I had forgotten how short those two were in comparison to the norm.
The point about getting open and catching it is more meaningful than height, strength or speed.
Except Les what "norm " are you talking about? the norm then was 3 or 4 inches shorter than it is today and those guys were considered short then so our guys don't quite make a comparable comparison???? redundant much? a comparable shorter than the norm for today is 5'11" so the comparrison fails to prove the point. That doesn't mean the point is wrong just that the comparison is flawed.It also assumes Tavon and Sted and Sam combined are as good as Clayton, Duper and Marino because their measurables are equal so they "should " have success,do I have to delve into that? ram29jackson where are you on this point ?
Bradford is the same height as Marino but Bradfords guards average three inches taller than Marinos and center 2 inches taller but Sam is supposed to see our guys as well ?
I agree getting open is the most important thing, and FWIW that's why bigger guys are wanted and at a premium because they don't have to be as good at getting open to be AS open. This argument is sort of like do you want a great leaper or a bigger center in basketball if they both hit the same point on the backboard when they leap? You want the guy who takes up the most space.
Jrry's comparison could be used to argue a guy and just a good guy as far as you know who is 6ft 9in. should be as successful as Bill Russell at center in todays NBA and FWIW Russel wasn't even short for a center back then.
Did I go back in time too far?
Then how far "should we".
These sort of comparisons can imply at best and ignore so much other stuff they fail .
The Russel Wilson comparrison to Tarkenton ? Fail , more like Eddie Lebaron Tarkenton wasn't that short and could throw from the pocket very effectively Wilson keeping him in the pocket is how to beat him like Vick cuz they a r e ..............short.
I don't think short eliminates either guy because they are talented enough to overcome it,I do think combined they give their QB less to see and a steady diet of that isn't what most coaches would want. Our's may want that ,Sam may want that ,I don't expect they will but if they do it won't be because Sted and Tavon are as good as because the rest are gawd awful IMO.
If someone disagrees with that then we have a basis to start from,but the goal posts are getting moved all over the map in this thread and although I'm pretty adaptable I weary of bringing the discussion back to center.
Great preaching to ya Les
BTW Tarkenton wants the Vikes to draft Johhny Football