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Nick's Mailbag

August 21


Michael, Rhode Island
1:30 PM ET
Hi Nick, thanks for taking our questions. How is Jason Smith adjusting to what is essentially a demotion? I heard an interview he did after he was placed with the twos and he just seemed dejected/defeated. I though he seemed better this week. How has he looked in practice?

WAGONER: Best I can tell from talking to him is that he's taking it as an impetus to get going. He needs to be better and he knows it. He's actually played pretty well here recently, though the first team defensive line of the Chiefs gave the Rams second offensive line some major problems. Looks like it's still Richardson moving forward.

Terry, Manchester
1:31 PM ET
Nick - In your opinion who are some of the players on the "Bubble" for making the final 53 man roster? I like to cheer on the players busting their butt's to make the team so your opinion will help make the final two preseason games more interesting. Thanks

WAGONER: It's hard to say because so much is dependent on how the roster will look in terms of position. For instance, do the Rams keep four tight ends? If so, I'd say keep eye on Mike McNeill. Do they keep two fullbacks? Brit Miller and Ovie Mughelli will battle there if they don't. Guys like Matt Conrath, Jermelle Cudjo and Rodney McLeod seem to be in good shap but strong finishes by them would lock things up, it would seem

stuart, scotland
1:34 PM ET
nick,im gutted at the rams pulling the plug on the 2nd and 3rd london games,just have to make sure this years game is special

WAGONER: : Hope you can make it, Stuart

frankj, So Cali
1:36 PM ET
Hi Nick - Is Brandstater still on the team? I saw him carrying clipboard on the game but he didn't play, did he? Is he our #4 QB? How many QBs are technically on the team still? How many QBs are we going to have on the final 53?

WAGONER: He did play but it certanly seems to be a three horse race at this point. There are four QBs on the current roster. THe final roster will have either three or two with one on the practice squad. Fisher has done both in the past

Ken, Anaheim
1:38 PM ET
Nick, I know it a long way from opening day but do you see any surprises on cut day

WAGONER: Honestly, no. But in saying that, what might be a surprise to you might not be one to me and vice versa

Ken, Anaheim
1:39 PM ET
Nick, You mentioned that Dunbar is holding his own at one OLBer spot, has is the other side looking

WAGONER: Turning into a bit of a battle. Rocky McIntosh is pushing Mario Haggan right now. McIntosh had a good game the other night and got some reps with the 1s in Monday's practice. I expect that one to come down to the wire. With McIntosh's experience, you had to figure he'd be heard from before this was all said and done

Mark , Los Angeles
1:40 PM ET
I just finished watching the Chiefs game on dvr. I can imagine the coaches stepped up some intensity after the first game debacle. The big OT getting benched was a great move, but it just goes to show me, how much preparation turns into execution on the field. We still need help at LB, any chance the Rams look at Merriman if the price is right?

WAGONER: No chance. Merriman was always a 3-4 OLB anyway so it's not a fit schematically even if he still had some gas in the tank

Terrence, Philadelphia
1:41 PM ET
Hey Nick- How do you think Kendall Langford has looked so far? Haven't heard his name much. Do you think Mcintosh will end up starting over Haggans? He looks to be the quicker of the two. And is there any chance with the number of wideouts we have we maybe make a trade or two to add more draft picks for the upcoming year(s)?

WAGONER: I think Langford has been quietly outstanding, so far. He gets consistent push in the pocket against the run and the pass and is adjusting well to his role in a 4-3. It remains to be seen how he'll do in the real games but I think he's got a chance to be one of the best underrated signings of the offseason. It will be interesting with McIntosh and Haggan. Both have experience but as you point out, bring something different to the table. McIntosh's quickness makes him more suited to cover and run sideline to sideline. Haggan's size would make him better against the run. Two different flavors. I'm not sure that any of the receivers you'd be willing to trade would get much in return

Lee, Huntington Beach
1:43 PM ET
Glade to see Long got his contract, is Laruniatis next? Hopefully pretty soon. Your thoughts.

