Todd Gurley Reveals When He Knew LA Didn't Believe In Him Anymore

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Jun 11, 2017
Yeah - total DIVA!! He had his little crew sort of like he said.

I use to watch Todd Gurley closely.His bread & butter was being able to catch the ball out of the backfield.He use to work real hard at it & took all kinds of extra reps those years he was great.

His mind set sort of changed after getting paid.Never understood why The Rams didn’t wait for him to be a Free Agent.Same with Jared Goff for those guys to get PAID! AD99 was a different story,but The Rams did sort of hold him out.

I know Kevin Demoff is a Players agent type.He likes players to get paid for the most part.The Rams also know the value of the CAP,and those players above helped understanding that.

Jalen Ramsey is sort of weird in that why,but much more vocal.He was an EXCELLENT RAM as well though.He cost The Rams a lot.Those players above until NOW were The Rams last FIRST ROUND PICKS,until JARRED VERSE!!

Matthew Stafford is going to get paid.As a LA Sports Fan.LaBron just opted out & Staffords buddy Kershaw(hate the dodgers)our HOF players.I believe in Clayton on his comeback!!!

Off subject,but Gurley seemed like a loose cannon.He knew sport’s history well though.I never understood him all that well & now after reading his comments makes it even more like that.

TODD GURLEY-Super Bowl End of 3rd Qrt!! FREAKING BS HOLDING.The Rams released John Sullivan. — what should’ve been.
I WISH The REFS didn’t make that holding call.

Last year Big Rob’s & no call on Pucka hurt.The thing is that Sullivan holding call was such BS!!!
I was working & someone said they called holding.I was like what & he said it was a Bad call.Neutral person.

Todd Gurley not talking about his own DECLINE is what sucks.He should address that instead of complaining about The Rams & Mcvay.
—Cam Akers is a whole different story.what a joke.Todd Gurley was looking at The HOF!!!
SO RAM - I hate to say this but you went into your own little world with this post.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Do you like fried pickles?

(We are playing the “Irrelevant Question Game,” right?)

You don't have mvp seasons if you don't love what you do.

You have careers like jamarcus Russell, Johnny manziel, Josh Gordon and Justin blackmon, etc.

Gurley was the best rb of his generation. Talent alone can only get you so far. You have to want it.

So he wanted it.



Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
Yeah - total DIVA!! He had his little crew sort of like he said.

I use to watch Todd Gurley closely.His bread & butter was being able to catch the ball out of the backfield.He use to work real hard at it & took all kinds of extra reps those years he was great.

His mind set sort of changed after getting paid.Never understood why The Rams didn’t wait for him to be a Free Agent.Same with Jared Goff for those guys to get PAID! AD99 was a different story,but The Rams did sort of hold him out.

I know Kevin Demoff is a Players agent type.He likes players to get paid for the most part.The Rams also know the value of the CAP,and those players above helped understanding that.

Jalen Ramsey is sort of weird in that why,but much more vocal.He was an EXCELLENT RAM as well though.He cost The Rams a lot.Those players above until NOW were The Rams last FIRST ROUND PICKS,until JARRED VERSE!!

Matthew Stafford is going to get paid.As a LA Sports Fan.LaBron just opted out & Staffords buddy Kershaw(hate the dodgers)our HOF players.I believe in Clayton on his comeback!!!

Off subject,but Gurley seemed like a loose cannon.He knew sport’s history well though.I never understood him all that well & now after reading his comments makes it even more like that.

TODD GURLEY-Super Bowl End of 3rd Qrt!! FREAKING BS HOLDING.The Rams released John Sullivan. — what should’ve been.
I WISH The REFS didn’t make that holding call.

Last year Big Rob’s & no call on Pucka hurt.The thing is that Sullivan holding call was such BS!!!
I was working & someone said they called holding.I was like what & he said it was a Bad call.Neutral person.

Todd Gurley not talking about his own DECLINE is what sucks.He should address that instead of complaining about The Rams & Mcvay.
—Cam Akers is a whole different story.what a joke.Todd Gurley was looking at The HOF!!!

