The Fermi Paradox and Alien Spaceships on Earth.

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I've seen that - when I was a freshman in high school. It was awesome

We went down to Villahermosa Tabasco and then Palenque. It was a really cool drive through the jungle for miles and miles. There would be these long stretches on hillie highway and up ahead a few of the rises you'd see ten to twenty huge iguanas basking on the blacktop, but right as you come up to see them on the next rise they were all gone. And this went on for miles. Pretty cool.

In Palenque, the entire place was an observatory. They had one actually that was way more impressive than the pyramid of encryption - which was cool as well with this large hieroglyph wall -- I am curious what it says now that I think about it. There was a really clean ball field too, where they kick the ball through the hoops game - the one that ended with the winning team getting sacrificed.

To see the tomb you have to go down this tunnel and it get's really hot, like sweltering, then there is this jade jaguar bench. The bench stays with me more than he tomb.

I heard the tour guide mention he was in a rocketship and as a kid, I was all into that idea. This idea is nothing new. The tour guide in 1986 was saying it was a rocketship. I don't know if they say that cause it's what tourists want to hear, or if he was saying it cause that's what they believe. I would like to go back and actually ask a Mayan person. They are still down there. Some villages speak only Mayan, or at least they did back in the mid-'80s.

That trip was awesome. My mom is Mexican so it was cool seeing all these relatives I never knew existed. The other thing was to see how warm and inviting they were considering my own home life was a horrible junior-Machevillian blood bath of sorts. Instead, over there were these cool loving families, some of whom had dirt floors, and swept them - serving the best food ever, and welcoming me in. It was a great experience and why to this day I try and practice humility above all else.

One funny story back then was, the Peso had tanked at that time and like one buck got you a thousand pesos or something crazy. So we get down to these remote jungle locals like Uxmal and the vendors are charging like 60 pesos for a Coke. that broke down to like 10 cents or something crazy. SO we are just living the high life and saving all this cash on junk food that would normally cost us our entire allowance. Anyway, our trip eventually took us to Cancun and that was epic, but it was full-on touristy so long story longer - me and my brother go to get a Coke and they want 120 Pesos, and we looked at each other and were like "no way, what a rip off, we've been paying 60 pesos all day long." So we walked away without it dawning on us that the Coke was still only 25 cents. we had lost all sense of anything. Anyway, I got sucked into that life pretty easily.

But yeah. I would totally hit up Yucatan. It's awesome. My favorite was Tulum. There were these diver guys above the doors that tripped me out.

* doesn't that German host from this clip sounds like a bad guy from one of the Indiana Jones flicks?

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Great stuff there Andy. I am so fascinated by that part of the world. Awesome pics.

You met my oldest @Ramrasta ... well his girlfriend is from Mexico but she goes to school here at UCF on a golf scholarship. She's a total badass golfer. Anyway... my son went on a visit to stay with his girl's family last summer down in Mexico. Flew into Mexico City... but they live out on the coast in the area jalapenos were started... I think the city begins with an X. They took T to see the big pyramids along the way to their home. But later in the visit they took him to remote areas where the ancient Olmecs lived. They were there PRE Mayan and Aztec... very old and very mysterious. They were the people who carved the giant round heads weighing massive tons that looked like African faces. While they were there... there were many stories about who and where the Olmecs came from. Space was where they believe they came from. Down there... this type of subject is not looked at in a negative light at all... and I think most people down there truly believe in extraterrestrials visiting our planet in the distant past and even the present.

I had dinner with his girlfriend's parents one night here in Orlando. Her Pops is a real NFL fan like we are and he really enjoyed talking about American football with me. But he had some stories to share with me about the ancients from down there and aliens that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. They are a very well to do family too... not someone looking for attention in anyway. Fascinating stuff man.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Great stuff there Andy. I am so fascinated by that part of the world. Awesome pics.

You met my oldest @Ramrasta ... well his girlfriend is from Mexico but she goes to school here at UCF on a golf scholarship. She's a total badass golfer. Anyway... my son went on a visit to stay with his girl's family last summer down in Mexico. Flew into Mexico City... but they live out on the coast in the area jalapenos were started... I think the city begins with an X. They took T to see the big pyramids along the way to their home. But later in the visit they took him to remote areas where the ancient Olmecs lived. They were there PRE Mayan and Aztec... very old and very mysterious. They were the people who carved the giant round heads weighing massive tons that looked like African faces. While they were there... there were many stories about who and where the Olmecs came from. Space was where they believe they came from. Down there... this type of subject is not looked at in a negative light at all... and I think most people down there truly believe in extraterrestrials visiting our planet in the distant past and even the present.

I had dinner with his girlfriend's parents one night here in Orlando. Her Pops is a real NFL fan like we are and he really enjoyed talking about American football with me. But he had some stories to share with me about the ancients from down there and aliens that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. They are a very well to do family too... not someone looking for attention in anyway. Fascinating stuff man.

