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Jan 15, 2013
I went through a pretty extended time of not remembering dreams at all....also, that was when I was dealing with off and on insomnia. I don't remember dreams too much....I have had a couple of recurring dreams for years now around a event, which is weird because I have no direct connection to the event....anyone else have the recurring dream thing?


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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Fermented Cod Liver Oil - yes, the stuff your grandmothers gave to your parents, will totally enhance your dreaming. The oil is very high in nutrients that are good for your brain, nervous system and sleep.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I managed to snag another lucid dream the other night. In my dream I was in my living room, and the tile was a different color than it normally is, so I said, "This is a dream" and immediately took to flight when I realized it. Normally I can't fly very far before waking up, but this time I got into outer space. I felt stupid cold the higher I got, and then woke up. For those who never have lucid dreams, you have to try and get one at least once. Plenty of resources on the net on how to do it. Doesn't happen often, but it's pretty damn cool when you manage it.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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I managed to snag another lucid dream the other night. In my dream I was in my living room, and the tile was a different color than it normally is, so I said, "This is a dream" and immediately took to flight when I realized it. Normally I can't fly very far before waking up, but this time I got into outer space. I felt stupid cold the higher I got, and then woke up. For those who never have lucid dreams, you have to try and get one at least once. Plenty of resources on the net on how to do it. Doesn't happen often, but it's pretty damn cool when you manage it.
Omg... I've never heard of anyone having such a cool dream.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
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Lucid dreaming can help with recurring nightmares, solving creative problems, speaking with loved ones who have passed on, anxiety, and problem solving. It can be an exhilarating experience and the feeling of euphoria after your first few lucid dreams can last for days.
Have you ever heard of anyone speaking with someone who's passed on?

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Back in my surfing days I had a dream that must have occurred just about every night for years. I was standing on a beach, holding my board and looking out at the ocean. A wave kept getting bigger and bigger while I ran in the opposite direction. It would grow to tidal wave size and right before it drowned me I would wake up.

Earlier this week I dreamed I was at Bill O' Riley's house arguing with him, lol.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
@Selassie I is correct about the nicotine patch. I used them to quit smoking many years ago, but then started up and used them again 3 years ago. I'll never smoke again, that's for sure. But there will come a time when I buy a box of patches. The dreams are so lifelike, detailed and vivid it's almost like you have a second life you live while sleeping.

@-X- when you have a level conscious control over a dream I think it's because for a moment you are on the edge of waking or falling totally back to sleep. I think there is a "space" or something that is between the two where the dream is still going on but you are mentally awake enough to alter the thought patterns.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I've been having some wild dreams lately....possibly because of my new medication.

For some reason, this old thread popped in my head. This was a cool thread. And I ended up looking up Lucid Dreams....I've never been able to make it happen for longer than what seems like a few moments.

Anyone able to consistently have them?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Had a really fucked up dream that I could - like other dreams - turn into a short story.

Imagine a man, a child, and a dog. Seems idyllic, right? Except one day, the dog bites the man for seemingly no reason. He takes the dog outside, along with a shovel. Some time later, he appears to the child, saying that the dog must be replaced. He decides to take the child out to the river, say that balance must be kept if he is to stay the same...and he proceeds to drown the child. The child wakes a dog, not remembering anything. The man says that the dog made a good child...but that a balance must be kept. Both dog and child must be good for the man to accept things, to live forever. And the man gets another child. The dog remembers what happened some time later. They bite the man, much like the previous dog did. The man takes the dog out back, along with a shovel, breaks their back...and proceeds to bury the dog alive, saying that balance must be kept.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I've been having some wild dreams lately....possibly because of my new medication.

For some reason, this old thread popped in my head. This was a cool thread. And I ended up looking up Lucid Dreams....I've never been able to make it happen for longer than what seems like a few moments.

Anyone able to consistently have them?

I mentioned this when this thread had just started.

If you put on a nicotine patch before you go to sleep... you'll be able to have what I called "sport dreams" lol. When I did this... I was not only able to know that I was dreaming... I was able to do anything I wanted in the dreams and create the whole damn thing. It was amazing fun. I'd wake up... then go back to sleep and make the dream pick up exactly where I wanted it to. I gave myself super powers and was the starting point guard for the Lakers.... among other things.

I noticed later that the nicotine patch box said not to wear the patches during sleep. If those bastards would just market the fact that using them would allow lucid dreams... they'd outsell cigarettes. Try it one time if you don't believe me. You'll thank me later.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I've been having some wild dreams lately....possibly because of my new medication.

For some reason, this old thread popped in my head. This was a cool thread. And I ended up looking up Lucid Dreams....I've never been able to make it happen for longer than what seems like a few moments.

