Wife says man blamed Stan Kroenke in suicide note

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
@LesBaker give it a rest. You jump on anything where you can point your finger at Kroenke. Frankly - I'm getting tired of reminding you of the rules regarding the part in your post I deleted.

As to the story. These apparently are very old mobile homes in a "park" that was allowed to become basically a crap hole. He is attempting to clean up the lake shore.

The Waggoner Ranch is a historic ranch and it just so happens that Kroenke was the only one to submit an offer that would keep the ranch in tact. Other offers had the ranch being split up into several parcels and developments. My guess is that this mobile home park would have been history no matter who bought the property.

Rather than this historic production cattle ranch going the way of so many others, Stan's plans are to keep it in production and actually enhance the facilities. Sorry - but part of that is getting rid of a bunch of 40 and 50 year old trailers.

I was in the Mobile Home industry for a few years. Most parks have age limits on homes, time limits on sites, etc... Standard contracts make it known that the lease is a temporary agreement. Generally also, there is a 3 month window for people to move their homes from a site when given notice. It appears Kroenke gave 6 months - August 2 through January 31.

As to the notion that he is kicking out a bunch of elderly and vets, I fail to see how that is either relevant or based in fact except for a couple of cases. And 61 is elderly? Hell - I guess I'm almost elderly. And @VegasRam is being read his last rites as I type this. :snicker::shades:

Just curious though... how much time should he give these people? Should he just leave the trailers there indefinitely? Is that what would make him a great guy? Nah - the guy can't do anything right because he is a rich guy who cares not about anything but money. It's not possible that he is trying to restore that land to its former glory.

Sorry but most of the time housing blight is removed, there are people being asked to leave their homes. That is the real fact here.

Sorry for having my own opinion.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Maybe he's trying to be an environmentalist. You know, restore an area to its natural state and do something good for the planet. At this point who knows? It's a little unfair to just assume he's an a hole and decide that he should abandon his own goals so somebody doesn't have to move.

And let's be honest, that dude committed suicide. He obviously didn't care about the increased strain on his wife that would cause. Stan didn't make that guy kill himself. That guy chose to end his own grief at the expense of his loved ones. Who's the real bad guy?

No question killing himself is a cowardly act. I had a friend do it many years ago and I know first hand what it can do to a family. I also know someone who had a terrible situation where their brother killed himself leaving behind his wife and two young children both of whom were old enough to know what went down. I'll never forget the funeral, yuck.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Sorry for having my own opinion.
Don't give me that bullshit Les. It was your calling Stan a piece of shit that I took exception to - not you having an opinion.


Just curious... Are you saying what I said is untrue?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Pretty much. I am just not willing to let a bunch of people bash the owner of our team without some challenges.

Challenges or did you mean ultimatums? And I'm not trying to pick a fight I could do that by replying to the PM you sent.

Challenging an opinion is cool with me. I challenge opinions and debate all the time I think it's why most of us come here. We enjoy interacting with each other even when we don't agree.

What was the general feeling about bashing Georgia...........


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
I am sure all the tennants knew that their landlord had the ranch on the market to sell, they should have began preparing for the inevitable. I once had a landlord sell the triplex we were living in, on the Monday before my wedding we were given an offical date to be out by, as the new owner was going to gut the place and wanted everyone out. It would have sucked, but my cousin was moving out of her apartment the same week we had to be out, we gained a large backyard and larger rooms for a lower rent.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Here is how my suicide note would sound:

Dear Mr. Kroenke,
I'm hanging myself cause after 35 years of Jeff Fisher football I've finally had it. Sure we got close to the playoffs in 2024 but i just can no longer hang with being the youngest team in thr NFL for three decades straight.
I'm blaming DEMOFF!!!!
Good bye
Just make sure you sign it "Dieter the"
Just so he doesn't confuse you with the other guy


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Don't give me that bullcrap Les. It was your calling Stan a piece of crap that I took exception to - not you having an opinion.


Just curious... Are you saying what I said is untrue?

But, that's my opinion. I feel that way. If it's the name calling that's one thing, say that then. Does the same rule hold for Georgia? Fisher? Snead? Players?

This is pretty nebulous and I would prefer to have some clarification. Or I can simply not post about Kroenke, either one works.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Challenges or did you mean ultimatums? And I'm not trying to pick a fight I could do that by replying to the PM you sent.
You know the rules very well my friend. If you want to call it an ultimatum when a moderator enforces the rules, I got nothing for you. You can discuss issues without resorting to calling Stan a POS. If not? That's on you.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
But, that's my opinion. I feel that way. If it's the name calling that's one thing, say that then. Does the same rule hold for Georgia? Fisher? Snead? Players?

