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Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Is that her without all the costume? I'd never have recognized her.

I'm still reeling a bit...need some time to digest how much happened in that finale.

It's the first finale that had lots of resolution AND had solid cliffhanger ending AND left tons of things unresolved in a way that didn't make you feel cheated (lookin' at YOU, Game of Thrones!!!)

JJ Abrams and crew is just...damn. damn good.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
That finale was fucking awesome. Many shows could take a page out of this episodes book on how to create fulfilling, holy shit, cliff hanging season finale.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Cool fact, this guy in Westworld is Negans 2nd in command on The Walking Dead, and he did the voice for Trevor in GTA V.
1st pic: Walking dead, 2nd pic Westworld, 3rd pic GTA V.



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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Season finale was meh

Thought the show was ok.
IMO, if they were more concerned with spinning a good tale as opposed to trying to set up for an "A Ha" finale, I think it would be a much better show


Jan 14, 2013
Finally watched the final two episodes this weekend. It was a very slow burn and some of the episodes just. seemed. to. go. on. forrrrrrever. And needlessly so, could have done a lot of the episodes in half the time and not really lose anything doing so. But overall, I really liked it. You can't beat the cast for a tv show. And now that they've gone through the set up and plot/character developments I am really looking forward to season 2 to see where it goes now.

I will agree there are quite a few plot holes or questionable points about the show. Such as no one knowing what Arnold looks like as pointed out earlier in this thread. Or how bullets magically don't kill people but do kill hosts. Or how Dolores can't tell who Ed Harris is the whole time. etc. But it is a sci fi series and I tend to try and ignore things like that for the betterment of the story at times. Whited out for spoilerish content.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
Okay--I don't know if anyone else is watching this HBO series but I just wanted to say a few things about it.

I REALLY want to like this show. I LOVED the Yul Brynner film back in the 70s. I've wanted a remake for years and when I heard it was going to be an HBO show I was really excited.

I have been pretty forgiving on some things that have annoyed me about the series, and tried being very patient. But they are into episode 5 right now--halfway through--and the show--which has been one huge puzzle at the expense of thrills and drama, just seems stuck in its own loop.

At this point I don't even know if the writers have any idea where they are going. There are so many things going on--so many puzzles to solve and so much misdirection(different timelines--maybe)that they forgot about story.

The 1973 film was tense and simple and fun.

This show is anything but fun.

I've been on fan boards reading through theory after theory and even they are looping over themselves now.

Everyone is confused and there is just too much of nothing going on, really.

The acting is fine--there are some real heavyweights here with Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins. But they just spend their time talking in riddles.

I love a thoughtful, deep mystery.

Unfortunately the show is shaping up as not much more than that--and I have a fear that when the answers start coming a lot of this won't add up. I fear the show is missing a great opportunity. It wants to be too smart and to mislead the viewer to the point that misleading the viewer IS the plot. They obviously want to set up some shocking answers but my brain may be too numb to appreciate any of that.

5 episodes to go, I believe, and I know they have 5 seasons mapped out but this show will never make it if they don't start changing some things. There is really not enough emotional involvement at this point. It's become a brain exercise and a frustrating one at that.

Oh yes--I will watch til the end. But if the show doesn't have some big payoffs soon for all that it has been doing, I'm not sure I'll be able to sign up for another season.

I just finished season one. Binged it in 3 days time.

I pretty much agree with your take. Incredible looking series, good to great acting but my God this story is a convoluted pretentious mess. It's co written by Lisa Joy who i know nothing about, and Jonathan Nolan. Nolan being the brother of one Christopher Nolan. While i do like a few of Nolan's films(Memento, Interstellar) i find most of his writing to be pretentious schlock. Constantly changing the ground rules to create higher steps of drama, mystery and suspense. You can't do that with sci fi.

It seems that Jonathan Nolan writes the same way. The deeper the story goes the more pretentious it becomes. IMO.

I too loved the original Michael Crichton film. I own it on DVD. '73 Westworld was the "original" Jurassic Park theme he wrote before he wrote Jurassic Park. Robots instead of dinosaurs. A theme park where rich people go to to fight and fuck their fantasies away. Awesome.

