encounters that raise concerns including one that has led to a rape allegation and another that the girl won't press charges on because she didn't say no. I don't know what all that means. Did she not say no because she couldn't (because of a date drug and they just didn't give her enough) and now she feels ashamed and knows that if she comes forward she'll have to answer all of that? I dunno. But the account was SO troubling that the counselor relayed the information onward. That's IMPORTANT. Whatever happened, it wasn't awesome sex. It was troubling. When a crisis counselor is troubled, that's the very definition of "not good".

It was specifically said that there was no crime in that case. Seems to me that Winston convinced her to do something during sex that she wasn't so sure about but relented and ended up regretting it afterwards but that's conjecture. I don't know. Neither do you. What I do know is that this is the specific language on the circumstances of the other woman:
Ms. Cappleman said that based on what she was told, a crime had not been committed.

This guy is running around shouting obscenities and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people STILL want to see this rapist make millions of dollars because of his "skills" and are willing to say despicable things about the accuser (to the point of death threats in some cases) or are willing to simply say that those "off field" things don't matter.

And just as many people are willing to say despicable things and make threats to him. Yet we have no idea what happened that night and we will never know. He could be guilty or he could be innocent. If he's guilty, he lucked out. If he's innocent, he got screwed big time because he'll never be able to disprove her story unless she recants.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
The next Darren Sharper...

Reading that account, I'm just sorry @jrry32, the preponderance of the evidence is against this guy including his DNA on her clothes (when they finally got around to getting it). Multiple victims and here's the key... this started BEFORE he was famous, so all the victim-blaming, "she's just a gold-digger" BS that goes on doesn't apply to this case. Not saying you're saying that, but I've seen it.

I don't give two rat farts if this guy can split an atom with football at 50 yards. He's a serial rapist and as someone who's raising two daughters, I don't want nothing to do with him. Moreover, I'm DISGUSTED that FSU cares so damn much about football that they STILL will side with rapists who play football over raped female students.

But, then, that's part of why the Tallahassee PD was being investigated by the Grand Jury... they were complicit, corrupt, inept and incapable. Yeah... that sounds like so much of Florida...

Thing is...he's an active rapist and by the evidence it looks like he is a serial rapist (he's certainly not abusing a spouse or someone he's in a relationship with, these women are strangers). This means that he's going to look for more opportunities.

Lemme just say this. I said that Blackmon was a problem coming out, but folks were all over this guy.

So, I'm going to call it now. Winston is Chernobyl. If he's not radioactive BEFORE he gets out of college, he will be soon. There's just no way he'll be able to turn it off. Won't matter if he finds a woman he likes or gets married. Rape isn't sex, it's violence via a sexual act and serial rapists don't stop. They have among the highest return and recidivism rates of any criminal.

I get it that some guys see him as just a misguided youth. I don't. I see him as a sociopath sexual predator who will not only rape again, but will irrevocably damage a multibillion dollar franchise in the process. The damage in lives and dollars will be....substantial. And those looking back will STILL look back in disbelief even though all the evidence was right there...all...along.

Ask the Wilf Family how it's going now that they've got AP's name on EVERYTHING and you can't separate Adrian Peterson's name from Child Abuse.

Any team that takes on Jameis Winston... Deserves What It Gets...

I sincerely hope the Rams can parse the difference between guys like Mo Alexander or Ethan Westbrooks, guys with flags and Jameis Winston...

AND WHERE THE " IF YOU SEE KAY" is the public and media outcry over the NCAA not doing jack shit about this stuff ? While they are all up in the NFL's grill over a group of players I would submit are of higher average intelligence and higher social awareness,higher morals.

I wrestled in college and was very tight with the football team because my frat was THE jock frat, we had 12 of the starting 22 players as active members and about 8 -10 backups. It was a common occurrence for girls to be brought back to their dorm who were so drunk they could not legitimately know what they were consenting to if they did give consent and in the vernacular of the day they would "pull a train" , double digit guys would "do " her . Thank God I was never a participant . What is even more sad is the girls names became commonly known, I can't believe the coaches didn't hear about it.
IMO you can condense the reason to a single word ,PROFIT, when you are in pursuit of it you are automatically evil in the eyes of the media ,wait there's another word , adulation.

In all that is going on with the NFL if the opportunity to extend the scrutiny to college players and programs and the NCAA's indifference is missed it will be a damn shame.
Sorry to keep harping on this but I'd be surprised if most every college team doesn't have at least one J Winston on it possibly more,and the higher the profile the program the more protection they receive.