Walking Dead

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Jan 23, 2013
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I read one interview where the guy said that none of Ricks group dies in the finale. I hope that is wrong. They need to thin Ricks herd. There is a lot of dead weight there.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Unlike many, I thought Rick was in the right after the fight. He proved he was right big time.

On a side note, Carroll seems like the brains of the group. Her having Rick hold off a moment made his argument 100% valid. Carroll is awesome in so many ways.


May 28, 2011
I'm pretty interested in how Morgan will react to what he saw. Especially after the Talking Dead when he made it clear he does not want to kill anyone (I also thought he was honking the horn to draw walkers to kill those guys).... I would love for him to be a regular cast member though.

I hope Fear the Walking Dead is just as good, it'll be cool to see how the story ends, but I wont lie I'm going to enjoy seeing familiar sights. A lot of celebrities learn how to shoot at my work, so maybe I'll get to meet some of the cast or crew if they come in, which would be fun if the show takes off.


Jan 23, 2013
I'm pretty interested in how Morgan will react to what he saw. Especially after the Talking Dead when he made it clear he does not want to kill anyone (I also thought he was honking the horn to draw walkers to kill those guys).... I would love for him to be a regular cast member though.

I hope Fear the Walking Dead is just as good, it'll be cool to see how the story ends, but I wont lie I'm going to enjoy seeing familiar sights. A lot of celebrities learn how to shoot at my work, so maybe I'll get to meet some of the cast or crew if they come in, which would be fun if the show takes off.

Yeah, Morgan shows up at just the right time, especially after saying 'every life is precious'. Plus he spared the life of people that tried to kill him. I hope that Morgan does not become the next Herschel/Dale/Tyrese. (I was glad to see that the Wolves were out of bullets.)

I struggle with Pete's death. He made it happen in the end but Rick really pushed him toward it. I get that Pete was abusive but Ricks actions against him were motivated by his lust. What is very disconcerting for me though is that Rick took action towards Pete because of Carol telling him he needs to kill him. Then when Rick does kill Pete it is because Deanna told him to. What is going on here? Since when does Rick take orders? Especially to kill a guy with his wife standing there? I am confused. At least now they can all break into Pete's Beer stash.

So, Rick kills a viable member of the community, while Morgan and Glenn are saving people that try to kill them. I'm confused.


May 28, 2011
Yeah, Morgan shows up at just the right time, especially after saying 'every life is precious'. Plus he spared the life I of people that tried to kill him. I hope that Morgan does not become the next Herschel/Dale/Tyrese. (I was glad to see that the Wolves were out of bullets.)

I struggle with Pete's death. He made it happen in the end but Rick really pushed him toward it. I get that Pete was abusive but Ricks actions against him were motivated by his lust. What is very disconcerting for me though is that Rick took action towards Pete because of Carol telling him he needs to kill him. Then when Rick does kill Pete it is because Deanna told him to. What is going on here? Since when does Rick take orders? Especially to kill a guy with his wife standing there? I am confused. At least now they can all break into Pete's Beer stash.

So, Rick kills a viable member of the community, while Morgan and Glenn are saving people that try to kill them. I'm confused.

I think with the loss of her husband and son in the span of what appears to be 1-2 days, Deanna is going to hand control to Rick. She made a big deal about not killing people, and instead sending them away, but after seeing what happened, I think deep down she knows he is right. However my guess is she will maintain control until the wolves attack. They saw Aarons pictures when he left his pack behind (why did he leave it though, to me it didn't seem like he absolutely had to ditch it, after Morgan came). So the safe zone will be on their radar. My prediction is she will struggle, Wolves attack, Rick leads them in the defense of the town, Rick is given command.

Glen not wanting to kill the guy even after he tries to kill him seems strange. Yet instead of just running back to camp after getting shot he tries to attack him. I don't know what his end game is, but obviously he needs to get rid of that guy.

Same with the priest, why even bother sitting down and praying with him? He doesn't offer anything to the community. He reminds me of military chaplains, they don't carry guns and are largely seen as useless in a combat area. Whenever they would ask to accompany us on a mission we would say no, it was another mouth to feed taking up the slot of someone who could fight. I know they can't just kill him, but they need to stop babying him, he's putting them at risk, and they know he'll let others suffer to protect himself.

I think Carol should have killed Pete personally. I also hope Morgan doesn't turn into a some emo character like Tyrese as well.


Jan 23, 2013
I think with the loss of her husband and son in the span of what appears to be 1-2 days, Deanna is going to hand control to Rick. She made a big deal about not killing people, and instead sending them away, but after seeing what happened, I think deep down she knows he is right. However my guess is she will maintain control until the wolves attack. They saw Aarons pictures when he left his pack behind (why did he leave it though, to me it didn't seem like he absolutely had to ditch it, after Morgan came). So the safe zone will be on their radar. My prediction is she will struggle, Wolves attack, Rick leads them in the defense of the town, Rick is given command.

Glen not wanting to kill the guy even after he tries to kill him seems strange. Yet instead of just running back to camp after getting shot he tries to attack him. I don't know what his end game is, but obviously he needs to get rid of that guy.

Same with the priest, why even bother sitting down and praying with him? He doesn't offer anything to the community. He reminds me of military chaplains, they don't carry guns and are largely seen as useless in a combat area. Whenever they would ask to accompany us on a mission we would say no, it was another mouth to feed taking up the slot of someone who could fight. I know they can't just kill him, but they need to stop babying him, he's putting them at risk, and they know he'll let others suffer to protect himself.

I think Carol should have killed Pete personally. I also hope Morgan doesn't turn into a some emo character like Tyrese as well.