WAGONER: Yes. I still think it gets done before the regular season starts

Tom, Vero Beach, FL
1:43 PM ET
Who will be #2 RB? Pead, to me is questionable...too many mistakes and not running with authority. Even with his "leap" he missed a sizeable hole. Richardson looks sharp and decisive. Reynolds and Middleton....hard to tell. Schwieger doesn't even get reps in practice. (Heck of a way to evaluate someone....is it his Ivy League background?)

WAGONER: Give Pead a chance. He didn't have much of one against the Chiefs top defense the other night with the second strong O line struggling to create running room for him. He's going to be the No. 2 back and he'll be just fine. Richardson will get worked into the mix more with the second and potentially even first team. I expect Middleton to be a practice squad candidate

JoolzMF, Cardiff, Wales, UK
1:45 PM ET
Hi Nick, looking forward to seeing you when you come to the UK in October..! Just wanted to ask your opinion - you're around the team a lot doing blogs and keeping us Rams fans up to date with everything that's going on. I'm SO impressed with pretty much all our rookies so far, both drafted and UDFA's. In fact, this might be the first time, in a LONG time, that we have guys on our squad who can make an immediate impression on this team. And not just the obvious ones either - I'm loving the talent and potential from guys like Austin Davis, Daryl Richardson, Rok Watkins, Rodney McLeod, etc. Would you agree that this is the most talented group of picks we've had in many years? And what are they like to be around? Many thanks!

WAGONER: You bring up an interesting point that I should probably write about before cuts are made. I do think this is the best crop of undrafted rookies the team has signed since I've been here. There's been a shift in the team's willingness to pay out decent bonuses to undrafted free agents and this crop has a lot of guys that will make the final roster, land elsewhere on a roster or land on a practice squad here or elsewhere. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Rams has four undrafted free agents from this year's class on the final roster (Austin Davis, Matt Conrath, Rodney McLeod, Johnny Hekker). And there are others in the mix as well

Germayne Farrell, STL
1:47 PM ET
How did Wells look in the 11on11 session yesterday as far as movement? Was he in need of training room work after the practice? I thought Turner has looked very competent in his stead thus far in the preseason. Did Watkins get more reps with the ones?

WAGONER: He looked fine but hard to evaluate without the pads. They will have to manage the knee until he's all the way back but there's a good chance he'll play this week. Turner did do a nice job and looks to be solid depth on the interior. Watkins did not get reps with the first unit but will probably get worked in at some point soon

Dennis Rufus, So Cal
1:49 PM ET
Hey Nick Thanx for all you do. I just wanted to know who you like for kick off returner for the rams. And which of the rookie tailbacks looks impressive so far

WAGONER: Pead will likely win the KR job though Chris Givens is getting a look too. I know Pead has had his struggles in the preseason games but for the most part, he's been impressive in camp. He's going to be fine. Richardson looks sharp but keep in mind he has the fresh legs right now from missing the first part of camp. I like Calvin Middleton, too, as a potential practice squadder with down the line potential. He also has a great nickname "The Short Bus" because of his dimunitive stature, jersey number (36) and his power running style

Ken, Anaheim
1:51 PM ET
Nick, I'm kind of a T- Bob Hebert fan, how is he doing and any chance of making the team. Thanks

WAGONER: To be completely honest, I haven't watched him much in the games but he seems to do fine in practice. I'd say he's a practice squad candidate

Nick , Pa
1:53 PM ET
Hey Nick i havent been able to watch any preseason games yet! Is Rok Watkins getting looks with the 1st team yet? I've heard nothing but good things about him since he got into shape

WAGONER: He hasn't gotten that opportunity yet in a game but don't be shocked if it happens at some point

Josh, Iowa
1:53 PM ET
Hey Nick, thanks for taking my question. Austin Davis has been nothing but impressive this preseason. If he continues to complete passes and make plays with his feet, do you see any way he passes Clemens on the depth chart? I think Clemens experience in Shotty's system could be valuable for Sam, but I fear Davis wouldn't clear waivers and make the PS, like Jabara Williams last year. We could have a strong LB corp if he was around and lived up to his potential. Would the Rams consider keeping 3 QB's on the active roster?