Anyone able to consistently have them?

I've had some crazy ass dreams too. Like you, I've also been on some meds.

Last night I had one where I got hired on to this new job, with a rude ass boss. As part of a new hire ritual, I was forced to go to an ancient temple in the middle of a jungle, like a super strict one. The temple also had a bunch of elephants being abused by beggar children, especially the baby elephants. I walk by one of the pens, hear a bunch of trumpeting and all of a sudden see an adolescent elephant trample and gore a bunch of temple goers. For some reason, I just smirked at that.

The last thing part of this ritual was to have a welcome feast of sorts, and for whatever reason WWE wrestlers Undertaker, Stone Cold, and The Rock were apart of it. I have no idea how this came about. The Rock was talking smack, looked at me and told me to bring my monkey ass over here and proceeded to do a photoshoot with me. This ran a bit until rude ass boss caught me, and apparently she had to wait and threatened to report me to her boss. So now I'm being interrogated by both of them, and they're not listening to what I have to say.

...and that's when I woke up at 5:30 am with a pounding headache.

So totally random.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I basically only have nightmares when I dream, which sucks. I have, for short periods, been about to lucid dream. However, whatever nightmare bullshit I'm dealing with will almost every time look me right on the face and say "yeah, it's my brain too" and match whatever I'm trying to do with something equally awful.

So now I just use that power to wake up and hope to God that when I fall back asleep I don't dream that time. I don't dream most nights, so it's mostly alright.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
I’m 5’10’. I could jump and grab a basketball rim up to about 35 (47 now). Dunked a few balls in my early 20’s.

Occasionally I’ll have dreams I still jump and grab the rim. Had it last week. I can still jump and grab the center of the netting but obviously miss being able to dunk. It’s like I’m dreaming my mid life crisis lol


Jan 23, 2013
I had a lucid dream about a very attractive alien. She was covered in scales and stood at the bottom of the bed. She pointed to her crotch and I was puzzled for a second but her scales parted. I knew what she wanted so I obliged. The whole time we were having sex, my wife was asleep in the bed right next to us. It was one of the most realistic dreams I can remember having.

I used to dream and get out of bed and be fighting and yelling at people - I'm guessing that it was work stress.

Once during a very windy thunderstorm, I had been dreaming that the bedroom walls were falling in from the storm. I woke up covered in sweat and pushing as hard as I could against the wall trying to hold it up.

I took a yoga and meditation class in my 20's. During that period I would have dreams that I wouldn't remember until I was at a place that triggered the memory. It was like being able to know what happened before it happened. The best instance of this was when I was driving my truck up a section of route 246. I had never been in that section of the road before and as I got to a certain stretch I suddenly recognized every detail of the surroundings. It jogged me to recall a dream where I was in a head on collision with a semi approaching a rise in the road just ahead. remember I had never driven that section of road before. There was a stony area coming up and the memory freaked me out so much that I quickly pulled off the road into the gravel. Within just a few seconds a pick up truck came over the rise in the opposite lane and a semi was passing him in my lane. If I hadn't pulled off I would have went head first into that semi whose driver was foolishly passing without being able to see what was ahead of him. After that those dreams stopped. Years later I read that these dream predictions can be common for some people who regularly meditate. The yoga class had ended and I didn't continue the meditation. Maybe if my life ever slows down I'll get back to it.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I had a dream I went back to when I was a few months old. One of the hot babes in the booby thread was my mother. But I was a bottle baby. Turned out to be a nightmare. :oops:

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I had a dream that I was best friends with Jason Voorhees. He forced me to make friends and bring them to Crystal Lake. He would stalk them. The whole time I feared for my life...cause hes a fucking psycho killer and could turn any moment...once he would finish off the pack we would have a good laugh and I would head out to find the next group. I've had that one a few times with some variations.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
My wife thinks I'm weird with my dreams. Most times my dreams are of the conquering variety. Like when something is chasing you and your legs feel like you're stuck in mud when you try to run. I just say heck with it. I turn around and face whatever is coming after me. Sometimes I even get into a fist fight with it. I always win.

The dreams where you're falling. Most people say they wake up right before they hit the ground. I hit the ground in my dreams. And it hurts. But I get up, brush myself off and move on to the next dream.

Or the underwater dream. Some people say they wake up trying to breath. I can breath underwater in my dreams. Kinda cool when you want to get across the water. I just walk.

I love the flying dreams. So cool. Or the dreams where I have a big wad of cash. Except when I wake up and I'm still broke. One thing I find strange. I quit smoking over 35 years ago. I still have dreams to this day where I'm smoking a cigarette. And I think to myself "When in the hell did I start smoking again?"