Walking Dead

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Jan 23, 2013
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I've missed the last 2 episodes, so basically I haven't missed anything. Right?

Right. It is at a crawl. The Rick and Michonne love episode was a total waste. Rosita goes to Sasha and have a plan to shoot Negan. Carol finally came out of her hole after she really found out, I think from Morgan, what Negan really did to Glenn and Abe. She went into the Kingdom and is basically taking over the oncoming siege. There was an episode about the more aggressive Kingdom guy? Pete? or something, where he purposely sabatoged delivery of goods with the Saviors and then basically told them to kill him but instead one of them shot the kid that was practicing with the stick and he ended up dying. He told Morgan that he was trying to sacrifice himself to spark the Kingdom into fighting back against the Saviors. That was after Morgan figured out how he planned the whole thing. Then at the next meeting with the saviors, when Pete approached he Saviors and said 'we are totally on board', as a ruse. Morgan killed him in front of everyone, because his stupid plan got Ben killed.

The people that forgot how to speak English in two years time, still don't know proper grammar and sound more like the Indians on the show 'F-Troop'.

Eugene is totally owning his new role, he says he is 'totally Negan'. However I imagine he is just going with the flow to protect himself.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I've missed the last 2 seasons, so basically I haven't missed anything. Right?
But to answer your question, no you haven't missed a thing. Oh well, Jesus is gay. So there's that


May 28, 2011
He is? How did I miss that?

In conversation last episode he talked about having friends, boyfriends, etc when talking to Maggie (I think it was her).. It was really quick and just part of the conversation, if you weren't paying attention it's easy to miss.


Pro Bowler
Apr 10, 2016
Well, seems there aren't anymore people saying it is great anymore. What does that tell you?

Maybe if it was still delivering there would still be a positive vibe. Like Rynie said- "Lazy, lazy writing"

And more than anything we are all just expressing our disappointment from seeing a show we loved go down the tubes.
One episode of “The Walking Dead” is worth more than an entire night on some broadcast nets.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
In conversation last episode he talked about having friends, boyfriends, etc when talking to Maggie (I think it was her).. It was really quick and just part of the conversation, if you weren't paying attention it's easy to miss.
Yeah, apparently in the comic (which I've never read) its quite in the open and I guess they felt the need to include that in WD. I think Payne was asked about it previously if they were going to bring him "out" and he didn't comment on it



Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
Picked this up a couple months ago for a slow watch. I'm on season 6 like episode 3 or 4 right now. This is a messed up show but it's entertaining that's for damned sure.


Jan 14, 2013
Well, last nights episode was decent finally. The finale should be a shit storm of awesome I'm hoping. (whited out-highlight for prediction spoilers) I'm going to assume that there will be a scene with Negan holding Rick's army at bay with Sasha as a hostage threatening to shoot her with a bag on her head. However, he'll pull the bag off to reveal she's a walker because she took the pills Eugene gave her before they brought her out so that Negan couldn't use her as a hostage to prevent Rick from fighting. Rick's group will go ballistic with rage.... should be sweet. This will be a slight tweak to something similar that happened in the comics. End


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Well, last nights episode was decent finally. The finale should be a crap storm of awesome I'm hoping. (whited out-highlight for prediction spoilers) I'm going to assume that there will be a scene with Negan holding Rick's army at bay with Sasha as a hostage threatening to shoot her with a bag on her head. However, he'll pull the bag off to reveal she's a walker because she took the pills Eugene gave her before they brought her out so that Negan couldn't use her as a hostage to prevent Rick from fighting. Rick's group will go ballistic with rage.... should be sweet. This will be a slight tweak to something similar that happened in the comics. End
I'm sure it will be another cliffhanger that will be annoying. Maybe I'm just too down on the show, but I didn't like last night at all.


May 28, 2011
I'm sure it will be another cliffhanger that will be annoying. Maybe I'm just too down on the show, but I didn't like last night at all.

100% cliffhanger, they're gonna run around and get together and then the episode will end with a standoff.


Jan 14, 2013
I'm sure it will be another cliffhanger that will be annoying. Maybe I'm just too down on the show, but I didn't like last night at all.

100% cliffhanger, they're gonna run around and get together and then the episode will end with a standoff.

I agree the show isn't as good as it used to be but I still love watching such a unique world unfold even if it is a little over done... or under done... depending on the episode. Still better than watching "reality" tv at least. The whole Negan introduction and multiple communities was a big road bump in the story that had to be done but was hard to watch at times. And they slow played it which worked some and didn't others. But I think now that we're finally over it things are going to pick up. My hope at least.

As for cliffhanger, I'm sure there will be some kind of one but I don't think it'll be remotely as bad as last season's. I think the initial fight with Negan will happen and we'll finish that. But obviously, they can't just wrap that story up and go into next season with nothing at stake or happening. But I don't think it'll end with the whole episode building up to a confrontation and ending before it happens.


Jan 23, 2013
Well, last nights episode was decent finally. The finale should be a crap storm of awesome I'm hoping. (whited out-highlight for prediction spoilers) I'm going to assume that there will be a scene with Negan holding Rick's army at bay with Sasha as a hostage threatening to shoot her with a bag on her head. However, he'll pull the bag off to reveal she's a walker because she took the pills Eugene gave her before they brought her out so that Negan couldn't use her as a hostage to prevent Rick from fighting. Rick's group will go ballistic with rage.... should be sweet. This will be a slight tweak to something similar that happened in the comics. End

Talking about Jones; Using personal experience as reference, it will be a minimum of 5-6 months before he can run and it will be approx 9 - 10 months before he will be able to jump and land on the same foot. This is how long I was down. And mine was not a traumatic injury ; I had the Achilles severed and reattached in order to shave a bone spur. Doctor said that people with a tear take longer to heal.

That would be a cool ending. Negan can't be aware of just how many people and how many guns Rick has accrued. At some point he is going to be shocked. It may not happen until next season though. Even if Negan has Sasha, it shouldn't matter IMO. She chose to sacrifice herself in hopes of killing Negan. It didn't work. They can't sacrifice all of the rest of their people for one person. It wouldn't make any sense. At least with Darryl he didn't have a choice when Negan attacked him and at that point they still were not a 100% sure just what they were dealing with, so they played along to sort it out.

I can't wait for the enigmatic, flamboyant, word spinning wizard, Negan has a confrontation with the Junkyard Dogs and their broken English. I predict that his brain will explode when he tries to make his brand of sense to them and they reply with their simple broken English, as if they don't understand his taunts.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm binge watching Season 7 and am on the last episode.

The only thing keeping this show from having no viewers other than the casts family is the acting, it's carrying some shit writing and dumb ass scenarios.

The sets are OK.

They need to fire all of the writers, they are in a rut and this show needs a new direction. There are plenty of things they can do other than run into the bad guy of the week and kill zombies.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Anyone still watch this show?
I tapped out in season 8, and recently started watching again. In season 10 now.


Jan 14, 2013
Anyone still watch this show?
I tapped out in season 8, and recently started watching again. In season 10 now.

I kind of half ass watched it up until the pandemic shut it down so I think an episode or two before mid season finale? But haven't really picked it back up yet. I bounce between streaming services depending on what I have to watch so I'll probably wait until season is over so I can binge all of them in a month. Hasn't been all that great since Rick left and had its issues before that. But I'm too invested to not watch it until the end probably.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I catch up on it every once in a while and actually am caught up. Kind of luke warm on the recent few episodes.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
The whisperers are pretty bad ass, got to give them that