His desire for the game aside -- I question it, too, from is post-SB appearance when he became a house-hold name -- he re-injured his rebuilt knee. We all know his story, injured it on one of the last plays he made in GA, rebuilt it & became one of the hottest RB's in the NFL. And yes, had his knee held out a season or two longer, at least for that SB appearance where we win with a healthy TG, a case could've been made for a gold jacket.
So, when it was OBVIOUS that he injured it late in that magical 2018 season, WHY did both he and the Rams org deflect, obfuscate, and at times, downright LIE?? He was obviously limping & in pain in the public appearances afterwards. Basically, there was no way to fix it anymore, and he & his agent were just stringing the Rams & all of us out as long as they could until they could get traded or released. They knew he had a degenerative knee, we knew too, I just wish he'd done the right thing & taken a season off to do whatever he could to fix it. Then MAYBE come back, but watching him come straight back to the team & run the same play over & over in 2019, when every D we played also KNEW he couldn't make a cut-back, was painful to watch. Asking the fans to have hope, and obviously not giving us ANY reason to, or any information about his health at all, wasn't right in my book. Whatever he & the Rams org needed to work out to do the right thing for the team & the fans needed to happen. I think they were just forced to play things out due to the massive contract he was awarded. Possibly (speculating) Stan wanted his "star player", who was already printed on much of the team's media, to play it out no matter what.
It was very frustrating to watch, mainly because of just how special TG was. With a healthy Gurley, we WIN that SB. No question. The icing on the disappointing cake was all the extra curricular activities that he seemed more interested in than football. His social media posts seemed to be all about everything BUT football, while as others mentioned, AD's posts were ALL about football, training, etc.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
Gurley knew his knee was fucked he was just going to keep playing it out until the rest of the world found it out. That's exactly why he wasn't mad, it was already something he already knew.

This was McVay's point at that Steeler game the paths started going differently.

The one thing I am sour one Gurley about is when he left how he was acting like we weren't pay him what we were contractually obligated to pay him. Some low class shit from someone who played it up until the big contract before the cat was let out the bag years later.


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
You don't have mvp seasons if you don't love what you do.

You have careers like jamarcus Russell, Johnny manziel, Josh Gordon and Justin blackmon, etc.

Gurley was the best rb of his generation. Talent alone can only get you so far. You have to want it.

So he wanted it.

I don’t agree with your premise. A supremely talented person, motivated by fame and money, can absolutely be an MVP, regardless of his love for the game.


Hall of Fame
Mar 27, 2016
His desire for the game aside -- I question it, too, from is post-SB appearance when he became a house-hold name -- he re-injured his rebuilt knee. We all know his story, injured it on one of the last plays he made in GA, rebuilt it & became one of the hottest RB's in the NFL. And yes, had his knee held out a season or two longer, at least for that SB appearance where we win with a healthy TG, a case could've been made for a gold jacket.
So, when it was OBVIOUS that he injured it late in that magical 2018 season, WHY did both he and the Rams org deflect, obfuscate, and at times, downright LIE?? He was obviously limping & in pain in the public appearances afterwards. Basically, there was no way to fix it anymore, and he & his agent were just stringing the Rams & all of us out as long as they could until they could get traded or released. They knew he had a degenerative knee, we knew too, I just wish he'd done the right thing & taken a season off to do whatever he could to fix it. Then MAYBE come back, but watching him come straight back to the team & run the same play over & over in 2019, when every D we played also KNEW he couldn't make a cut-back, was painful to watch. Asking the fans to have hope, and obviously not giving us ANY reason to, or any information about his health at all, wasn't right in my book. Whatever he & the Rams org needed to work out to do the right thing for the team & the fans needed to happen. I think they were just forced to play things out due to the massive contract he was awarded. Possibly (speculating) Stan wanted his "star player", who was already printed on much of the team's media, to play it out no matter what.
It was very frustrating to watch, mainly because of just how special TG was. With a healthy Gurley, we WIN that SB. No question. The icing on the disappointing cake was all the extra curricular activities that he seemed more interested in than football. His social media posts seemed to be all about everything BUT football, while as others mentioned, AD's posts were ALL about football, training, etc.
I don’t think anything was absolutely known by any party at the time. Like most medical issues they were all likely hopeful it would improve, not be career ending, etc. The Rams also had opponents to think about. I think they handled it about right.


