Released 40 years ago today,
What's your favorite song off
Born To Run?
I probably don't really have a favorite Born To Run song , but then I'm probably not the biggest Bruce Springsteen fan either , although I do like Springsteen , there are just a lot bigger fans
I think my favorite Springsteen songs over all both have to do with Cadillac' s although that's just a coincidence
My favorite Springsteen song is Pink Cadillac and the other Cadillac Ranch , the reason Cadillac Ranch sticks out so much was when I was in High School back in the early 80's , all the kids would hang out at the skating rink ( that's where all the girls were

) , and they usually played mostly like dance music , but then they would throw Cadillac Ranch , which always seemed so out of place with the rest of the music , so that song always stuck out so much to me , and to this day , that's really the only song that brings me back to those days , every time I hear it , that's also where I meet my wife when we were in school , although the song doesn't so much remind of meeting her , but just hanging out at the skating rink in general
That skating rink is long gone now , at least ten years , probably more , the building is still there , but now it's divided into two different business , one half is a Gun and Ammo Shop and the other half is a rent-a-center
But to this day , every time I hear Cadillac Ranch , I think of roller skating ,