Well, as you know, I was a big supporter of Spags initially,was a huge defender of his until it became apparent to me that he was in over his head. When he quit against the Giants, it seemed it all went downhill. (As did a certain friendship of mine

I feel I went the same route with Fisher.
And both times I find myself on the end of the spectrum where there is venom.
I don't think its right or wrong, I just think that people like us that spend so much time talking about this team, have a screw or two loose. Seems like we need folks on either side, those who look for the coach to be crucified, and those that need to defend. Variety is the spice of life...
That said, I am happy to see Spags doing well with Giants. Fisher could learn a thing or two from him as IIRC, Spags didn't throw any stones on his way out the door. Handled it with a bit more class than the recently departed