WAGONER: I know this is a popular question and I honestly don't know the answer but here's how I view it: Davis does look good in the games and he seems unfazed by anything thrown his way. There's no doubt he has the skills to make the roster or at the very least the practice squad. But how comfortable would the coaching staff feel with an undrafted free agent rookie as the No. 2 QB? I'm not sure they'd be able to go that far. It's also important to remember he's played against backups and mostly vanilla defenses. Not denying his potential, just pointing out he may not be ready to be one injury away from being a NFL starter. I know this coaching staff isn't afraid to give young guys a chance but this is quarterback we're talking about. The Rams very well could keep all three on the active roster

Josh, Iowa
1:56 PM ET
Hey Nick it's been awhile. How have you been enjoying the preseason? First, I wanted to share this link with you and other Ram fans: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-top-5-cat ... ent_stream Danny Amendola's TD reception on Top 5 catches of pre-season week 2. It will be great to have him back. I think some people around the league underestimated the impact of his injury last year. I saw Brian Quick had an x-ray on his back. What's his status?

WAGONER: He didn't practice on Monday but the injury doesn't appear to be anything serious. We'll see if he gets back out there today

Scott, Los Angeles
1:57 PM ET
Hello Nick, how are you today. Is it too early to ask who the pleasant surprises have been so far during camp/exhibition games? Any sleepers out there awakening? thanks again for all the articles you write and this weekly forum for asking questions

WAGONER: Some pleasant surprises for me: - Jermelle Cudjo at DT seems to really be taking to the coaching of Mike Waufle. I think he could end up the team's third DT. - The work of S Rodney McLeod. He's not very big but he can run the alley and seems to have a knack for kick coverage. - Austin Davis. Like everyone else, I've been impressed with him. He seemed to be swimming a bit in the spring but he's come back here to camp and really been solid

Don Riley , New Jersey
1:59 PM ET
What stood out to me in this game was the "Big League" plays made. They made a whole bunch of them. Types of plays that lift the entire team. Amedola, Cudjo, Dahl, Dunbar, Jenkins, Gordy and few others. Made these "wow" type plays. Also, I don't know if Dahl (the safety) is a "bubble" player. But, with Chamberlain gone. How can you cut a guy who just seems to make tackles (also the rest of the team seems) to tackle better when he's in the game. I saw Mikel clearly miss a tackle in the KC game. I'm not knocking him (he's the best Safety on the team). But Dahl can even play Special teams, and gets down the field quickly. The only times Dahl doesn't seem to breakdown and get into a good tackling position is when he blitzes. I mean is Dahl on the bubble ?

WAGONER: Not sure why one would think Dahl is on the bubble. First, he has started both games (I know Stewart has been hurt but they were alternating anyway). Second, there isn't much depth at the position so to release him you'd have to have a better option. Third, at the very least he has experience playing both safety spots. I suppose a free agent or two could shake loose at safety in the final cuts but right now, I don't see Dahl going anywhere

Don Riley , New Jersey
2:01 PM ET
Watkins's Pulling trap block on the goal line was devastating (that led to a Touchdown). I think he was blocking on a corner. Nick, do you think he'll be starter by the end of the year ? He also seems poised. I see they moved him to second left guard. Last week he played second right guard. I guess this past week he split time at both

WAGONER: I do think at some point this season he will start. He's being groomed in that way

cavay, france
2:01 PM ET
rams fan for 20 years, i was so happy to see my team 3 years in a row in London, already got my tickets for the pats game, so bad news for me that the rams withdraw in '13 '14... any chance that the Rams can be the away team for one of the 2 Jags game in London ?

