I expect him to come flying out of the gate but then levelling off. Your right about him holding onto the ball too long. But he will have a much better defense to help him in Denver. So he won't have to carry the team.
He is a bit of a Prima Donna thinking he should have won more Super Bowls by now. Its a ludicrous concept. During his first camp he wrote goals on a piece of paper. One was to win multiple Super bowls, another was to break all the passing records. Pete was immediately hooked and convinced that Russ was going to do it. But realistically isn't that every NFL players goals, or every kids goals that plays football? Is it really some unique concept? Its as if he thinks that it should have happened and since it hasn't it is Pete's and Schneider's fault. Even if he had the best team in football all of those years a lot has to go right for a team to win a SuperBowl. So, Russ seems a bit delusional about his grandeur and is a bit of a finger pointer. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before his camp starts leaking things to the press about him being unhappy with the coaching.
Here is something Cowherd said about Wilson. He said "I've had him on the show, and he's about as interesting as cardboard." Is he going to be able to have the charisma to carry the team through hard situations. Will they "rally" around him? Its not a given.