Sorry man but i dont think one depends on the other. Not what you're looking for but....
One isn’t contingent on the other, true. The only way that would be relevant are those players who haven’t completely bought into the play at a time mindset dictated by McVay. They would be exposed and McVay would have an important teaching point.
Consider the one word answers by several players concerning 6-2. Most we’re celebratory. Only McVay and Whitworth answered “halfway” and “incomplete” respectively. These guys are happy to win...and should be. But the mentality necessary is that which those two leaders expressed. The others acknowledge it verbally, but you HAVE to feel it in your gut. There’s a saying in sales, “he got rich and good looking.” It naturally happens in every industry. Consider Mike Tyson when he was a perennial underdog in life. His ferocity was unmatched. When he experienced success and adulation, he lost his edge. I’ve been through it myself and KNOW it is inevitable to more than 95% of those who suddenly experience success.
In recent interviews, McVay makes it clear he EXPECTS moments of adversity the second half and he focuses on the response when that happens. It may not occur this game...but it’s coming.
My answer to my proposed question is this...I prefer this be our last loss of the season. We are set for success on every level other than the one I just proposed. It all looks like total buy-in, but human nature rejects that notion. Losing today would reveal who is susceptible to this issue.
Fortunately, McVay is the kind of mature coach who will find this flaw whether they win or lose. We don’t have to lose this game to become World Champions. But I promise, the two losses in the middle of the season for the ‘99 Rams were essential to their postseason success.