WAGONER: I don't know how that decision will be made but I suppose anything is possible

Lee, Huntington Beach
2:02 PM ET
Nick, How many CBs and Safety's do you think the Rams will keep on the active roster? Based on last year, we need to keep 5 or 6 CBs. Your thoughts.

WAGONER: I think 10 total. Six corners, four safeties

Scott, Los Angeles
2:02 PM ET
As one reader said last week, I also don't believe in getting too excited about exhibition games. My question, what observations or takeaways did you see in the Rams performance that left an impression of what we might expect during the regular season? thanks for answering our questions

WAGONER: I don't know if this answers your question, Scott, but I'll say this: the Rams aren't as bad as people wanted to believe after the first preseason game and they aren't as good as some want to believe after the second one. The truth is always somewhere in the middle and I don't think we can ever have a truly informed opinion on what a team is until the real games begin

Scott, Los Angeles
2:04 PM ET
hello Nick, With the exception of Wells eventually being our starting center, is the offensive line we saw play affectively this past weekend the one that we will be seeing come opening day? Have the questions at guard and tackle been answered? thanks for taking all our questions

WAGONER: In yesterday's practice, the Rams had from left to right: Saffold, Ojinnaka, Wells, Dahl, Richardson. I think there is a strong possibility that will be the opening day line but the one spot to keep an eye on is still LG. Ojinnaka has played pretty well there, actually but I think the Rams like having him as depth for essentially every position on the line. Watkins could still make a push before the season starts or slide in at some point during the season

mitch, Orlando,FL
2:06 PM ET
I am glad Bradford is starting to show some life even if its only the pre-season. With the new coaching staff evaluating talent is there any pressure on Bradford to start performing/showing improvement? He certainly hasn't had it easy having to learn new playbooks/offenses since he became a Ram, but with each year there seems to be new qbs coming into the league who seem to do just as much if not more with the same quality receivers. As a fan I am not willing to write him off just yet, but it seems the next couple years could be telling. What type of Qb can we expect him to turn into? Something like a Brady or someone with a much lower ceiling? (Un)fortunately for him he came in a year before the rookie wage scale which might make the decision a little easier one way or another

WAGONER: He's a starting QB in the NFL, of course he has pressure to perform. I don't think it's fair to expect him to turn into Tom Brady, who is one of the three or four best QBs of all time but I think Bradford has all the tools to be a very effective, winning QB. His ceiling is still very, very high

Ryan William, youngstown,ohio
2:08 PM ET
hey nick how you doing today? with mikell being out is daniel or mcleod running with the first a a breather for either stewart or craig and where are both of them on the depth charts now?

WAGONER: It was all Dahl and Stewart yesterday with the first unit. Mikell should be back today or soon if not. As I said, there's not much depth at S so McLeod and Daniels are really the only backups to that top three

Dylan, Iowa
2:08 PM ET
Nick, with DX missing the past two preseason games, do you think he may have just got himself cut? I seriously hope not.

WAGONER: He's got to get on the field ASAP. And when he does, he's going to have to do some big things

ramprint, Medford, Oregon
2:09 PM ET
Nick, Will Givens and Quick get a chance to work more with the 1st team against Dallas?

WAGONER: They will likely be worked into the mix, yes

Mike, Iowa
2:10 PM ET
Hello Nick, glad to see o-line played better, hope it continues. I wanted to know what percentage of plays is our slot receiver in the game. Amendola seems to keep Sam safe, and they seem to be on the same page

WAGONER: Amendola is playing more than just the slot. He's going to be on the field a whole lot. But this offense will use plenty of three wideout sets. I'd venture something like 40 percent of the time, maybe more

frankj, So Cali
2:12 PM ET
Hi Nick - I noticed some of the Rams and Chiefs not wearing thigh pads on the game. Is that optional now?

