I'll be out doing things till an hour before game time. Not gonna feel like BBQing. I'm picking up some carne asada nachos from my favorite Mexican takeout. Love those things. A ton of meat with all the fixings. I'm not into the different beers. Just give me some Bud Light and I'm good.
My grandson is over. He's gonna have to play his video game on the bedroom TV. My temporary Rams man cave ain't gonna be disturbed tonight.
My son and his 49er friend will be over too. I don't have any 49er friends because any 49er fan ain't a friend of mine. :redcard:
He better hope the Rams don't lose. I won't be in a good mood. He said he'll be pulling for the Rams but If he tries to root for the Cowboys his time here will be short. My house is not a democracy. :mrburns: