Stock picks

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Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I grabbed some at opening bell, just 200..didn't want to wait until bank transfer cleared


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #22
I grabbed some at opening bell, just 200..didn't want to wait until bank transfer cleared
Congrats on CCL by the way.

I wasnt able to get back in for the continuation today. Work was distracting and it all seemed so risky - I didnt feel comfortable at all. Had no real strategy so just watched.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #23
GNUS- in for scalp trade, 235 shares at $3.03

Lets go Kartoonz


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
Wut. is. this. thread.... where have you been all my life @Dog???
I don't gamble, but investing is a different story, & something that's always befuddled me. I got a small IRA that has never done more than 5%, ya'll getting like 100% in a few days....
I might just jump in & start learning how to do this. Thanks, plz keep this thread going. Would love to learn more.

edit: ya I won't hold anyone to anything, I understand this is just guys talking & not professional advice.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #25
One thing about my trading style is I can leave me open to mistakes. For all the good intentions I have, I tend to leave myself open to disaster.

So last Friday I bought China Jo Jo Pharmacy on speculative Covid 19 earnings and increased online sales helped by Amazon and Alibaba. I was to be in and out in a couple days. I figured I would be in for a run up on Monday. However, I misread and there was no ER Monday. Now the stock has pulled back, earnings weren't the 9th as I thought (they are actually the 29th- and that little detail is THE MISTAKE) I have 1700 shares at $1.77 and Im down 13% on this market pullback. To me thats alot of cheddar to leave dangling on a Chinese Penny stock for three weeks. Anything can happen to a penny stock and my asshole is puckering.

Im guess Im trying to say I would be sooooo much better off if I stopped making mistakes lol

Also, I respect anyones trading style, be it aggresive and risky, or low risk and long plays. Anyone trading low risk in the last 18 months has definitely made more money than me.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #26
Wut. is. this. thread.... where have you been all my life @Dog???
I don't gamble, but investing is a different story, & something that's always befuddled me. I got a small IRA that has never done more than 5%, ya'll getting like 100% in a few days....
I might just jump in & start learning how to do this. Thanks, plz keep this thread going. Would love to learn more.

edit: ya I won't hold anyone to anything, I understand this is just guys talking & not professional advice.
To be fair....I havent had a 100% trade since last year. The stocks I was in did on that day, but I got nervous and sold too early and only made around 30%

I left 2500 bucks on the table that day. I didnt have the news on and didnt know the that Unemployment report came out positive and the market was going crazy. I just thought it was oil prices moving up. Again...another MISTAKE I need to stop making.


Jan 15, 2013
OPEC meeting just ended. They agreed to extend production cuts for another month. That will drain our surplus and get these fracking and drilling companies in the USA back to work.

This is humbling. I should not have sold Friday. I was too focussed on securing 30% profit to see that 100% was in progress.

NE has the most upside in my mind based on the 6 month charts. I can see it getting 150% more this week. Im probably buying back in if Pre Market activity doesnt run me off.
With anything it is damn near impossible to time the top or bottom.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #28
GNUS- in for scalp trade, 235 shares at $3.03

Lets go Kartoonz
My scalp trade turned into an overnight hold, which turned into a weekend hold.

GNUS- or Genius Brands, is launching Kartoon Channel on Monday. Im expecting a little Hollywood fanfare to make things interesting an increase market hype. The network has recruited executive level and creative content talent from Disney, Fox Kids, and Cartoon Network. Sony is co-owner.

Expecting support from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Warren Buffet, Jennifer Garner, possibly Bill Gates.

My $3.03 has turned into $4.20 and I have a sell order in for an optimistic $5.15

This is a stock trade for me, not an investment. However, at these levels it appears to be a fantastic investment.


Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
I went in and out Disney and dropped big went they couldn't ship out of China.... then slowly rebounded. . Used my profit to buy CCL...bigger upside at potentially 40+ a share

I jumped on Apple too early & Boeing recently showing some nice gains also Charter Communications, which was way down in March and has eased its way back up.


Jan 26, 2013
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  • #30
GNUS-out at $4.44.
I dunno... made around 40% I guess.

Turned into a 3 day swing. I thought it might run to 7 but the break over 5 got rejected twice today so Im stepping back to watch. Tomorrow is another day.

Looking at JFIN for entry under 5 and I needed funds available to get in just in case. Timothy Sykes and his students are short on that one and they are about to get squeezed. Id like to be in that. Only seen such short squeezes on video or in stories.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I've only made one call where I knew the company, what it did, what it was gonna do and why it was gonna blow up.

Apple at 18.75 in October of 1995, I think. The price I remember clear as a bell. the date? coulda been up until the end of June '96. Anyway, I knew Jobs was coming back as Apple had to do something, Microsoft was in the middle of their troubles with the DOJ and monopoly woes and NEEDED Apple to be in the space to prove that they weren't a monopoly. Jobs would sell NeXT to Apple and they'd have the then holy grail of computing at that time... Unix with a GUI...and not at $25k per seat, but priced for the average consumer.

Only other call I'm making is Tesla. Wish I had money because they are gonna blow past Amazon in market cap within 5 years and I'm super bullish on Amazon.

Why? Well, I'll give the info and you won't have to enter some email while I drone on and on for 45 minutes without telling you that I want you to subscribe to my newsletter so that you can get what you wanted when you clicked the link...