WAGONER: Yep. Optional. Many guys don't like them, believe they slow them down

Roger, Las Vegas
2:13 PM ET
Just wanted to know when the next round of cuts will be. I also wanted to know if we can get a rooster by number, name and position? Most of them come by position first. Thanks so much. I really enjoy you column

WAGONER: The first round of cuts is supposed to be done by next Monday, after the third preseason games. The final round is on the Friday after the final preseason game. The roster on the website can be manipulated how you see fit. If you want it by number, you can click on the number sign at the top, name, position, etc

Ryan William, youngstown,ohio
2:14 PM ET
do you think that maybe dx can somehow end up on the ir list since he is unable to perform?

WAGONER: Yes, he could be placed on I.R. but I'm not sure that is something the Rams would consider

ramprint, medford, oregon
2:15 PM ET
Hey Nick, The defense looked pretty solid against KC. My question what's your take on how the defense is doing on working together on their stunts and blitzes? We aren't seeing alot if that in the preseason

WAGONER: That stuff isn't being showed in the preseason for a reason. Trust me, there's plenty of it worked on in practice. No need to tip your hand on that stuff now

frankj, So Cali
2:15 PM ET
Hi Nick - So how do you feel about the replacement refs? I see they do get some calls wrong but the real NFL refs get calls wrong too! Is there a chance these replacement refs become the official NFL refs? If and when the actual refs come back to work - won't the game suffer somewhat - i mean don't the refs need pre-season too? I'm afraid the first few games will have some awful officiating because of this mess

WAGONER: I'll put this as polite as I can: the replacement refs are, let's just say, tentative. It seems like they are unsure of themselves in making calls and they aren't just missing things or not making some of the subjective calls, they are missing some obvious things

erik, st louie
2:17 PM ET
nick, your thoughts on jenkins so far?

WAGONER: Everything I thought he'd be. And he's only going to get better when the Rams start playing their real defensive schemes

2:17 PM ET
Nick, is Lance Kendricks going to be a major player in the Rams offense this year ? I'm not much for play calling and recognition but it seems to me Coach Shottenheimer is using him in a similar way to Dustin Keller in New York. Also, in watching the Jets first two preseason games. I don't see Keller getting the ball as much. It seems the Kendricks is likely to get the ball deep as well as out of the backfield (putting him in a position to add YAC). I don't know they just seem to be more sophisticated routes than what we saw last year. I'm wondering how much of that is Shot's input ?

WAGONER: I think he is definitely going to be a major factor and that Schottenheimer wants him to be that. I'm writing about Lance for the main feature for today so be sure to check back for more on him

frankj, So Cali
2:18 PM ET
Hi Nick - I am from So Cali so i don't know anything about the Governor's Cup. Can you enlighten us non-Missou folks? Is it taken seriously by the teams? Is there an actual Cup or Trophy that the winning team gets? Any incentives on winning the cup? Do fans in Missouri take the Cup game seriously? Is there a rivalry brewing between the Rams & Chiefs?

WAGONER: The cup goes to the winner of the Chiefs-Rams game. In all honesty, it's not considered a big deal. It's a nice event because it brings the cross state teams together every year but there's no bad blood or anything that stems from it. THere is a trophy. The Rams have it right now, obviously

Mark, New York
2:19 PM ET
Nick this whole preseason is a mirage we have several isue such as backup de, free safety, LB do you seriously believe that when final cut comes along they will cut someone to pick someone off waiver. The DL is gonna have someone good get cut

WAGONER: I do seriously believe that if the Rams see a player they believe will upgrade the roster come loose at a position of need, they absolutely will pull the trigger. Les Snead has not been afriad to use every possible avenue to make the roster better and that won't change come cut down day

Nick, San Antonio, Texas
2:20 PM ET
Hey Nick how much of a distraction is J. Jenkins personal life for him? I love what he brings talent wise to the Rams D but dont trust he will stay out of trouble. What do you think?