Hall of Fame
Nov 19, 2016
I’m not questioning the legitimacy of his injury. I’ve just rarely seen a player so chill about his career being cut short.

I never got the impression that he loved the game.
If you listen to this interview before making wild assumptions, he pretty much sums it up as he realized after getting injured at Georgia that he had maybe five years in the NFL. He was at peace with that.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I dont take it that he's casting aspersions at the team, he just is clearly recollecting that moment when it was over.


Jan 12, 2013
I’m not questioning the legitimacy of his injury. I’ve just rarely seen a player so chill about his career being cut short.

I never got the impression that he loved the game.
Every soul does not react in stereotypical ways. Some are able to take their situations on stride - much more than most of us. Some may rage inside but never show it externally.


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
If you listen to this interview before making wild assumptions, he pretty much sums it up as he realized after getting injured at Georgia that he had maybe five years in the NFL. He was at peace with that.
Seems like you’re the one making assumptions. I had this opinion of Gurley long before on this interview.


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
Every soul does not react in stereotypical ways. Some are able to take their situations on stride - much more than most of us. Some may rage inside but never show it externally.
Yes, we’re all interpreting, and no one here knows what is truly in his heart and mind. I’ve simply provided my opinion.


Apr 30, 2015
Well, he did ask for money from Rams publicly just after covid hit.

This after they paid him handsomely when they didn't really need to after the 17 season. They could have played hard ball with him. Instead they rewarded him with a huge contract because they reward good play.

He showed no class bringing that up like the Rams stiffed him.

Do you have a link? My memory isn't what it used to be.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Before his wheels came off... he was worth every penny of that giant contract the Rams awarded him with.

One of the absolute best to ever run the ball before he lost his wheels. Such a shame that he wasn't able to play longer. A fucking beast beyond belief.

I remember watching one of the Seadderall games with my mom. It must've happened around the holidays for us to have been together. Anyway, he was just trucking their asses like they were a bunch of bitches. It was so bad that my mom kept screaming "Give It To Gurley AGAIN!" and then she laughed like a maniac every time they did. It was so much fun for me seeing Gurley and my Mom that day. Just awesome!
Last edited:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
Before his wheels came off... he was worth every penny of that giant contract the Rams awarded him with.

One of the absolute best to ever run the ball before he lost his wheels. Such a same that he wasn't able to play longer. A fucking beast beyond belief.

I remember watching one of the Seadderall games with my mom. It must've happened around the holidays for us to have been together. Anyway, he was just trucking their asses like they were a bunch of bitches. It was so bad that my mom kept screaming "Give It To Gurley AGAIN!" and then she laughed like a maniac every time they did. It was so much fun for me seeing Gurley and my Mom that day. Just awesome!
That was the changing of the guard game when we had our white uniform with the white horns right? Lmao The “12’s” were Seagulling it away from the stadium by halftime :laugh3:


Enjoying the ride
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
He has a weird personality, and I suspect a strong passive aggressive streak which rubbed me the wrong way on more than one occasion. But he was a great player for us so I overlook that shit just like I did with Dickerson, Bettis, Jackson, etc. Dude gave us great moments which I always treasure above all else.

I am glad the Rams paid him and treated him well too. Because when that doesn't happen I am left angry as fuck like with Bettis. Always best though to appreciate the greats. They do not come along very often.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Gurley was awesome when he lasted. Easily worth his draft slot and more, and should’ve won the MVP award in 2017 (like S-Jax would’ve in 2006, were it not for THT’s uncle).

He didn’t have the heart of S-Jax, so he remains a distant fourth in my heart (and that could change if K-Will puts up a bunch of awesome seasons and/or if Corum comes in the clutch).


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Do you have a link? My memory isn't what it used to be.

sorry. but i remember it vividly. it was embarrassing for him, talking like that when the rest of the rest of the world were wondering how they were going to feed their families. i don't know, he may have been joking for all i know but on text it came across badly.
