The RG Austin Blythe injury is very bad news
we all knew we were very weak @ RG & that's where the injury took place. I believe Kromer has been fully aware of his problem he is no Paul F. Boudreau or Steve Loney!
Jamil Demby playing history is all based @ LT before he arrived here. JD was never going to earn a living @ playing OT in the NFL. Kromer has been working JD all over the place. All five OL posts have been tasted by JD. Most have tasted like
We have watched JD for two pre seasons now & we do have an ideal where JD has turned in his best was Left OG. JD was just much more comfortable with the left its mandated that he will make himself comfortable & dependable, or he will be watching the game in street clothes again. JD is just going to have to react faster in his blocks .....he is seriously retarded in getting off.
I would expect Kromer will ride JD for now @ RG. Kromer is not without some OL'ers who have played the RG post in preseason......
David Edwards,
Bobby Evans, Jeremiah Kolone &
Chandler Brewer. Plus he has our newest acquired OL'er center
Coleman Shelton in standby mode too.
FIVE reserve OL'ers under contract with the Rams earning a paycheck for work performed. Now we will see who steps up @ this time to secure his future in the NFL. Kromer's got this!