The 70's Were A Magic Decade

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Memento mentioned that she loved Louise Fletcher due to her Oscar acceptance speech, which took me down an Academy Awards rabbit hole of 70's award speeches.. Those who presented the awards were dressed to the nines and the men wore tuxedos. The stage/theater had an elegant gravitas to it and the actors were giants of the industry when movies and movie going, was a huge thing. When Best Movie Awards were announced, it was as much fun hearing the titles of great movies that lost to the winner.

Since I was a 60's and 70's baby. I remember the context of the time. I remembered going to the movie theater was a special event for me. I remember how disappointed I was that I couldn't see The Exorcist, because I was too young. I remember how important certain tv shows were and when one TV meant we were watching what the parents wanted, and I was SOL. I remember how delicious A/C wall units were in SoCal when we finally got one. I remember riding my bike so far away that it would have scared my Mom and Dad, had they known. I climbed trees, played with dangerous toys, enjoyed honest to God, long necked glass bottles of real cane sugar Dr Pepper. I remember women fighting over fake leather purses at the blue light special in KMart, and begging my Mom for a ham and cheese sandwich before leaving the store (loved them). I remember Christine Lund and Jerry Dunphy on the local news. Bowling for Dollars with Chick Hearn and my parents wearing silly costumes in getting on Lets Make a Deal with Monty Hall. I remember the relaxed joy of hearing Vin Scully call a Dodger game on the radio from Chavez Ravine on a hot Saturday afternoon. I remember Cal Worthington and his dog spot. Johnny Carson reigned as no one would again, as the King of Late Night on the Tonight Show.

In the 80's and afterward, I looked down on the 70's. I told myself that I hated Disco, the Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders, and the Dallas Cowboys. I also hated the Yankees cause they beat my Dodgers twice in the late 70's. The popular colors were drab and cheesy. The fad clothing was ridiculous. But watching those old Academy Award Shows from the era, reminded me of what is missing now. The greatest generation was reaching retirement and they would never know (for the most part) the radical changes that were coming technologically. Most things were made in America and foreign stuff was considered cheap junk. Enduring the Great Depression, WW2. Korea made them pretty tough. They certainly were not perfect, but they were solid and their generation ruled the Earth in the 70's. That would begin to fade in the 80's as they retired. I miss my Grandparents and Great Grandparents and their way of life. I don't know why, but it makes me melancholy to see the crowds, formally dressed up to see a game show or a talk show. It was a different time.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
When I was a kid I hated all the dress-up requirements for different evolutions. But yeah as I look back on that era it does seem like we have loosened things up too much and how we dress is just one of those elements.

Not that I want to wear a suit to Walmart. But there is something to be said for the grace that generation carried themselves with.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Yeah… the 70’s-80’s might have been the best of days.

Enough technology to be comfortable; cars, AC, grocery stores, hospitals, medicine, etc.

But not the connected world, cell phones, etc. that makes life “busy”. Technology has really wired people to be bored in moments like watching a sunset.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
The 70's and 80's were both awesome decades , for two different reasons , as the 70's and 80's were as different as night and day

and I'm sure I was the perfect age for both . I was just a young kid in the 70's , pre-teens , early teens , a decade that started out with vietnam and Warergate , but I was to young to undersatde any of it ,

I was the oldest of 4 kids , and yes , just the one TV , always loved sitcoms , but drama's , not so much , so against my will , I spent many hours watching the Walton and Little House On The Prairie , Dallas and Dynasty

I had my Schwinn Stingray , well , every kid had a Schwinn Stingray , I know I went through 3 different speedometes , with over a thousands miles on each , before they broke , no one wore helmets and knee pads , and yet we survived

did anyone noticed how sitcoms changed from the 70's to the 80's

in the 70's , most all shows resided in the inner cities , and everyone had bluecoller jobs , Welcome Back Kotter , Taxi , Barney Miller , One Day At A Time , Sanford and Son , Good Times

and then , the 80's came along and everyone moved out of the inner city , to the suburbs and everyone became doctors and lawyers , Family Ties , The Cosby Show , Who's The Boss , Growing Pains

I always rememeber growing up in a small farm community in the 70's , watching shows like Welcome Back Kotter , New York City as much of a magical place as the Land Of Oz , I rememebr seeing the kids in Welcome Back Kotter move through out the city via rooftops and Fire Escapes

the other thing I always rememeber , was how dirty NY seemed , every time you saw a scene of a alleyway , it was lined with garbage , and the Subways was cover in graffiti

one of my mosy vivid memories of the 70 , was the Bicentennial , 1976 , there was bicentennial stuff EVERYWHERE !!!!! , you couldn't go into any store , with out them selling tons of bicentennial memorabilia , if the could put a Bicentennial logo on it , they could sell it , who he remember the Bicentennial Minute , for a full year , every night on TV , some one would come one with , On The Day In History

and what about Mini Series , they truely were must see TV , Roots , Shogun , Rich Man , Poor Man

but , I was also the perfect age for the 80's , the age of decadence , by then I was in my late teens and 20's , and I was looking for nothing but a good times , and the 80's gave it to me , nobody on social media , whining and complaining about every little thing , people were living the good life , you were actually simply just happy for them , what a foreign concept now days

I graduated high school in the 80's , I joined the Navy , in the 80's , I got married in the 80's

I loved the 80's , I still remember when MTV still played music , the 80's started with the USA hocky team beating the Soviet Union in the Olympics , and the decade only got better from there , it was a fun decade


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Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
No offense to the seventies and eighties, but the nineties was the era I was born in, and thus, the best. It had some of the best cartoons, the music, the movies, etc.

