I would rather see Wentz get snaps in games than not, even if Stafford starts. Stafford Struggles, Put in Wentz, Garbage Time, Put him in. Thats the problem with the League with all the injuries. Especailly with our Oline right now. They overwork the starters to the point of breaking. yes they get paid a lot but, if they go down we see a deer in headlights and not a QB. Need reps in games to keep going.
When one of these guys are on point, they are some of the fastest release QBS in the league, so them getting destroyed says something about our Oline. Wentz could be a spark we need with rolling out of the pocket. Hes not as fast as he used to be tho.
Hell Goff is now one of the Best QBS in the League, Mayfield is doing well. Why Not Carson? Welcome To The Rams Carson.