I want to hear those stories!!
Yeah I think you gotta hear it from the locals - i wonder if there are any killer docs out there on this same subject sans Eric Strohiem Von Hindenburg :p


Jan 12, 2013
any peoples that had interstellar transportation would have a means of energy that is far beyond our current tech


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
Maybe there is alien life which was similar to us in the very distant past but gradually advanced from a type 0 civilization to a type 5 civilization, meaning they unlocked the ability to harness the energy of the multiverse. At this point, the aliens would essentially be God or gods, having evolved past the point of requiring physical forms to contain their consciousness and to have full control over space-time and universal laws.

These aliens would be so much more advanced that they would have answers to almost every question and their purpose for life would be far beyond what we can comprehend. They would look at us more like we look at algae (a form of life so unintelligent and primitive that attempting to give it awareness would be pointless and inconsequential to their purpose). They might even be so advanced that we don’t even get classified as “life” by their definition.

I would imagine the only way for life to persist to the point of a type 5 civilization would be uploading all the respective higher life forms into one collective consciousness which exponentially grows understanding while also completely eliminating the need for competition or passing on genes. If this collective consciousness understood time travel, then it could technically exist across all time periods in every universe, thus having always existed and continuing to exist infinitely.
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Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
Maybe there is alien life which was similar to us in the very distant past but gradually advanced from a type 0 civilization to a type 5 civilization, meaning they unlocked the ability to harness the energy of the multiverse. At this point, the aliens would essentially be God or gods, having evolved past the point of requiring physical forms to contain their consciousness and to have full control over space-time and universal laws.

These aliens would be so much more advanced that they would have answers to almost every question and their purpose for life would be far beyond what we can comprehend. They would look at us more like we look at algae (a form of life so unintelligent and primitive that attempting to give it awareness would be pointless and inconsequential to their purpose). They might even be so advanced that we don’t even get classified as “life” by their definition.

I would imagine the only way for life to persist to the point of a type 5 civilization would be uploading all the respective higher life forms into one collective consciousness which exponentially grows understanding while also completely eliminating the need for competition or passing on genes. If this collective consciousness understood time travel, then it could technically exist across all time periods in every universe, thus having always existed and continuing to exist infinitely.
After reading that I must be a Type 1?:unsure: Reminds me of a Star Trek episode Return To Tomorrow where the aliens existed as energy.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
any peoples that had interstellar transportation would have a means of energy that is far beyond our current tech
Wouldn't fuck up, crash land or get shot down here and wind up in a government controlled hanger or bunker with a famous number attached to it located in an area where every human on Earth that watches tv or has read a book knows where it's located.

I mean, if they are here(and i don't believe they are) was a quiet infiltration for scouting purposes.


May 16, 2019
There has been plenty of evidence but Govt's have long hidden it. That's why it's extremely interesting that the US Navy has released the UFO video taken a few years back. My nephew is in Army counter terrorism, he actually trains Delta Force in AZ. He's been deployed on multiple missions in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Niger, Abu Dhabi and other wonderful places. He's got all kinds of stories about strange stuff they see and find on missions. He says he has personally taken HD photos of UFO's encountered on missions. The photos and artifacts are then classified and never seen again. He's been in for almost 20 yrs. His sister is a nuke physicist for the Navy and she said the amount of evidence the Navy has is staggering, including sightings, photos and reports of other interaction. She spent time on carriers and said UFO sightings were very frequent by pilots and crew. Her boyfriend was crew on board an E3 Hawkeye AWACS and she said their sightings and trackings were sometimes daily and all of it surpressed.

This stuff is very real.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I subscribe to the fact that intelligent aliens exist...but they're smart enough to avoid coming here. :p

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm not saying its aliens, but.... Its aliens

For the record, I'm a big time UFO nut. So I read all this stuff as soon as anything comes out.

What the debunkers are saying about this... they claim that the tic tak is ours. It's new tech that we have been developing and perfecting. A new type of unmanned drone.

The reason they say releasing the other stuff would be a threat to National security is because they want to keep this new tech secret... that way other countries cannot prepare against it.

Calling this an UFO or UAP is the military's way of trying to hide that fact that it is our own. That's what the debunkers are saying.

Me??? Well, if it is ours. We've been able to discover a way of breaking the laws of physics with this tic tak somehow. It can perform maneuvers without wings and other aerodynamic features... and it can do this without any thrust exhaust completely. This would be more than a leap in technology. This would be like inventing the wheel. Mind blowing advances in tech would be required to break the laws of physics like this thing apparently does. I'm still very doubtful that it is ours.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio


Jul 6, 2018
I take all of this stuff with a grain of salt and a shot of bourbon. I could go on a bit about my thoughts on aliens. But I'll just say that there is no such things as breaking the laws of physics. There is only discovering new tech or understanding things about physics that we did not previously.

As far as that video is concerned, assuming it is legit and shows what is appears to show, the maneuvers are simple enough given one breakthrough - the ability to manipulate or create gravity. That solves interstellar travel issues as well since gravity affects both space and time.

Can it be done? Does it really require gobs and gobs of energy?


