Overall the team is getting better. Oline isn't as creaky. Goff better decision making, the emergence of a solid secondary etc.
But Seattle is in the same mold of the Ravens in terms of running the ball. Although Wilson isn't as prone to take off like Lamar consistently he and the RBs are a very strong running team. The main reason I feel we lost the Ravens game was our piss poor Run Defense.
If we are going to make a playoff run we must start with shoring up our Run D. Both Dallas and SF have solid running games so if we don't start tonight we won't be making the playoffs.
C'mon Brokers, AD, Reeder and Littleton with help from Rapp/Weddle. We must spy Wilson and limit his runs to less than 3-4 yards and hit the MFer hard for trying to run. We do all this we win.
Let's go Run D.