I have been going over the bad call and all of the reactions.....it has been rough for a lot of people, but some reactions caught me off guard:
Fans stating that the Rams didn't earn it and they hope they lose etc etc......wait, why would you hate on the Rams for anything?
1. The Rams can't take the ball and place it at the spot of the no call foul and tell the NFL and Refs, "Yeah, we think it was a foul and its a 1st down and Goal".
2. They can't tell the NFL or the REfs, "Nah, we actually lost because you didn't call that penalty so give this win to the Saints.
The Rams only actions available at that time was to keep playing. Fans blaming the Rams or Ram fans is a clear sign of mental weakness and jealousy. (We could go on and on about everything else tied to this).....
Then I realized that I treat the Patriots the same way that the Saints fans treat us. The tuck rule would have kept them out of the Superbowl. It was a bad call that got changed after the season, but I always blame that on why the Rams lost. The possible cheating against the Rams is a different issue. I realize I need to not do this.
Blaming a team and fans for something they have Zero power over is ridiculous and the Rams earned the win because after that No Call, they marched down and tied the game and then again stopped the Saints and scored to win.
The Packers - Seahawks TC/INT in the endzone was a call that altered the game with no actions after it.