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
If you break a law of physics then it wasn't a law. So many things we don't know until we do. If those tic tacs are ours then I'd like my next Sazerac stirred by it.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
It's interesting how many people have faith in the Theory of Evolution to explain the origins of life, despite the evidence to the contrary that seem to point more to the explanation of an Intelligent source. There is no paradox for me. It all makes sense. It all fits in my world view. It also gives me peace as to WHY there is seemingly no life "out there". Because Earth was DESIGNED to be the exception. DESIGNED to be special. All of the vastness is there to symbolize eternity.

Keeping it science, my world view has no argument or conflict with the evidence of science, ambitions for studying the evidence, or causes me to turn a blind eye, for example, to the lack of ANY evidence in the universe for life, or the necessary elements to sustain or support life.

Just like the modestly complex computer, the human body- or even an animal body- is too complicated to have just developed on its own, as is amazingly "assumed" now in academia. I mean, think about that guys, the theory actually contends that complex mechanisms developed ON THEIR OWN, without any purpose, or ability to discern. Complex information formed from dust. That's crap.


Darwin's studies have won the day, not because his theories have proven themselves to be true, but because the power of "consensus" has bullied it's way into the classrooms, and the text books. Thousands of great scientists see the evidence differently. Why is the debate being squelched? And it is. In all the sciences. Space study, molecular biological studies.

Yet Darwin himself operated from the premise that the cell was as complicated as a blob of jello. I truly wonder, with his intellect if today he would subscribe to the theories he proposed, with the luxury of todays findings.


As I posted in other threads over the years, Occams Razor tells us that the human body, and the Solar System are the product of a design, which requires a Designer. Information is not matter. Information cannot come from nothing. But if you operate from the premise that there is no Designer, you won't be looking for this, and conclude "the explanation is still out there." Isn't there anyone else who sees this?

Ground control to Major Tom: "Your circuits dead. There's something wrong."
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Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
It's interesting how many people have faith in the Theory of Evolution to explain the origins of life, despite the evidence to the contrary that seem to point more to the explanation of an Intelligent source. There is no paradox for me. It all makes sense. It all fits in my world view. It also gives me peace as to WHY there is seemingly no life "out there". Because Earth was DESIGNED to be the exception. DESIGNED to be special. All of the vastness is there to symbolize eternity.

Keeping it science, my world view has no argument or conflict with the evidence of science, ambitions for studying the evidence, or causes me to turn a blind eye, for example, to the lack of ANY evidence in the universe for life, or the necessary elements to sustain or support life.

Just like the modestly complex computer, the human body- or even an animal body- is too complicated to have just developed on its own, as is amazingly "assumed" now in academia. I mean, think about that guys, the theory actually contends that complex mechanisms developed ON THEIR OWN, without any purpose, or ability to discern. Complex information formed from dust. That's crap.

View attachment 33454
Darwin's studies have won the day, not because his theories have proven themselves to be true, but because the power of "consensus" has bullied it's way into the classrooms, and the text books. Thousands of great scientists see the evidence differently. Why is the debate being squelched? And it is. In all the sciences. Space study, molecular biological studies.

Yet Darwin himself operated from the premise that the cell was as complicated as a blob of jello. I truly wonder, with his intellect if today he would subscribe to the theories he proposed, with the luxury of todays findings.

View attachment 33455

As I posted in other threads over the years, Occams Razor tells us that the human body, and the Solar System are the product of a design, which requires a Designer. Information is not matter. Information cannot come from nothing. But if you operate from the premise that there is no Designer, you won't be looking for this, and conclude "the explanation is still out there." Isn't there anyone else who sees this?

Ground control to Major Tom: "Your circuits dead. There's something wrong."
I believe Pope John Paul II had it right by acknowledging the building evidence from DNA and biochemistry that evolution is real and that it is a product of intelligent design from God.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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I take all of this stuff with a grain of salt and a shot of bourbon. I could go on a bit about my thoughts on aliens. But I'll just say that there is no such things as breaking the laws of physics. There is only discovering new tech or understanding things about physics that we did not previously.

As far as that video is concerned, assuming it is legit and shows what is appears to show, the maneuvers are simple enough given one breakthrough - the ability to manipulate or create gravity. That solves interstellar travel issues as well since gravity affects both space and time.

Can it be done? Does it really require gobs and gobs of energy?
Physicists would call gravity a law and the speed of light another constant. You need to break the Theory the Relativity by Einstein to be correct. I'm betting on Einstein.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
I believe Pope John Paul II had it right by acknowledging the building evidence from DNA and biochemistry that evolution is real and that it is a product of intelligent design from God.

Eh, he had it partly right. He should know better, but sadly, he is a man, like all of us and capable of being dead wrong. If he is going to pick and choose what he believes in the bible, how can he not expect others to do the same. Nothing in observable science today conflicts with Genesis.

Others can have differing theories, and can debate those, but Minerals-Man Evolution isn't even a serious Theory anymore.

Fossils from Mt. St. Helens (1980) have been blind-tested and incorrectly aged at millions of years old, and dinosaur bones aged at millions of years are being found with soft tissue and blood cells inside. They can only last thousands of years. Not millions. The dating processes are flawed, and unreliable. But there are other dating methods that have been proven reliable, and consistent that place some of the planets, and earth layers at thousands of years. Not Billions. Science, not faith.