Yale University releases 170,000 depression era pictures

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
For those of you who have been to Key West Florida..check out those pictures

@Selassie I @LesBaker

Man, I'm glad you pointed those out!

Couple of things that stuck out for me in those.

Sloppy Joes in 1938... still resembles itself today. Spent many a night in there.

The restaurant sign is a real trip. 3 of the items on the menu are totally illegal now... but I've had all 3 and they are out of this world awesome to eat. Funny seeing them advertised...
Conch... almost fished to extinction in the Keys
Turtle Steak... that's green sea turtle.
Jew Fish... the real name for the now politically correct named Goliah Grouper.

Like I said, all are totally illegal to catch here in the US now.


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
This probably won't interest a lot of people , but I could sit at look at these photos all day long , I'm such a huge History buff , and one of the era's that interest me the most was the 1930's , the great depression , prohibition , the great dust bowl , gangsters and bank robbers , Bonnie & Clyde , Al Capone , etc ,,

And now Yale University has released 170,000 photos from that era , They have the photos broken down on a interactive map of the U.S. so you can find photos from your area , pretty cool

Well ,at least I think so anyways , :cool:


One of my favorite books is called 'The Worst Hard Time'. You've probably read it, but it's a fantastic account of the Dust Bowl / Depression.... fantastic read. If you know any others, please share.