WAGONER: The only thing I have to go on is what I know of him and from being around him a short bit. I know this: the kid absolutely LOVES football. He loves it and I think he knows it would be foolish to put his ability to play the game he lovesin any kind of danger

Les, Illinois
2:22 PM ET
If Watkins progresses enough(seems to be happening) to take the left guard job, Where does Ojinnaka fit in the mix with Smith and Richardson for the number two and three tackle spot. If there is an odd man out among those three, I think he would be a regular inactive- But I think a lot of coaches like to save their inactive spots for younger players but do the Rams have anybody with real upside at tackle beyond those three or would they watch to pick up a young tackle at cutdown time?

WAGONER: Ojinnaka would become the ultimate utility man, capable of playing anywhere on the line and be a primary backup tackle and guard. I'm not sure if he'd be the No. 1 backup tackle or if Smith would but it's also not out of the realm of possibility that the Rams wouldn't keep both. I think Joe Long could get a practice squad spot

Eric, PHX, AZ
2:23 PM ET
Nick, is there any chance we can get Chad Ocho Cinco?!!! He can bring a fir...JUST KIDDING. To be serious now, the offensive unit looked really good against KC. With that said how do you think the D line looks? I don't doubt them I just haven't heard much about them. Fearsum foursum coming back??

WAGONER: They look just fine to me. Robert Quinn had a sack the other night and I think they had some pressures at other times. Let's just slow down on the Fearsome Foursome talk. And by slow, I mean stop. This group could be very good but two of the starters are rookie or second year guys

jim, indianapolis
2:24 PM ET
I did not get to see the game here. I see Amendola did good. How are the other receivers doing in games

WAGONER: So far, so good. Really, almost every WR that has a chance to make the final roster and has played in a preseason game has had some solid moments so far. Smith, Pettis, Amendola, Quick, Givens. Would like to see more of Salas

Bryce, in my bedroom
2:26 PM ET
How old are the rams ??

WAGONER: The youngest team in the NFL

Josh, St. Louis
2:26 PM ET
Hey nick how you doing could you please help me by telling out of the 8 TE who are the 5 that stands out so far?

WAGONER: The 5? I'd say Kendricks, Hoomanawanui, Mulligan, McNeill and Peterson have been the most consistent

Mike, Duluth
2:28 PM ET
Do you think that once Stewart is healthy they will keep starting Dahl? He's got a nose for sniffing out running plays and always is around ball but he kills us on passing plays and I don't see Mikell as a very good coverage safety either, I don't think you can move Trumaine there this year but unless Stewart improves alil bit I think we might be headed there, but as for this year I believe Stewart is Def. the better player. Do you agree? And is their any possibility they try and splitting some time within the game between the 2? To be more precise within the possession?

WAGONER: They're going to continue competing for that spot through the preseason, we'll see who wins out

Mike, Canada
2:30 PM ET
Hey NIck, Not able to see the games on TV , I see Quinn had a sack, How has Long been looking? Have they both been getting pressure ?

WAGONER: They've both looked very good. Just wait until they're doing things that are schemed up, too

Mike, CAnada
2:32 PM ET
Hey NIck, I looked up this week and the sky wasn't falling. 1 thing wondered is why is Pettis getting 1st team offense reps when he is going to be out for the first 2 games. Sure would like to see Quick and Givens get those reps with Sam. Your thoughts

WAGONER: Because he's played well enough to earn it. Remember, this preseason is about evaluating players too, not just getting ready for the regular season. Quick and Givens will get more reps with Sam as the preseasn goes on

francis, in my kitchen
2:32 PM ET
how much ol you believe the rams will carry on the 53? how does valdez look so far?

