I was looking at the undefeated regular seasons of the ‘72 Dolphins and the Pats (I think ‘07?) and several things stood out.
1) They were lucky. Each had a game or two they should have lost.
2) They won in multiple ways. Neither had the best O or D every game.
3) They made critical plays when they had to be made.
Some of those Dolphins wins were ugly af against tough competition.
The Pats won a few in ways that are almost unreasonable.
Couple that with the fact that with the current rules ANY D can give up 40 on any given night and I’m not worried.
This team is finding ways to win and even as they wear me out with worry, they’re getting it done.
We see the refs don’t want uncompetitive games, so I expect a few losses, but the mindfulness of this team is something I’ll treasure forever.