Again, I'm biased, but that's just me.


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
The 70's and 80's were both awesome decades , for two different reasons , as the 70's and 80's were as different as night and day

and I'm sure I was the perfect age for both . I was just a young kid in the 70's , pre-teens , early teens , a decade that started out with vietnam and Warergate , but I was to young to undersatde any of it ,

I was the oldest of 4 kids , and yes , just the one TV , always loved sitcoms , but drama's , not so much , so against my will , I spent many hours watching the Walton and Little House On The Prairie , Dallas and Dynasty

I had my Schwinn Stingray , well , every kid had a Schwinn Stingray , I know I went through 3 different speedometes , with over a thousands miles on each , before they broke , no one wore helmets and knee pads , and yet we survived

did anyone noticed how sitcoms changed from the 70's to the 80's

in the 70's , most all shows resided in the inner cities , and everyone had bluecoller jobs , Welcome Back Kotter , Taxi , Barney Miller , One Day At A Time , Sanford and Son , Good Times

and then , the 80's came along and everyone moved out of the inner city , to the suburbs and everyone became doctors and lawyers , Family Ties , The Cosby Show , Who's The Boss , Growing Pains

I always rememeber growing up in a small farm community in the 70's , watching shows like Welcome Back Kotter , New York City as much of a magical place as the Land Of Oz , I rememebr seeing the kids in Welcome Back Kotter move through out the city via rooftops and Fire Escapes

the other thing I always rememeber , was how dirty NY seemed , every time you saw a scene of a alleyway , it was lined with garbage , and the Subways was cover in graffiti

one of my mosy vivid memories of the 70 , was the Bicentennial , 1976 , there was bicentennial stuff EVERYWHERE !!!!! , you couldn't go into any store , with out them selling tons of bicentennial memorabilia , if the could put a Bicentennial logo on it , they could sell it , who he remember the Bicentennial Minute , for a full year , every night on TV , some one would come one with , On The Day In History

and what about Mini Series , they truely were must see TV , Roots , Shogun , Rich Man , Poor Man

but , I was also the perfect age for the 80's , the age of decadence , by then I was in my late teens and 20's , and I was looking for nothing but a good times , and the 80's gave it to me , nobody on social media , whining and complaining about every little thing , people were living the good life , you were actually simply just happy for them , what a foreign concept now days

I graduated high school in the 80's , I joined the Navy , in the 80's , I got married in the 80's

I loved the 80's , I still remember when MTV still played music , the 80's started with the USA hocky team beating the Soviet Union in the Olympics , and the decade only got better from there , it was a fun decade



Some great heartfelt stuff in this thread!

Preach, old timers, PREACH!


Hall of Fame
Jun 1, 2015
Technology has really wired people to be bored in moments like watching a sunset.
Great summary of the problem.

Social media is really really changing our brain chemistry on a mass scale. Way too much easy dopamine.

For some reason this comment reminded me of David Bowie's interview from way back in 1999, where he was so prescient about the internet's potential to affect the worldwide psyche. Here's a short clip from that fascinating interview, Bowie just nails it:

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Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011

60s were the greatest decade of the 20th century, hands down, end of discussion! :sunglasses:


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012

60s were the greatest decade of the 20th century, hands down, end of discussion! :sunglasses:
who are you kidding.. you were so baked in the 60s you can't remember shit


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014

60s were the greatest decade of the 20th century, hands down, end of discussion! :sunglasses:
I was too young to get the most from them. But it sure looked fun.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I was a Haole kid in the 70's... 1 of only 2 in my school... back in The 808. Had to toughen up very fast.

We had 3 English TV channels and a couple of Japanese ones. I watched some of the Japanese kid shows because they were extremely violent and NON PC... cartoons on Saturday mornings and Ram games on Sunday mornings.

Otherwise I was outside. Skateboarding, surfing, catching sea creatures or crazy things in the streams coming down the mountains, and playing all sports possible. Otherwise... talking to girls. I only went inside to eat or sleep.

No video games or cell phones.

I got to see Marley play live in Honolulu... I believe that was in 79.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Plus , in the 1970's , it was alot harder for people to steal your TV



Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018
I know more songs by Queen, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, ELO and Boston than all the artists that have charted in the last 20 years.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Ahh yes. The 70s and 80s.take me back. For all of the reasons you fellow old timers have already listed. Plus you still had some of the baddest cars from the late 60s rolling the streets. 70s and 80s were terrible for American muscle for the most part....stupid gas crisis....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Ahh yes. The 70s and 80s.take me back. For all of the reasons you fellow old timers have already listed. Plus you still had some of the baddest cars from the late 60s rolling the streets. 70s and 80s were terrible for American muscle for the most part....stupid gas crisis....
ah yes , the good ol'e days

losts of places you could only get gas on even or odd number days of the week , depending the last number of you license plate

and you were limited to only 10 gallons at a time , and considering alot of cars only got like 10




Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
One of the greatest days of the 70's

was when your Sears Christmas Wishbook came in the mail

that was always a great day :startstruck::hug::smilehearts:
