CodeMonkey conflating the morons:
Cool story. I liked when Zappa would take on the idea police (such as congress). He was a very intelligent and articulate man. The glory of his work is sometimes overshadowed by the fact that since he always makes fun of everything people have a hard time taking him seriously.
Check out him take on these pointy headed morons
Back then I was a conservative/Republican too (I'm a independent now) and Frank and I talked about politics a few times and agreed on most things. To be fair though, the only idiot (moron isn't strong enough) on that show was John Lofton who is not only an idiot, he's an ill mannered idiot. The other two guys are much better but since the bar was set so low by Lofton, it's not saying all that much.
There aren't any Republicans like Novak anymore. Didn't always agree with him but more often than not. Where we usually disagreed was on social issues like the one they're talking about. He was an agree to disagree guy though and that's all I ask because you can usually find
something to agree about with guys like him. All I wanted to do was repeatedly spank Lofton. Though he'd probably like that based on his weak denial.