1) Tesla is about to announce a million mile battery. As well, they are configuring their charging stations to sell to the grid. Sell? yep, with a million mile battery (lifetime output) and most vehicles lasting 100-200k miles, there is tons of excess capacity for charging and recharging. The idea is for Tesla to immediately become a bulk energy distributor. Just using the Teslas on the road now, when that virtual grid goes live, they'll have a max capacity of 580MW. That growth is likely to be exponential. Combine that with the further improvements on driverless technology, of which Tesla has orders of magnitude more data AND Tesla offering insurance on their own vehicles (they don't have to figure the risks as they have all the exact data), they're the first automaker primed to truly offer EVs as a CAS or Car as Service. That alone would be big.

2) Starlink. Constellation of 12k satellites in LEO offering users 1gb internet access for a nominal fee AND, it's available to anywhere that can look straight up (no DirecTV southern exposure issues). It's latency is lower than fiber AND it bypasses the local monopoly covenants so almost anyone can get it.

I honestly think with the explosion coming of Tesla vehicles around the world (the fact that the Model 3 was the top selling car in CA shows what's up as where CA goes, so goes the nation, car-wise).

They've effectively privatized our space program, are in the process of completely changing worldwide transportation and energy grid systems and will be able to offer GLOBAL satellite internet without country restrictions.

Tesla, imho, is a mustard seed of what it's going to be. Somehow, I'll find a way to invest in it and hold it.

Yeah, I'm long on Tesla.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
2) Starlink. Constellation of 12k satellites in LEO offering users 1gb internet access for a nominal fee AND, it's available to anywhere that can look straight up (no DirecTV southern exposure issues). It's latency is lower than fiber AND it bypasses the local monopoly covenants so almost anyone can get it.
Screw satellite internet. I call absolute bullshit on the latency. You're sending the signal into fucking space. Unless they aren't using TCP/IP in which case all bets are off. But if they are you have to have something to artificially beef up packet sizes because latency (again your sending it into fucking space and back, and even at the speed of light like fiber... It's farther) is higher than a terrestrial circuit.

Edit: forgot where I was going.

And the things that artificially beef up packet sizes for satellite internet are expensive. Idk how complex they are because the ones we were supposed to use in the Army jacked everything else up so bad that the firewall couldn't recognize the traffic and turned the whole system into a 5 foot tall paperweight. They remained off and disconnected 100% of the time.

And satellite internet sucks. Doesn't matter how much magic Elon dust is sprinkled on it.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Satellite internet sucks because the satellites are in GSO as opposed to LEO.

As for the latency, the math adds up. I have a massive fucking migraine rn (the vision in my right eye is blurry so please forgive any spelling errors, I can't really read the screen), but if I remember, I'll post a YT video of someone who breaks it down. It's super interesting (well, to me as a former network engineer, it's literally my geek)

Also, they've already done tests and the first satellites are up and running the beta for it now.

The key is LEO or Low Earth Orbit. LEO is from 124mi to 1240mi up and within the earth's magnetosphere so no special shielding. I think the number mentioned was 330mi (500km)? it was very low. Geosync is 22,4k miles. So the distances are cut by over 95%.

I'll do the math if you want..not now, I can barely see, but later, I'll do the math for you if you want to better understand it.

but yeah, it checks out which is why it's gonna be so amazing.

Also, I dunno if anyone recalls this, but when asked by NASA, scientists used to say that landing the boosters vertically was just so difficult to do as to be practically impossible. Well, SpaceX routinely does it now including landing the 2nd stage (big) booster on a ship rocking in the ocean.

I literally cried when I saw the first boosters landing in unison (you guys know I love science, right?) It was something I thought I'd never see in my lifetime.

Wait...I found the video from Real Engineering.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I opened an ETrade account and a Robinhood. Both have their advantages but I'm doing better with Etrade. It's been fun and pretty easy at this time since a lot of stocks were down, it wasn't hard to find value. I wanted to buy 100 shares of CCL since you get $100 on board credit whenever you sail with them if you own that much. Had my radar on it at $8 but my funds didn't clear in time. I did get it at $12. It's back down to $15.50 now but was at $27. It'll go back up soon. Bought some airlines and pharma too and have done well. I had doubled my money at one point but that has shrank back considerably. Still winning.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
MAG Silver I bought it a couple of months ago at $8.22. Closed today at $13.45. Trend has been a steady climb.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Aphria (APHA) for the marijuana stock officianados. Up 13.5% today at $4.88. Might be worth delving into for a ride.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Hot pick today is Rigel Pharma (RIGL) is at $3.63 a share right now, up 68% today. Rally is on a COVID 19 treatment they put on trial in UK.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Hot pick today is Rigel Pharma (RIGL) is at $3.63 a share right now, up 68% today. Rally is on a COVID 19 treatment they put on trial in UK.
I hope somebody bought some. It ended up 90.97% today.


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
I hope somebody bought some. It ended up 90.97% today.
Who would of thought a pharma company who is specializing in fighting the covid would be the big winner. Damn thats heavy.

Looking at that stock it looks like a super investment for the rest of this year and possibly into the next...
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The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
Markets weird right now, but hope everyone is riding the wave. Got some good gains, hope this will remain steady for the remainder of the year...