WAGONER: I'd say 8, most likely with a max of 9

Kevin B., Seattle Wa
2:33 PM ET
The point I was making about the Rams offensive line performance in 2011 in wich they ranked last in allowing 55 sacks was it may have been more indicative of the fact they were repeatedly behind often by several touchdowns, rather then their ability to successly protect in pass protection. I think there will be a noticible improvement in that regard under a Fisher coached regime this year. At least one can only hope but this is not Fishers first redeo. His past coaching philosphy speaks for itself. Only time will tell and that is what makes being a Rams fan so special. Hope springs eternal. Now lets see it happen in 2012

WAGONER: Giving up that many sacks is a function of a lot of things. A new offense that asks a line that hadn't had to protect that long to protect that long, trailing in the game, etc. No doubt about it

Tyler, Boise, ID
2:34 PM ET
Hey Nick, Any clearer picture on how many receivers we will keep on the active roster and any names you could through out for us? Big Pettis fan and I'm hoping he can keep impressing during the preseason

WAGONER: I still think it's six. When the regular season arrives, I think it looks something like Amendola, Gibson, Smith, Quick, Givens, Salas with Pettis on the reserve/suspended list for the first two weeks. That's just how it looks right now

Steve B,, Chattanooga,Tn

[/b][/color] 2:35 PM ET
Nick, I know we have a lot of competition at TE, I understand that McNeil has looked good catching the ball in practice and looked good in the game against the Chiefs.I think he could really help this offense. If we keep four TEs does he make the roster. Could you see the Rams keeping him and Peterson on the practice squad if he does not make the final 53?

WAGONER: I think you hit the nail on the head. As we sit here right now, McNeill would probably be the guy if four tight ends are kept. And Peterson seems most likely on the practice squad. McNeill is also eligible for the practice squad but I think they keep four TEs. If he keeps performing well, he could wrap up a spot

John, Mount Airy Maryland
2:36 PM ET
Hey Nick, Are the problems with stopping teams on 3rd down because of the "vanilla" game plan, or are we still not executing?

WAGONER: It's both, quite honestly. The Rams have been very vanilla, especially in pass coverage and not blitzing (they almost never blitzed the Chiefs) but they still need to be better getting off the field. Coach Jeff Fisher has said repeatedly he's not happy with that area right now

nicki, --
2:37 PM ET
i would like to know whats your view on sammy brown and if he could make the 53?

WAGONER: He's flashed here and there in this camp. It's going to be hard to make the final 53 for him, though. Backup LBs need to be strong special teams players. He's actually almost blocked some kicks and punts but Justin Cole, Rocky McIntosh, Aaron Brown and Josh Hull are good special teams players and/or contributing to the defense

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
2:38 PM ET
Hey Nick, how did Jason Smith fare in the KC game? It's hard to tell without going back and watching each play. Barry Richardson did pretty well against KC's ones. Thanks

WAGONER: He was solid if unspectacular

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
2:38 PM ET
Hey Nick, it's obvious that 4 QB's is just too many and Brandstater is always gonna be a backup backup. What are your thoughts on releasing him to make room for someone who can contribute? What do you think about doing that and grabbing Otah to kick the tires and see if he can still play?

WAGONER: I don't know what you mean? At this point, you aren't really adding anyone that can contribute right now so releasing Brandstater doesn't do much good. Otah can't pass a physical so..

Joseph Devito, New York
2:40 PM ET
Nick, Bradford is apparently not 100%. Wells is rehabbing, Saffold has an injury issue. They are using Ojinnaka and rookie Watkins on the line. Doesn't this look a lot like last year?

WAGONER: Bradford is fine. Wells is fine and about to be all the way back. Ojinnaka and Watkins have had some good moments. The first string O line played quite well the other night. How about giving them a chance?

Joseph Devito, New York
2:41 PM ET
Nick, they are still discussing Bradford's ankle. He stated it was still sore on Aug.4th at a scrimmage. How in the world did they pass on RG111? Did they not know about Bradford's lingering ankle issue?

WAGONER: He's FINE. He has missed ZERO snaps in this camp and preseason. Until that happens, just stop. Please

Sal, St. Louis
2:41 PM ET
hey Mr. Wagoner i was wondering what if we sign Chad Johnson. I feel he has something to prove. i seriously think he deserves a second chance!! he will provide a veteran presence for the younger receivers! Also I feel Coach Fisher will be that coach that would help Chad! he is at a point of his career where he won't be a distraction anymore. He said it himself before that hes going to just focusing on football and not talk to reporters. What are your thoughts. do you think Rams will be willing to give him a second chance??