The more I reflect on the episode and rewatch it, there were three instances of forgiveness and one of sacrifice to save people that someone either did not know or didn't know very well. Glenn forgave Nick, that was big seeing that Glenn had Nicks bullet in his shoulder. I thought it was strange that Glenn followed him to begin with but maybe Glenns intention all along was to stop him from getting hurt. He doesn't hate Nick for killing Aiden and Noah, he pities him. But he sees value in his life even though he is a coward.

His take on things opposes Ricks in that Pete was a coward too but Rick despised him for it. Pete was a symbol of the way things used to be when you ignored your problems. When you turned the other way when you heard your neighbor beating his wife. He was hiding from problems and from life and was a weak man. However, I don't understand how Rick figures that he is a hopeless case and needs to die. Maybe it had something to do with him asking at the end about, "how many of you do I have to kill to make you understand".

Morgan seems to be right on board with Glenn, for the most part. Morgan takes it further by saving his enemies and allowing them to live and escape. More on that later.

Sasha did get in a fight with Gabriel and she could have killed him but in the end she forgave him. They all kind of sat and prayed for their sins and losses. Maybe it turns Gabriel around. He certainly hasn't felt worthy to live or wear the color. He is carrying an enormous amount of guilt and his guilt is causing him to lash out at his friends.

Back to Morgan. The first time that I watched, I was thinking, 'yeah Morgan is right' You have to revere what life is left. Even a bad person can become a good person and all that Taoist ideology. Then when he shows up and sees Rick popping a cap into Pete's cranium, I was thinking well I guess Morgan wont be sticking around. But Morgan was wrong. Rick is right. Glenn is right too but for different reasons. Sasha was right too for the same reasons that Glenn was. Aaron says he is a good judge of character and can tell good people from bad. Deanna claims that too but I don't think it is true. Rick is a good judge of character, Glenn is too. He knows Nick is not evil, just scared. Gabriel is not evil, just ashamed. Morgan was wrong. You don't let some random people that want to kill you, go on to kill again. And as soon as they were out they killed that poor back packer with the red poncho on. That death could have been avoided and maybe the wolves don't find the backpack with pictures from ASZ.

A few notes: Lenny Moore(Morgan) hinted that there will be a back story to how/why he changed from a militant zombie slayer to a kung fu zen master.

People who read the books say that Nick toughens up and becomes a good member of the group, kind of like Eugene finding his balls. They don't always follow the books but it seems there had to be a background reason that Glenn saved Nick. Maybe it will be a bad result, similar to Morgan's saving the Wolves.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Are the Wolves possibly the ousted members of Alexandria?


May 28, 2011
Are the Wolves possibly the ousted members of Alexandria?

That's what I thought before, but when he looked at the pictures, I got the feeling it was the first time they saw them. I'm thinking if they knew about Alexandria they would have gone after it by now. Especially because they would know how weak they are.. Or were before Rick's group.

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
I hope the the citizens of Alexandria wake up after that finale and change their ways. They need to be walking around with weapons and be training with them. They all need to be prepared to defend themselves from the living and the dead at anytime. One thing that has always annoyed me with the show, and let me know if you feel the same, but I hate when there are walkers by a fence and they just leave them there. In the finale they did it and when they were at the prison they did it. You would think that after they survived that trap that they would have just stabbed all of those walkers through the fence so no one else would have to deal with them. To me it is just absolutely dumb to not take out walkers when you can easily do it. Just never made sense to me. The fewer walkers around the Alexandria area to deal with, the better.


Dec 3, 2013
One thing that always annoyed me about the show is why in the hell are they not looking for a boat to go to an Island somewhere! yeah sure there might be zombies there too but once you kill the ones off that are there you've got nothing left to worry about. I guess if they did that tho then the show wouldn't last past a season or two. Its just strange to me that I don't recall this ever being brought up in the show, but it was in the walking dead game I played a while back. God knows that's the first thing I would do is head to the coast and try to swipe up a sail boat and get the hell out of dodge.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
One thing that always annoyed me about the show is why in the hell are they not looking for a boat to go to an Island somewhere! yeah sure there might be zombies there too but once you kill the ones off that are there you've got nothing left to worry about. I guess if they did that tho then the show wouldn't last past a season or two. Its just strange to me that I don't recall this ever being brought up in the show, but it was in the walking dead game I played a while back. God knows that's the first thing I would do is head to the coast and try to swipe up a sail boat and get the hell out of dodge.

Where would you get supplies to keep you alive? Maybe live off of bananas, coconuts and whatever else the island had?

A castle with a deep moat and a drawbridge might make for a decent sanctuary. They probably don't have that in Georgia though.


Dec 3, 2013
Where would you get supplies to keep you alive? Maybe live off of bananas, coconuts and whatever else the island had?

A castle with a deep moat and a drawbridge might make for a decent sanctuary. They probably don't have that in Georgia though.

I'm not talking about a tiny Island with very few resorces im thinking more like cuba or puerto rico. there might be a lot of zombies at first if the virus has spread down there somehow but after a while they would thin out and eventually be none. Plus if you did get your hands on a nice big sail boat before they were all gone you could Island hop if you had to.


May 28, 2011
Where would you get supplies to keep you alive? Maybe live off of bananas, coconuts and whatever else the island had?

A castle with a deep moat and a drawbridge might make for a decent sanctuary. They probably don't have that in Georgia though.

Honestly if I were me, I'd look into fishing, but keep the boat near the shore. Far enough away to be safe, but close enough to do supply runs when needed.


Jan 23, 2013
Are the Wolves possibly the ousted members of Alexandria?

No different people. I find it strange though that within walking distance of Alexandria where Rick stashed the gun was a 'Wolf' walker. Yet the wolves were not aware of the place.