Its year 3 of the Fisher Era, and i can honestly say that I never felt this much confidence with Spags or Linehan.
Our starting DB's have 2 years or less of experience. Our backups have less experience expect for a few.
We have a new DC who is very aggressive and will make our secondary much better, without even adding anyone. But yet, we still have FA and the draft, so it will get better.
We have the best DE in the league, paired up with a top 10 DE. They will be much better with a secondary that attacks instead of sits back.
Without upgrades and better coaching we are a top 15 defense. With upgrades and better coaching we are a top 5 defense.
With Williams we will have a much better secondary. Our draft or FA will fix our holes, and our D-Line will have more time to destroy the QB as a result.
We are already known as a very physical defense, and we only become more of that. Whiners and Seahags already are talking trash because they know what is coming. Pain....that is what is coming to them. Whiners and Seahags has physical defenses that are filled with penalties going their way. We don't have that advantage, which means we just have to be more physical, which we will be.
Rocky 6 said it best. When Apollo Creeds former trainer is telling rocky what they need to focus on, this is what i expect Williams to say to the defense. He talks about it because rocky doesnt have speed anymore and his knees are shot. But the rest still applies and i could see him butting this on them.
"we'll be calling on is good ol'€™ fashion blunt force trauma. Horsepower. Heavy-duty, cast-iron, piledriving punches that will have to hurt so much they'll rattle his ancestors. Every time you hit him with a shot, it's gotta feel like he tried kissing the express train. [cracks neck] Yeah! Let's start building some hurtin' bombs!"
We have the pieces in place. We are ready to be the most physical, devastating, bone breaking defense in the NFL.
They are already fearing us, talking about us being dirty and targeting, thats just them being scared pussies. They know they are in a world of pain, and they won't be ready for it no matter how much they know of it.
Screw the Seahags and the Whiners. They don't know what pain is. Fuck them all. Rams defense is here to stay!!!!!!!!!! We will make Deacon and Youngblood proud!!