This new series holds to all those original themes and when it stays tight and focused on that stuff it's very good, but all the rest in between is a confusing mess. Thru the first several episodes i was genuinely interested and intrigued by this arcing, underlying theme of The Maze, and time, and AI consciousness etc. Promising.
Halfway thru i was like WTF is going on and why does it matter? I'm lost and i don't care anymore.

The Nolan's are infatuated with themes about dreams and time, and i too really find those themes fascinating...but ENOUGH with the (real or not real) flashbacks and misdirectional nonsense and endless moments of dramatic contradictory epiphanies that just don't make sense.

You could watch the first and last episodes only, and probably get about as much out of this without subjecting yourself to the drawn out head scratching of the episodes in between.

I bought this....so i will watch it again and hope to get something more out of it. I'll watch season 2 hoping this thing gets WAY more focused.

I'm not a writer but i do know quality, intelligent content in films and this was a case of failing to just stick with what was already a brilliant premise and put your own touch on it by freshening it up a bit. This remake was completely over done.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
You're right. The guests aren't important here at all--at least not this season. It really feels like this sort of story could be told without the amusement park--and indeed films like "Ex-Machina" have done just that. In fact the show is much more related to "Ex-Machina" than the original "Westworld".
Yep. Ex Machina told this story in 2 hours. Brilliantly i might add.
I understand that this is a longer series with room to breath so to speak but still... at least the really deep intelligent writing in Ex Machina was coherent.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I just finished season one. Binged it in 3 days time.

I pretty much agree with your take. Incredible looking series, good to great acting but my God this story is a convoluted pretentious mess. It's co written by Lisa Joy who i know nothing about, and Jonathan Nolan. Nolan being the brother of one Christopher Nolan. While i do like a few of Nolan's films(Memento, Interstellar) i find most of his writing to be pretentious schlock. Constantly changing the ground rules to create higher steps of drama, mystery and suspense. You can't do that with sci fi.

It seems that Jonathan Nolan writes the same way. The deeper the story goes the more pretentious it becomes. IMO.

I too loved the original Michael Crichton film. I own it on DVD. '73 Westworld was the "original" Jurassic Park theme he wrote before he wrote Jurassic Park. Robots instead of dinosaurs. A theme park where rich people go to to fight and freak their fantasies away. Awesome.

This new series holds to all those original themes and when it stays tight and focused on that stuff it's very good, but all the rest in between is a confusing mess. Thru the first several episodes i was genuinely interested and intrigued by this arcing, underlying theme of The Maze, and time, and AI consciousness etc. Promising.
Halfway thru i was like WTF is going on and why does it matter? I'm lost and i don't care anymore.

The Nolan's are infatuated with themes about dreams and time, and i too really find those themes fascinating...but ENOUGH with the (real or not real) flashbacks and misdirectional nonsense and endless moments of dramatic contradictory epiphanies that just don't make sense.

You could watch the first and last episodes only, and probably get about as much out of this without subjecting yourself to the drawn out head scratching of the episodes in between.

I bought this....so i will watch it again and hope to get something more out of it. I'll watch season 2 hoping this thing gets WAY more focused.

I'm not a writer but i do know quality, intelligent content in films and this was a case of failing to just stick with what was already a brilliant premise and put your own touch on it by freshening it up a bit. This remake was completely over done.
Awesome post. Totally agree.
These re-writes always frustrate me. Seems the writer wants to put their spin on it to steal the brilliance of the original premise. Meanwhile the brilliance still lies in the original premise. The one saving grace outside of the amazing scenery was the gratititous nudity.
I think I love Thandie Newton....


Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
We'll be seeing trailers for Season 2 during the SuperBowl


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Just finished watching this last week. I tried hard to stay engaged but kept falling asleep a lot. I had to keep rewinding and watching what I missed just to fall asleep again. The season finale rekindled it for me though. I'll keep watching.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Just finished watching this last week. I tried hard to stay engaged but kept falling asleep a lot. I had to keep rewinding and watching what I missed just to fall asleep again. The season finale rekindled it for me though. I'll keep watching.

Think it's more an age thing than a Westworld thing.