I've been having some wild dreams lately....possibly because of my new medication.
For some reason, this old thread popped in my head. This was a cool thread. And I ended up looking up Lucid Dreams....I've never been able to make it happen for longer than what seems like a few moments.
Anyone able to consistently have them?
I've had some crazy ass dreams too. Like you, I've also been on some meds.
Last night I had one where I got hired on to this new job, with a rude ass boss. As part of a new hire ritual, I was forced to go to an ancient temple in the middle of a jungle, like a super strict one. The temple also had a bunch of elephants being abused by beggar children, especially the baby elephants. I walk by one of the pens, hear a bunch of trumpeting and all of a sudden see an adolescent elephant trample and gore a bunch of temple goers. For some reason, I just smirked at that.
The last thing part of this ritual was to have a welcome feast of sorts, and for whatever reason WWE wrestlers Undertaker, Stone Cold, and The Rock were apart of it. I have no idea how this came about. The Rock was talking smack, looked at me and told me to bring my monkey ass over here and proceeded to do a photoshoot with me. This ran a bit until rude ass boss caught me, and apparently she had to wait and threatened to report me to her boss. So now I'm being interrogated by both of them, and they're not listening to what I have to say.
...and that's when I woke up at 5:30 am with a pounding headache.
So totally random.