This is pretty nebulous and I would prefer to have some clarification. Or I can simply not post about Kroenke, either one works.
How many times do we have to go over this Les? You know what you said and was deleted. Discuss with respect - no problem. Taking the tact you have many times, ain't gonna fly and you know it. I'm done. I'll PM you since you seem confused.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Well the sellers could have done a better job in "protecting" these tenants by having more solid lease agreements then a handshake year to year renewable
If Kroenke is a Villain here then the sellers are so as well.
If they were so good to these folks, then why aren't they helping them out now? I mean, 745 million ought to free up some cash


Pro Bowler
Jun 23, 2010
Well the sellers could have done a better job in "protecting" these tenants by having more solid lease agreements then a handshake year to year renewable
If Kroenke is a Villain here then the sellers are so as well.
If they were so good to these folks, then why aren't they helping them out now? I mean, 745 million ought to free up some cash

Agreed -- the sellers ALLOWED these tenants to build and own homes on the land they were leasing.

Still a bunch of stuff we DON'T know about this story:
For instance - did the sellers offer each tenant the ability to buy the lot their home sat on? They still would've gotten paid.

Would YOU build a house on a piece of land that you didn't own?!? I certainly wouldn't -- and specifically for the reasons that are coming to fruition here: there's no guarantee that the owner won't turn around and sell the land to someone else.

Here's the news report from August -- right around the time that the eviction notices went out:

Billy Baroo

How about a Fresca?
Jul 18, 2013
@LesBaker give it a rest. You jump on anything where you can point your finger at Kroenke. Frankly - I'm getting tired of reminding you of the rules regarding the part in your post I deleted.

As to the story. These apparently are very old mobile homes in a "park" that was allowed to become basically a crap hole. He is attempting to clean up the lake shore.

The Waggoner Ranch is a historic ranch and it just so happens that Kroenke was the only one to submit an offer that would keep the ranch in tact. Other offers had the ranch being split up into several parcels and developments. My guess is that this mobile home park would have been history no matter who bought the property.

Rather than this historic production cattle ranch going the way of so many others, Stan's plans are to keep it in production and actually enhance the facilities. Sorry - but part of that is getting rid of a bunch of 40 and 50 year old trailers.

I was in the Mobile Home industry for a few years. Most parks have age limits on homes, time limits on sites, etc... Standard contracts make it known that the lease is a temporary agreement. Generally also, there is a 3 month window for people to move their homes from a site when given notice. It appears Kroenke gave 6 months - August 2 through January 31.

As to the notion that he is kicking out a bunch of elderly and vets, I fail to see how that is either relevant or based in fact except for a couple of cases. And 61 is elderly? Hell - I guess I'm almost elderly. And @VegasRam is being read his last rites as I type this. :snicker::shades:

Just curious though... how much time should he give these people? Should he just leave the trailers there indefinitely? Is that what would make him a great guy? Nah - the guy can't do anything right because he is a rich guy who cares not about anything but money. It's not possible that he is trying to restore that land to its former glory.

Sorry but most of the time housing blight is removed, there are people being asked to leave their homes. That is the real fact here.
Interesting. Not second guessing you but where did you see these were trailers?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Interesting. Not second guessing you but where did you see these were trailers?
Google Earth. There are some stick builts but most seem to be trailers or manufactured homes. It also fits with leased land. Not many people build stick builts or site constructed homes on leased land. Manufactured homes and trailers generally are required to keep the wheels attached under the skirt for a reason.

And second guess all you want. I wouldn't be offended by that.


May 28, 2011
If you off yourself because you got 2 months left after receiving a 6 month notice to evict you're a fucking puss. You're telling me this guy couldn't find another place for cheap? 2 minutes on google and I found a place for $195 per month in the same area, get the fuck outa here..


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
If you off yourself because you got 2 months left after receiving a 6 month notice to evict you're a freaking puss. You're telling me this guy couldn't find another place for cheap? 2 minutes on google and I found a place for $195 per month in the same area, get the freak outa here..

And I got read the last rites yesterday.
I declined.

(Thank God I'm Catholic).


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
So a guy who's reputation is to develop land pays millions of dollars to "restore it to it's glory"?

Please tell me that sounds at least a little fishy (pun intended).
Actually we have his actions with his two other ranch purchases, including the 500K+ acre ranch in Montana. He didn't redevelop these area's. He's left the ranching and farming businesses in tact and kept the rest in it's natural state that he purchased it as. I get the hate for the man but assigning him more evils before he's actually done them is just petty especially when we've seen like situations where he hasn't acted that way.
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