I'm with the others on the opening night unis being the best of the new bunch.
Don't really care for the dirty laundry (bone on bone) combination, Don Henley be damned.
Fucking HATE the blueberries, both before and after the rebrand.
Not terribly crazy about blue pants even with white jersey, but whatever aesthetic shortcomings arise from that combo, we have won in those unis in our last two trips to Seattle, including the breaking their unbeaten streak in the margarita vomit green unis they have. So that at least makes them palatable.
Love the stadium, hate that it's shared with San Diego's team.
Basically ok with the helmets at this point, including the broken horns.
But man, oh man ... I really want a blue/white alternate. One of the things I loved the most in their first few years after returning to LA was seeing them in a mostly blue/white combo.