WAGONER: He is also at a point of his career where he's just not that good anymore. Trust me, it's not like the Dolphins are loaded at receiver. If they were and Johnson could still play, do you honestly think he'd be available right now?

Tim, Chicago
2:42 PM ET
How is Murphy looking? Does he push for the nickel position? Thought he did well in rookie season there

WAGONER: The nickel spot intrigues me. It seemed to be Fletcher's spot but his rib injury has slowed him down some. Murphy and Gordy and even Johnson have had some looks there of late. Murphy looks OK though he hasn't done much to stand out. I think he'll be in the mix there when all is said and done

Jason, florida
2:43 PM ET
i would like your honest opinion. if a good cb is let go do you see us taking him and maybe cutting one of our 6 and do you think if ellis the lb dont make it can be a ps person?

WAGONER: It would have to be a pretty good CB. The Rams have a really nice group at that spot right now. Safety, on the other hand... I think Hoffman-Ellis could certainly be a practice squad candidate

Joseph Devito, N ew York
2:44 PM ET
Nick, thanks for your patience with my negativity but it has been exasperating watching this team the last several years. How do you think the starting secondary with shape up? Will it be Jenkins,Fletcher,Stewart and Mikens?

WAGONER: Joseph, trust me I get it. You're allowed to feel however you want and you're right, 15-65 doesn't inspire much. I just ask that your criticisms be fair and on point. I think it will ultimately be Jenkins, Finnegan, Stewart and Mikell though Dahl vs. Stewart is certainly up in the air

Joseph Devito, New York
2:45 PM ET
Nick, I think there is a real need to pick up an OL. McNeill is a big bodied physical tackle who could help solidify the line. Any chance they make a run at him?

WAGONER: Marcus McNeill is officially retired from the NFL. So, no

Justin, Joplin, MO
2:46 PM ET
Hey Nick, with the whole fiasco in New York this week with JPP and Amukamara, has the coaching staff kind of warned the guys about using their head when it comes to joking around and using cell phones and posting on social media, youtube etc

WAGONER: Trust me, those warnings were given out long before anything that happened this week

JJ, Brooklyn
2:46 PM ET
Hey Nick, I always try to find out who our young players are comparable to and I only found one article and it only did our top 3 picks if there was ever one of my questions I Beg you to go into detail on it is this one Nick Please ...so far I've heard the players upside are Brockers is Richard Seymore. Jenkins is Talib from Tampa and Quick is Vincent Jackson....can you give us your own comparisons and why you feel that way Please do as many as you can from this draft class and throe in one or 2 of those un drafted rookie like Daniels if you can I think everyone hear will enjoy is and it will also answer of other questions and help up wrap our brain around what we might have ...Thanks Nick your the best... P. S. I wont even ask another question this week I used up my 3 in this one lol

WAGONER: I'd love to help you out JJ, but this is a game that I have trouble playing right now. If you don't mind, maybe we can revisit after the season when we at least have some idea how these guys have fared in the league. All I'm saying is that it'd be pretty unfair for me to say something like Brockers compares to Richard Seymour and create an unfair expectation for him

Manuel Espinola, Tulare CA
2:48 PM ET
Do you think it would be a good idea to allow all 3 quarterbacks play a quarter with the first team to compare there preformance and let the best man win. If it's Bradford it would make believers of all the non believers

WAGONER: No. Sam Bradford is and will be the starting quarterback for a long while. He needs his time with the first team to get timing and get ready for the regular season


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
Yaaaas another Rams fan from Scotland asking questions, I knew my years of wearing Rams gear and getting weird looks would pay off one day.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
ScotsRam said:
I knew my years of wearing Rams gear and getting weird looks would pay off one day.
I don't know that one is necessarily tied to the other. :razzed: :razzed: :razzed: :razzed: :razzed: